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This card cannot be Special Summoned. You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned' date=' Spells, Traps and other Effect Monsters' effects cannot be activated. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can pay Life Points until you have 100 left to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount paid. You can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. If you cannot recite an Egyptian poem during the turn you Summon this Monster, you [s']get comatized[/s] will be sent to the Shadow Realm for an entire season.


You know you want to.

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I STILL think this should have been


You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). This card's ATK is equal to the combined ATK of the tributed monsters. The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned' date=' Spells, Traps and other Effect Monsters' effects cannot be activated. You can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. When this card is Special Summoned, you can pay Life Points until you have 100 left to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount paid. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy this card during the End Phase.[/quote']
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They nerfed its effect into a barely playable failure. They baked it, added seasoning, then fried it, burned it, put it in the trash for 24 years, then served it to use on a golden platter.

I could only see this as noob-bait... no wait...

Oh... My... Cabbage...

DNA Surgery (I know it is a dead draw, but so what, so is this thing) + Brain Research Facility

Turn it into a psychic... no wait, still fails, because you cannot make it "infinity x 100" if you do not have to pay, because it's atk and def are based on what you did pay. However, sill able to destroy any monster for free with that (even though you will still take the 1000 life points later if the opponent gets the chance to use MST on BRF)

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I STILL think this should have been


You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). This card's ATK is equal to the combined ATK of the tributed monsters. The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned' date=' Spells, Traps and other Effect Monsters' effects cannot be activated. You can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. When this card is Special Summoned, you can pay Life Points until you have 100 left to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount paid. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy this card during the End Phase.[/quote']




As he is, Ra no Yokushinryuu isn't nearly a God... more like Percy Jackson: F**KING WASTE F TIME.

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I'm pretty sure, though, that Slifer's art is going to be badass. Also, it will be much more powerful than this, for sure.

I mean...


You: Ok


You: Ma-

Opponent: N...

You: -Gic

Opponent: N-n...

You: Cylin-....

Opponent: Nononononooooo

You: -Der

Opponent: NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Judge: *Raises your arm* A WINNER IS YOU!!!

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Now they just need to nerf Slifer[/i] Osiris. Maybe "This card's original ATK is equal to the number of cards in your hand x 100. When your opponent Normal Summons a monster' date=' you can have that monster lose 200 ATK until the End Phase."



Uhh... That's not even close to its effect in the video games, which is where Obelisk got its effect and Slifer's effect is based on.


Slifer works like this, pre-nerf:


You must offer 3 Tributes to Tribute Summon this card. The ATK and DEF of this card becomes the number of cards in your hand × 1000. When this card is Special Summoned' date=' it is sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps, or Monsters that designate a target. Additionally, when your opponent successfully Summons or Flip Summons a monster with an ATK or DEF of 2000 or less, destroy that monster.[/quote']
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You must offer 3 Tributes to Tribute Summon this card. The ATK of this card becomes the number of cards in your hand × 800(or 500). When this card is Special Summoned' date=' it is sent to the Graveyard during the[b'] Main Phase 2[/b]. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps, or Monsters that designate a target. Additionally, when your opponent successfully Normal or Flip Summons a monster with an ATK or DEF of 1000 or less, destroy that monster.



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I'm pretty sure' date=' though, that Slifer's art is going to be badass. Also, it will be much more powerful than this, for sure.

I mean...


You: Ok


You: Ma-

Opponent: N...

You: -Gic

Opponent: N-n...

You: Cylin-....

Opponent: Nononononooooo

You: -Der

Opponent: NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Judge: *Raises your arm* A WINNER IS YOU!!!



that would not work because spell/traps/monster effects cannot activate the turn it was normal summoned, and that's the only time, the effect to decrease life to 100 can activate...

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You must offer 3 Tributes to Tribute Summon this card. The ATK of this card becomes the number of cards in your hand × 800(or 500). When this card is Special Summoned' date=' it is sent to the Graveyard during the[b'] Main Phase 2[/b]. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps, or Monsters that designate a target. Additionally, when your opponent successfully Normal or Flip Summons a monster with an ATK or DEF of 1000 or less, destroy that monster.




Keep the 1000 per card. 800 is Tragoedia, and that's usually far too weak.


Just kill part of the effect. That's what they did with the others.

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You must offer 3 Tributes to Tribute Summon this card. The ATK of this card becomes the number of cards in your hand × 800(or 500). When this card is Special Summoned' date=' it is sent to the Graveyard during the[b'] Main Phase 2[/b]. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps, or Monsters that designate a target. Additionally, when your opponent successfully Normal or Flip Summons a monster with an ATK or DEF of 1000 or less, destroy that monster.




Keep the 1000 per card. 800 is Tragoedia, and that's usually far too weak.


Just kill part of the effect. That's what they did with the others.


actually tragoedia is just 600 per card...

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I don't know if you guessed, but I was kidding. At least, I hope I was.


Honestly, I was thinking about this card and its second effect. So, assuming you have this in your hand and somehow managed to Tribute 3 monsters to summon it, you still have no reason to run this over GILFORD THE LIGHTNING. Yes, Gilford the Lightning. Firstly, he can be SSed, summoned with two Tributes, and wipes ALL of your opponent's monsters WITHOUT paying 1000 Life Points. And then, the only way to use this effect is to NOT have used his first effect. This card is riddled with flaws.



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why gilford the lightning? I'd rather run beast king barbaros. just as easy to summon, also allows to be a 1900 beatstick for no tributes, and wipes out all cards your opponent has, not just monsters like gilford or spells/traps like moisture creature. plus, I think it has more atk...

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I don't know if you guessed' date=' but I was kidding. At least, I hope I was.


Honestly, I was thinking about this card and its second effect. So, assuming you have this in your hand and somehow managed to Tribute 3 monsters to summon it, you still have no reason to run this over GILFORD THE LIGHTNING. Yes, Gilford the Lightning. Firstly, he can be SSed, summoned with two Tributes, and wipes ALL of your opponent's monsters WITHOUT paying 1000 Life Points. And then, the only way to use this effect is to NOT have used his first effect. This card is riddled with flaws.




hmmm all u need is moisture creature to wipe out their spells and traps


but that would require 3 more tributes


if there was only a monster that blew up BOTH

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I don't know if you guessed' date=' but I was kidding. At least, I hope I was.


Honestly, I was thinking about this card and its second effect. So, assuming you have this in your hand and somehow managed to Tribute 3 monsters to summon it, you still have no reason to run this over GILFORD THE LIGHTNING. Yes, Gilford the Lightning. Firstly, he can be SSed, summoned with two Tributes, and wipes ALL of your opponent's monsters WITHOUT paying 1000 Life Points. And then, the only way to use this effect is to NOT have used his first effect. This card is riddled with flaws.




hmmm all u need is moisture creature to wipe out their spells and traps


but that would require 3 more tributes


if there was only a monster that blew up BOTH

No, I did not forget about Barbaros. It was an extended metaphor - Gilford is outclassed by Barbaros and the Winged Dragon of Ra, the WINGED DRAGON OF RA is outclassed by Gilford. Even the Wicked Gods are OK cards once in play!

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