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Tom's Yu-Gi-Oh! riddles |


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I have made my mind.

I will do some riddles as well.


You can only guess twice on each riddle, and if the riddle gets 3 hints, no reps. are given to the one who guessed it right. If a riddle worth 2 reps. gets 2 or more hints, they are only worth 1 rep.

1 or 2 reps. per riddle, depending on the riddle's difficulty.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle 1 - 1 rep.[/b] SOLVED by Mordred]

I am a creature of 3. I destroy, and punish my opponent for it.


Answer: Cyber End Dragon



[spoiler=[b]Riddle 2 - 2 reps.[/b] SOLVED by Pudpop]

You can destroy 1, but your opponent needs to have 3. I am not a monster.


Answer: Tornado



[spoiler=[b]Riddle 3 - 1 rep.[/b] SOLVED by Azrael]

I am a man of no evil. I harm no one, not you or your enemy.


HINT: I grant the user with the gift of Life.


Answer: Dian Keto the Cure Master



[spoiler=[b]Riddle 4 - 1 rep.[/b] SOLVED by Azrael]

I can make a small flower become a pretty, deadly one.


Answer: Rose Bud





[spoiler=Reps. I owe]




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