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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rise of the Duel Spirits! RPG

Mad Hopz

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Kaiba Corporation has introduced something new to the game of dueling. Virtual Reality! Now, you have recently created your character and are about to enter the world of Virtual Monsters! Where Duel Spirits reign supreme! Your duel spirits will ensure your victory, or defeat!


Application Sheet:









Once you have joined, I will provide you with your first duel spirit! At first, they will be relatively weak until you have completed several battles. Then, as you win, you will be given stronger duel spirits to fight with. I will PM them to you in the form of cards. You will be able to use their effects in battle. You will also be able to team up with other players to battle more powerful enemies. This system will be further expanded when more people have joined.


DUEL SPIRITS: If you do not want to go through the pain of battling for new duel spirits, you can buy several here (for a price of course):


- Single, Random (1 point)

- Random Level 4 or lower Monster (2 points)

- Random Level 5/6 Monster (4 points)

- Random Level 7/8 Monster (6 points or 1 rep)


More will added as the RPG progresses. JOIN AND HAVE FUN!


Members / Name / Duel Spirit(s)


smashmeleeking / Ruy / Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World

goldman88 / Blue Eyes White Dragoon / Camouflage Gardna / Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World

TheLastGod / Sean /

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