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March 2010 Banlist(With V-Jump Scans)

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@Psycho Shocker Android


see?? now I'm not the only one trying to say so.


Still dunno why JD wasn;t when Necro Gardna and Lumina were.


You see in japan armageddon knight + necro gardna with triple burial was very popular. It ensures you don't lose to OTKs.


BftDD was the most played card if I'm not mistaken. LSZ was running 3' date=' GYBF runs 3 and zombies ran 2-3. I'm glad it's over.


Also multiple Lumina coupled with Garoth is far more dangerous that JD. It could get you a couple cards along with some wulfs and necros. You'd get around +4 with this. Now with a single charge and lumina you solve this problem. Don't forget it will be harder to get 4 different LS fast for JD.


LS will need a different approach. Something less aggressive but more stable.


Plus, if you're not overextending JD shouldn't be a major problem.



I see that makes alot of sense. + to you


part of me just wanted JD @1 so I didn't hafta get another. >0>

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Might as well wait for Shriek to release to the ban list before people start flipping out at these supposed true scans.


As it stands LS took a huge hit with the limitation of Lumina, Charge of the Light Brigade, and Semi-Limiting of Honest. People should be able to adapt with the limiting of Charge of the Light Brigade because we all played LS before that card was released and we can all be okay with just 1 and it was too good of a card. A mill 3 and tutor of 1 is just too good of the archetype.


The advantage that Lumina generates is less consistent now and Semi of Honest was necessary. Necro Gardna at 1 is stupid and I don't understand that decision since it was good in like 2-3 deck types. I guess Battle Fader has to do but it's nowhere near as good as Neco Gardna. LS explosive potential is less consistent with the hits they took so they probably left JD in so that they still have a win condition.


Chaos Sorcerer at 1 is for the better though the card needs to be banned.


Cydra's at 2 revives my Chimeratech-Jinzo OTK deck. Kind of iffy on this since a free 2100 beat stick into easy synchro summon is not particularly good for the game but there are so many free synchro cards like Junk Synchron, Blizzard, so a 2 card sync combo vs a 1 card sync combo isn't as bad....


Necorface needed to be ban because of it's FTK/OTK decks and you can tell Konami is trying to stop those decks with the limitation of Magical Explosion due to Junk Collector FTK and the Tuningware OTK that utilizes it.


Zombies keep constantly getting hit when they really shouldn't be. Limiting Mezuki again is stupid especially with Burial being limited again. It makes Zombies barely that fun to play with right now.


Foolish at 1 sort of makes sense to me considering how many cards benefit from being in the graveyard first. Kind of annoyed about this though.


Mind Crush being limited makes no sense to me as I don't recall it being ran in the last format at all.


Dandylion hitting a semi was an odd choice and just might revive monarchs. This also makes Black Garden/Plant Lockdown decks more consistent but with the limitation of BRD it still kills the more succesful variant of it.


Semi-limiting Black Whirlwind is a start. They also lose Allure as their draw engine with it being at 1 but get BW treasure which is a terrible card to begin with. Most of the new BW cards in Shining Darkness suck anyways so their deck type is not changing that much.


All the anti-meta hits are hardly that big of a deal and they get new anti-meta cards in Shining Darkness. While the new cards aren't OMG amazing they help in their own way.


This lists does shift the balance of the meta to a pure BW format and maybe anti-meta. Monarchs benefit from this list but I doubt they'll see a huge comeback.


Destiny Hero draw engine is dead so is every other deck that relies on it. Pretty much every conventional draw engine is dead with the exception of solar recharge and tuningware but those require very specific deck types to begin with. Pretty much every light/dark or twlight variant decks are more or less dead.


The speed of the game is dramatically reduced with less rifling through your deck through a ton of draw cards until you hit your OTK combo. It should hopefully promote more skill through working with your current hand. BW's never had to worry about draw cards though so this format is looking to heavily favor them but we'll see.

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>Dandy at 2


This list is the best list.


LS players needs creativity' date=' there are about 4000 other cards than them.



You understand that although there are so many different cards there's also only like 400 actually playable cards and like 30 worth playing in lightsworn?

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No. Just saying claiming there's 4000 odd cards in the game doesn't change the fact that the VAST majority of them suck and should probably never be put into any deck, and most of the cards that are left are either theme specific so shouldn't be played in lightsworn, or are underpowered in comparison to what should be played. Claiming you're "creative" because you deliberately leave out a power card for some underpowered "tech" is stupid.

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Nearly all the cards that were made in the series young days suck, even though Normal Monsters have support, I can agree to that.


However, saying that there are only 400 usable cards, is complete and total bull crap.


You can make a billion different decks. This is a TCG.


Creativity, and strategy (and rare cards) is the name of the game.

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If you look at my sig, you can tell I'm quite happy with Cydra @2, since I was going to give up Skilltown because of its lacking counterability to Decks.


I may have to change to Gradius Garden/Cyber Dragon variants.


The list is otherwise good, except for JD and broken stuff that I've decided not to list >:/

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I run both of the meta's right now then, however, they are somewhat... incomplete. My glads need more staples that get shifted to my blackwings, and my blackwings lack the akatsuki, armed wing, dad, etc.

This list will most likely benefit me more that it will hurt, thankfully, I do not run lightsworns that often.

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about 400 usable cards sounds right.


ITT: flame dragon cant understand my desires from my interpretation of the list.



does it bother anyone else that no one on this site can speak japanese?


I can speak japanese... not that well, and not very fluently, but enough that japanese people can more or less understand what I'm saying.

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about 400 usable cards sounds right.


ITT: flame dragon cant understand my desires from my interpretation of the list.



does it bother anyone else that no one on this site can speak japanese?

My one post =/= ITT. The sad fact is most of the cards we want to get banned won't be so you really need to be realistic.


Japanese is not a common language and it's rare to find places that will teach you. So now people are forced to teach themselves and that is hard to do.


On a side note I can speak some Japanese. I know 1-20 (minus 7 and 17) and I know a lot random words and a few phrases. The only Japanese I can read is the word "tuner".


What exactly was Konami trying to accomplish here other than bone on zombies and Lightsworns?

Side from Mezuki and Allure, what else did Zombies loss?

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I use a Crystal Beast deck IRL, so I'm not affected. Still...


LS got killed, even without JD touched.


Zombies are even more weakened...


BWs barely touched...


Machine/Cyber decks might make a comeback...


We might be seeing more Demise/United we Stand OTKs...


And why limit Allure/D-Draw? That makes no sense. I guess they wanted a slower meta....?

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