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March 2010 Banlist(With V-Jump Scans)

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Hungry Burger Format


You know my stuff was probable (2 cydra 3 jinzo+returners 1 ff and 2 gold sarc plus dragon decks). This is just random.


that's the point, it was supposed to be random. I'm making fun of tiems people say "GB format" or "*insert crappy archtype* format"


wasn't refering to yours, Future Fusion is raep.

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Hooray' date=' JD is still semi-limited!



Remind me how this is even relevant (wow, can't believe I said that)? Lightsworns got killed.

LS still have 2 Honest, 2 JD, 3 Solar Recharges, and 3 Angels. While they took a huge it they can still be used.


and 3 Ryko.




D-Draw at 1 really pissed me off.... gonna have to start trading some of mine off (i have 6 first ed's :()

failnami failed this time. this list really doesnt work for me.

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those people are just butt-hurt, nothing they have said against the list makes any sense.


I read that one of the photos of yugi was used somewhere else, and apparantly that means it was shopped despite it image bieng practically used everywhere.


List is 95% real, in 4 or 5 days we'll know.

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i'm not going to let a man who doesnt know how to use commas correct my word choice.

Yes' date=' using commas are the end all be all for writing. And I clearly us commas. Yes, I know I don't use them every little time they are needed, grammar is a weak point of mine, but does it matter? At least I don't type like an idiot and you can read what I'm writing.


furthermore, i'm well aware that the broken cards i mentioned wont get banned for a while/ever. it was a joke. holy s***.

Here is an idea, stop making a big deal out of it.

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it is actually quite amusing to watch you two bicker.


anyway, on the banlist, I'm not happy about losing an allure and a chaos sor, but I can understand why.


now I just need a way to make fortune's future work better in a non-deicaded deck, and I'll create a new draw engine that actualy gives +1's that everyone will play and I will get it banned from the game forever.:lol:

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youre the one who made a fuss over the original comment.



And I clearly us commas

Normally people use ITT as an insult. I was simply defending myself since that is how I took it.


Agreed that that comment didn't matter since it's not my use of comas, but if I correctly use them.


But we are getting WAY off topic.


I find it odd that the ban list hasn't found it's way onto Shriek.

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