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March 2010 Banlist(With V-Jump Scans)

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Black Luster Soldier - Envoy Of The Beginning

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy Of The End

Cyber Jar


Dark Magician Of Chaos

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

Fiber Jar

Magical Scientist

Magician Of Faith

Makyura The Destructor

Sinister Serpent

Tribe-Infecting Virus


Victory Dragon

Witch Of The Black Forest


Dark Strike Fighter

Thousand-Eyes Restrict

Butterfly Dagger - Elma

Card Of Safe Return

Change Of Heart


Dark Hole

Delinquent Duo

Dimension Fusion

Graceful Charity

Harpie's Feather Duster

Last Will


Mirage Of Nightmare

Monster Reborn

Painful Choice

Pot Of Greed

Premature Burial


Snatch Steal

The Forceful Sentry

Crush Card Virus

Exchange Of The Spirit

Imperial Order

Last Turn

Ring Of Destruction

Time Seal





Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind

Card Trooper

Chaos Sorcerer (Semi Limited - Limited)

Dark Armed Dragon

Elemental Hero Stratos

Exodia The Forbidden One

Gladiator Beast Bestiari

Gorz The Emissary Of Darkness

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (New; Limited)


Mezuki (Semi Limited - Limited)

Mind Master

Morphing Jar

Necroface (Semi Limited - Limited)

Necro Gardna (New; Limited)

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Night Assailant

Plaguespreader Zombie

Rescue Cat


Snipe Hunter

Spirirt Reaper

Summoner Monk

Tradgoedia (New; Limited)

Left Arm Of The Forbidden One

Left Leg Of The Forbidden One

Right Arm Of The Forbidden One

Right Leg Of The Forbidden One

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Black Rose Dragon

Goyo Guardian

Advanced Ritual Art

Allure of Darkness (Semi Limited - Limited)

Brain Control

Burial from a Different Dimension (New; Limited)

Card Destruction

Charge of the Light Brigade (New; Limited)

Cold Wave

Destiny Draw (New; Limited)

Emergency Teleport

Future Fusion

Foolish Burial (Semi Limited - Limited)

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm

Level Limit - Area B

Limiter Removal


Mind Control

Monster Gate

Mystical Space Typhoon

One For One

Overload Fusion


Reinforcement Of The Army


Swords Of Revealing Light

Call Of The Haunted


Gravity Bind

Magic Cylinder

Magical Explosion (New; Limited)

Mirror Force

Mind Crush (Semi Limited - Limited)

Ojama Trio

Return From The Different Dimension

Solemn Judgment

The Transmigration Prophecy

Torrential Tribute

Trap Dustshoot

Wall Of Revealing Light





Cyber Dragon (Limited - Semi Limited)

Dandylion (Limited - Semi Limited)

Destiny Hero - Malicious

Goblin Zombie

Honest (New; Semi-Limited)

Judgment Dragon

Lonefire Blossom

Treeborn Frog (Limited - Semi Limited)

Demise,King Of Armageddon (Limited - Semi Limited)

Black Whirlwind (New; Semi Limited)

Chain Strike

Gold Sarcophagus

United We Stand (Limited - Semi Limited)

Magical Stone Excavation

Bottomless Trap Hole

Royal Decree (New; Semi-Limited)

Royal Oppression (New; Semi-Limited)

Skill Drain (New; Semi-Limited)

Ultimate Offering




No Longer Limited


Mask Of Darkness (Semi Limited - No Longer on List)

Smashing Ground (Limited - No Longer on List)

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  • Replies 234
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For realz this time?


New ban

No *facepalm*


New restrictions

Toragoedia (Tragoedia) k

Dragon of justice (Judgement Dragon) Konami seriously needs to pull their head out of their ass

Chaos Sorcerer Thank god. He still should be banned' date=' but thankfully he didn't get unlimited[/b']

Oni Madu (Mezuki) As expected

Nekurofeisu (Necroface) wut

Samona Luminous light load (Lumina) wut

Gardner Butcher (Necro Gardna) wha?

Light reinforcements (Charge of the Light Brigade)Okay, this is getting redicilious

Dark temptations (Allure of Darkness) *sadfaec*

Burial from different dimension As expected

Desutenidoro (Destiny Draw) what the funk

Magical Ekusupuroshon (Magical Explosion) k


New quasi limit

Miss de king of the end (Demise, King of Armageddon) Oh god

Cyber Dragon Oh god

Honest Triple Honest makes OTK's, so eh...

Dandelion Makes me want to rebuild Monarchs


Black Whirlwind lulz not going to hurt Blackwings

Solar Exchange ...

Suppression of the royal (Royal Oppression) Hmmm...

O触Re the palace (Royal Decree) Why?

Sukirudorein (Skill Drain) This has to be a joke



Mask of Darkness FINALLY!

砕Ki Place (Smashing Ground) <3


Wow, the list is more awfull then I guessed.

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Guest PikaPerson01

For realz this time?


Solar Exchange ...whoa' date=' what on earth? I'm guessing it has something to do with Kuraz?[/b']


I haven't been keeping up with the meta. What exactly does Solar Recharge have to do with Kuraz?

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Guest PikaPerson01

For realz this time?


Solar Exchange ...whoa' date=' what on earth? I'm guessing it has something to do with Kuraz?[/b']


I haven't been keeping up with the meta. What exactly does Solar Recharge have to do with Kuraz?


Junk Collector FTK uses LS and Kuraz. But they aren't linked Pika.


Ahh. Mind explaining what Junk Collector FTK is? I tried google but all it leads me to is New Jersey's website.

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For realz this time?


Solar Exchange ...whoa' date=' what on earth? I'm guessing it has something to do with Kuraz?[/b']


I haven't been keeping up with the meta. What exactly does Solar Recharge have to do with Kuraz?


Junk Collector FTK uses LS and Kuraz. But they aren't linked Pika.


Ahh. Mind explaining what Junk Collector FTK is? I tried google but all it leads me to is New Jersey's website.


Abuses Kuraz, D.D.R, Divine Blade, to draw out the your deck thats full of spells, summon Junk Collector, remove Explosion to FTK. LS Mill the spells etc. Thats why the limited Explosion.

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wtf nothing banned !

I was happy when I heared about Brain, DAD and Brio r goin to be banned


No MoF, no double Bestiaries


BWs did not get touched at all, screw you Konami.



Chaos sorcerer, allure, Necro gardna(?!), $hitty. Why the Fk isn't BWW with them

Cyber dragon semi'd obviously bcuz they want to market their new deck, Fkheads




srsly, this is the crappiest list ever, the fake ones were much better than this $hit

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For realz this time?


New ban

No *what the..? are u serious?


New restrictions

Toragoedia (Tragoedia) i dont care

Dragon of justice (Judgement Dragon) finally

Chaos Sorcerer ok

Oni Madu (Mezuki) As expected

Nekurofeisu (Necroface) ok

Samona Luminous light load (Lumina) what?

Gardner Butcher (Necro Gardna) what?

Light reinforcements (Charge of the Light Brigade)ok

Dark temptations (Allure of Darkness) yes

Burial from different dimension zombies are dead now

Desutenidoro (Destiny Draw) ok

Magical Ekusupuroshon (Magical Explosion) ok


New quasi limit

Miss de king of the end (Demise' date=' King of Armageddon) [b']you gotta be kiddin me[/b]

Cyber Dragon what?

Honest ok,maybe

Dandelion YES

Frog Hades monarch comeback?

Black Whirlwind lulz not going to hurt Blackwings

Solar Exchange ok

Suppression of the royal (Royal Oppression) ok.

O触Re the palace (Royal Decree) Why?

Sukirudorein (Skill Drain) ok



Mask of Darkness ok

砕Ki Place (Smashing Ground) good

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This is possibly the best banlist I've ever seen. Much better than the fake ones.


I would've cried if they banned JD' date=' and I'd hurt someone bad if they even thought of messing with Blackwings.


Good thing they left Brain Control alone. It would also be sad if Bestiari went to 2.


Konami, this is your best. Idea. Evar!!!


Someone's obsessive.

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