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March 2010 Banlist(With V-Jump Scans)

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Heres the deal


This list can go suck my left testicle.


Anyone who doesn't say so, should suck my right testicle.


Other than that, JD not being banned is fucking bullsit. Anti Meta has a bit more space to use other cards, but still...


Glads will never be top anymore. Period. Too much anti-support


LS is just a cheap way of Konami to say fuck you, we like money

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Heres the deal


This list can go suck my left testicle.


Anyone who doesn't say so' date=' should suck my right testicle.


Other than that, JD not being banned is f[b'][/b]ucking bullsit. Anti Meta has a bit more space to use other cards, but still...


Glads will never be top anymore. Period. Too much anti-support


LS is just a cheap way of Konami to say fuck you, we like money


Agreed all the way. I think we should burn all there money.

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I still find it depressing that anti-meta got screwed.

What the hell were they thinking?


What the hell are you on about?


Anti-Meta decks are gonna be good next format.


That's the whole f***!ng concept of anti-meta.

To be better than the meta.


Nice save.


They'll just have to adopt to beating Blackwings.


If only Crow had lost his Blackfeather Dragon, he might've given up on running Blackwings. Then we shouldn't've got the new support. He should've started running something people actually like.

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Multiple blogs have scans now. It's official.


Is there also an offical English version of it avaible? I wanna know if Brionac got limited' date=' since the OCG has Brionac limited and the TCG hasn't had.


As for the OCG list, absolutly awfull.



I would assume it will be limited. would be extremely surprised if it wasn't.


and as for the list, it could ALWAYS be worse. ;D

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ITT means in this topic.

its not inherently an insult. i was pointing out that in this topic, you failed to differentiate between me saying something silly out of angst over this stupid list and... i dont even know what you thought i meant.


i guess i'll have to wait half a year before bws get a hit. or ab 0. does anyone else think they should release a list every 3 months? theres a new pack every one or two, so it seems only logical that they update the banlist more often.

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bw's are pretty autopilot.


To a degree, no deck is auto-pilot. I would say BW's are the CLOSEST thing to auto-pilot out there, because you rarely have to play outside of basic knowledge of the game as everything is dumped on your lap.


-Gadget players must have a vast understanding of the meta and other cards to know what to do in response


-LS players need to know every card in thier deck and be very aware of the Grave


-Zombies have a certain order (well... not anymore ;P) to do that broken Synchro Pile, Infernities do the same thing.


But I really hate the word Auto-Pilot, because it will always require a good player. A scrub is stilla scrub even if thier deck is built for them because alot of this game is Psychological.

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i see very' date=' very few original plays these days.


there exists original plays. i do creative s*** all the time with flip trolls. i've seen some pretty original stuff come out of whatever teledad turned into. twilight has some interesting plays to.


I'm confused... the original point was the fact that decks seem "auto-pilot" because the decks we think of being "auto-pilot" are overplayed and we therefore have seen everything they usually do.

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original plays are rare. in some decks they are almost nonexistent. these are the ones i consider scripted. where they dont think about the plays, they just make them because theyve made them a hundred times before in the same exact way. gbs are a deck where this is very common.

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