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gladiators uprising[ADV/ACCEPTING/STARTED]


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Nazar dismembered the last of the rioters, and saw Vitus walking to a house. Nazar yelled, "Sir, should I help, you give the word." Nazar saw a small riot running towards Vitus. Nazar saw that there was 5. Nazar ran at the rioters and stabbed one, "Sir i need help." Nazar was fighting 4 now because the other was injured sitting on the ground. He really needs Vitus's help. Nazar almost got slashed by one of them, "Awww, sir."

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Vitus signaled for som of his men to help the othere solder, they went to assist nazar,

there were now 5 on 4, (nazar & 4 soldiers(not my character)) 2 of the soldiers were killed and 2 more gladiators, ir was 2 on 2...nazar and a soldier against 2 gladiators...


"STOP!" raged octavious running in "you gladiators!do you wish to be slaughtered now or join my rebellion?!"

The gladiators thought among themselves and wondered away,

"bloody soldiers....you gladiators are lucky!" octavious mumbled walking himself away..

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"Who were those???"Thought Egnatius."Son,we must leave.""Why,Master?"Asked Egnatius."Those Gladiators came here to taunt us.I have a friend,2 miles north of here.Let's go there,we should be in safety,for a while that is.""Alright Master,let's go."Then,the 2 of them set down and started walking to the north.

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Ooc:the idea is(all gladiators this is for) tha all gladiators are going to meet at the rock on the cliff, in the campo my character made!!!all gladiators, this applies 2 u!


IC:Octavius walked back to the camp he had made,

"hm..." he grumbled "no gladiators have come to join my rebelion!"


Vitus was waiting to speak with the emporor, pacing up and down the hallway to the emporors room,

"Vius Titanius! you wanted to speak!?" the emporor called from his room,

Vitus walked into the room and bowed,

"sdir, some gladiators are rebelling, some even speak of a rebellian..." Vitus explained "and we ha-"

"just slaughter all of the gladiators!!" The emporor butt in with rage,

"all of them?! i thought all you wamted was to have the rioters killed?!" vitus argued,


"ALL OF THEM!!!!!!NOW GO!!!" the emporor shouted on top of his voice,

"I WAS JUST GOING!!!!" vitus screwamed back, throwing a knife, just mising the emporors head...He walked to the cliff, in secret of course...


"what is it?!" octavius questioned sharpening his knife,

"the emporor,..he wants all gladiators slaughtered!" vitus exclaimed,

"all of them?!" octavius asked,

"yes all of them!" vitus sighed,

"fo-....g-.....s-...f-...emp..." is all thta could be heard from octavius under his breath..

"i had no say in this..." vitus admited "just warn all your gladiator friends andamek sure they join your rebellian.."

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Jan had stayed far away, watching the engagement with feelings close to amusement. So, there is a group of gladiators rebelling against the Roman Empire...they probably won't stand much chance, considering the size of the Imperial army. I may as well go see what they have to say. He turned, and began making his way to the rock where the camp was situated. As he walked, he wondered about all the things that might could be placed into effect if the Empire was taken down.

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Nazar followed his emperor to camp. Nazar saw shelters for sleep.

Nazar said to himself, "Now this is a camp, I would like to fight as soon as possible." Nazar saw a theif trying to brake into the camp.

"Stop naive!" Nazar pushed the theif down, "Why do you steal from us?!"

"I need food." The theif replied briefly.

"Emperor, shall I provide food to this peasant, he's hungry and in need of food."

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Guest Random Dude

first name(Generator):Nero

last name(Generator):Avitus

age(your characters age):23


faction(rulers army(soldier) or gladiator):Gladiator

weponry(shield,sword, ect. please do sensible wepons!):Spear & sword

armour(helm breastplate ect):Helm, breast plate, gauntlets, pants.

appearence(facial features, height, build ect.):6'2, cross scar, blind left eye, slightly muscular

any other items on them?(food, rations, ect):no

bio: Trained as a gladiator since he was a teenager, he was an undefeated star until he was struck half-blind by a sword cut delivered by the emperor. He vows to get revenge by cutting both of his and allowing him to live in darkness. For the rest of his life.

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Ooc:for god sake....MY SOLDIER CHARACTER IS NOT THE funking EMPOROR!!!and please dont follow my character everywhere he's supossed to be there in secret, its a GLADIATOR CAMP....andrandom dude exepted....


Octavius walked out from his tent,

"bloody soldiers!in my camp!how dare they!" ocavious mumbled brandishing his shortsword and shield, "you soldiers! get out of this camp!you are not welcome!only gladiators step foot here with a friendly welcoming!!"


Octavious walked up to the soldier(nazar),

"you leave this camp, servents of the emporor are not welcome here!" octavious threatened,

"and what wou7ld you do?" vitus questioned "kill, slaughter, murder, assasinate?"

"all of them until the gods are satisfied with our land and our emporor, but he has insulted the gods by his new law denying use of the colloseum as an arena..the gods are angry!!" octavious raged.

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Nazar spoke, "This man needs food." Nazar continued, "No wonder everybody likes to see you kill eachother, you have no respect, you slime!" Nazar raised his blade, "Do you want to kill me, is that what you want?" Nazar grabbed his Octavious's blade handed it to him and put it against Nazar's chest, "Stab me then, do it, c'mon do it, STAB ME!!!" Nazar put the blade closer to his chest, "You have a chance, do it!"

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Guest Random Dude

Nero saw a group of soldiers in the encampment. He grasped his spear and sword and went to confront them. "You bas****s get the hell out of here before we attack!" He yelled, and joined a group of gladiators, taking the place behind Octavius as a sign of respect to a more experienced gladiator.

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"i wont kill you...yet." octavious replied plling his sword back but still in a fighting stance "if you leave now you might get to leave without injury..you will leave without any deaths...just leave this camp.."


"Octavious Varius...i never thought id see the day that you would fight a soldier...." A figure was in the distance with a dozen guards around him "i thought you only battled prisoners and other gladiators..


"who a-"

"i? am Julianus, your emporor..." the emporor said revealing his head through the hood..

"why you!arrgg!!" a gladiator ran at him, vitus stabbed the man in the chest and pulled his sword free,

Octavious's eyes went from anger to rage,

"you!you soldiers!!i swear i will slaughter you all!!" octavious screamed in rage, being held by a fellow gladiator to stop him blasting out at the soldiers and attacking them, Octavious broke free and laumched at a soldier, slicing his sword thorugh his neck..


He then blocked an attack and stabbed anothers gut, killing him, then he spun and set his sword through anothers skull, he spun and attacked vitus, vitus dropped his spear and wielded his shortsword, he blocked the attack and launched an attack, octavious blocked and slashed vitus's leg.


Vitus threw his spear at octavious's leg, octavious pulled it out and cut it in half with his sword, he threw his knife at vitus, just missing his skull, vitus delivered a strike, it clashed with octaviouses shield,


"you cannot win gladiators..." the emporor smiled "you are outnu,bered...."

"argg!" octavious grabbed his knife from the floor and leaped at the emporor, he was ceised by a dozen guards, Octaviouses arm was slashed and he dropped his sword, he baned the soldier next to him on the head with his shield, he was banged himself on the head by vituses shield..and knocked out...

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Nazar spoke, "I shall kill some of you for your penalty!" Nazar questioned, "If that's what you want sire?" Nazar pointed out, "Sir, they did kill some of our men." Nazar walked closer, "Once you give the word, I shall slaughter some of these parasites!" Nazar gave him another choice, "Or you may tell me to leave, and I shall leave." Nazar was awaiting his sires answer, he wanted to slaughter these gladiators, but he was a soldier and as a soldier he had to follow his emperor's orders.

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"hmph....they are not worth it...llets go.." the emporor smirked,

"the emporor speaks, we shall leave.." vitus sighed walking off, the emporor too walked away and to his palace...


"grr...." octavious growled to a fellow gladitaor, "i shouldve killed him when i had the chance.."

"if you did youd be slaughtered..." the gladiator replied,

"you are right..#"

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Guest Random Dude

"Octavius, are you all right? Nero went to Octavius's side and helped him up. "Damn Julianus, what the hell did he want?" Nero sheathed his blood-stained sword and put his spear away. Though usually calm, Nero was enraged at his failure to defeat the soldiers. I will get better, and the emperor will die.

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Nazar walked off with the Emperor, though not happy with his decision, he still followed orders. Nazar mumbled, "When I get the chance i'll kill those parasites!" Nazar walked away, "Sire, what shall we do about those gladiators?" Nazar said, "They are worth killing, those parasites killed my parents, I want to kill them, I want revenge!" Nazar was enraged thinking, If I was Emperor I would've got rid of those scum, I wish I was Emperor, only for that instance.

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"now why would i do that? the emporor smirked grimly "we hadnt all ourmen there..with more men we could outrun them!"

"but they are recruiting...there numbers growing also, there are gathering all the gladiators, preparing for WAR!" vitus butt in

"well they wont have that much luck...ive sent spies into the camp to assasinate octavious..."the emporor chukled,


the emporor was at the foot of his palace, it was dark,

"farewell for today my lord.." vitus bowed then wandered to the camp,


Octavious heard footsteps so spun round brandishing his sword,

"YOU!" he raged

"I come only to give news..." vitus explained "the emporor is going to send a spy into your camp..be careful"

"what d-argh.." octavious saw vitus wander awayy for teh night..

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Nazar spoke, "I want to kill Octavius sire, why won't you let me, I can handle it on my own." Nazar saw it getting dark, "Sire, I can kill him, I'm worthy sire, just let me kill him!" Nazar was grasping his sword, wanting his Emperor to send him to kill Octavius. Nazar cooled down, "Please sir, this is all I have left, I need to honor my parents, I need REVENGE!" Nazar grabbed his sheild and said, "If you say I can go i'll go at dawn."

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"hm......NO!" the emporor promised "there might be a war, but octavious shall fall victim to the spy..."


A figure was outside octaviouses tent, octavious saw a flicker of light, he got out si,lently, he lunged at the figure, the figre slashed his leg and soldier, octavious was knocked on the head with shield,

"grrr!spy!" octaious grumbled the spy slashed his other leg and back, octvious shouted out with rage and pushed the spy over the cliff...

"emporo! you have failed to assasinate me!!!" octavious screamed on the top of his voice..


"did you hear something?hm...emporor...failed....assasinate!" the mporor explained "dam!the spy had failed!how di he know?!"

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"Sire, he has a source, a soldier, probably one you trust." Nazar spoke, "Now let me kill him." Nazar wouldn't let go of the subject, "If you don't let me, I'll go anyway, you have no choice sire, i will go any choice you choose." Nazar spoke demandingly. Nazar thought of someone, "It could be Vitus that told him, but that couldn't be, he's too loyal." Nazar continued, "Well anyways I shall go and fight Octavius!" Nazar started walking toward the camp.

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"nazar the soldier!ruthles as always!" the emporor callled "i shall not let you have assistance!if you go you shall be stripped of your soldiership(or watever)"

Vitus walked from the barracks..he yawmed

"my lord...wat is all this noise?" he asked

"ask him..."

"hey nazar!where are yu going?!if your going to the camp its no use!octavious has probaly been killed by the spy!" he called slyly..

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Nazar yelled at both of them, "He is not dead, no mesely spy can kill him, because he killed my father and he was twice the man any spy is!" Nazar with anger, "Vitus, how did Octavius know there was a spy, were you the one to tell him?" Nazar remembered, "I thought, You, Me, and The Emperor were the only ones that knew about the attack, how did Octavius find out Vitus?" Nazar accused Vitus with a point, "Emperor, it was him, he told Octavius!" Nazar picked his sword up, "I'm either going to kill Octavius or the man stopping me, your choice!"

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"how dare you accuse me!" vitus raged "why would i do such a thing?!"

"STOP!" th emporor demanded "if you 2 carry on youll both be executed!nazar you cannot takeon the gladiators by yourself!"


"i shall let you kill him if the war comes.." vitus explained "no-one else shall fight him.."

"the gladiators are in a camp...on the cliff, by the rock...there are 2 ways out...down the steep hill or through a cave...if we can block both off then we could..."

"have an advantage?" vitus butt in,

"precisely..." the emporor continued..

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Nazar smirked, "So, I get to kill Octavius, something tells me I can't trust you." Nazar saw a group of rioters, about 3, Nazar pulled his sword. Nazar killed 1 like an expert, and the other 2 tryed to run, but if you know Nazar he doesn't like to run. Nazar threw his sword, the handle hit one them and the blade killed the other. Nazar walked towards them and picked up his sword. Nazar speared his weapon through the back, of the survivor.


Nazar walked back, "So when is this war?" Nazar wanted to know, "And i'll go straight through the middle i am not going to be used as a roadblock!" Nazar commanded himself being the one to kill Octavius, but he still didn't trust Vitus about letting Nazar kill Octavius, something's just not right.

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