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March 2010 Banlist(With V-Jump Scans)

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Why do all of you people keep crying from lightsworns and JD



Lightsworns are not THAT powerful and godly' date=' there are tons of Anti cards for them, and they depend on luck more than skill. JD is not that big of a problem to me, in fact,he was never a big problem.



I'm surprised that everyone are crying their butts on lightsworns and saying nothing about BWs, which in my opinion the most broken archtype in the entire game !!



That's because BWs haven't been the problem LS have. Besides, we did give grief about BWs not being hit, go back a few pages and you'll see it, but BWs aren't really the base for anything, there are BW decks and there are non-BW decks; however, LS still have their own archetype deck, Twilight, and a BUNCH of other decks that use the LS as their engine, they don't need JD to be a contender, but Konami has done little to stop it until now and they didn't even hit the one card that was really the problem. BWs may be powerful, but they aren't broken.


Vayu would like to have a word with you.


BWs AREN'T broken, nor is LS, both have 1 card that's broken, Vayu and JD respectably, but this list is based off of the OCG where most BW decks are Vayu Turbo, which if you played it when it first came out in TCG, is supa inconsistent.

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I cried a little when I saw this list, I finally get enough LS crap to make a deck and it gets total by the banlist. All that money down the drain, I hate being broke now it's going to take me another 5 months to make a competitive deck and then that'll probably get hit. It's an endless cycle of me getting pwned(sarcasm)...

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I cried a little when I saw this list' date=' I finally get enough LS crap to make a deck and it gets total by the banlist. All that money down the drain, I hate being broke now it's going to take me another 5 months to make a competitive deck and then that'll probably get hit. It's an endless cycle of me getting pwned(sarcasm)...



You could, you know, sell/trade some of the stuff before the TCG list comes out, not everyone has heard the news.

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@twotime, save your cards. theyll probably figure out how to make ls meta again. just a matter of time.




bw and ls only have one broken card each? cute.

so bww the free gadget advantage engine, lumina the lightsworn zombie master, wulf the lightsworn random +1, charge of the light rota, solar ddraw, ryko the lightsworn man-eater on crack, aurkus the lightsworn lord of D who actually protects himself, and celestia the lightsworn god monarch are all fair and balanced?

the entire deck is composed of better versions of other cards, often reaching the unfair point.


and lets not forget the sexy ls tech cards: beckoning, honest, foolish, gardna and plague, all of which are listworthy.


i dont, unfortunately, know much about bws. havent played against them since crimson crisis. college keeps me from caring.

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