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Learning to scratch sprites


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If it's a pokemon styled sprite, you remebered they have to fit in a 80x80 box, but either it's huge, or just out of porportion, it's still decent for a scratch, the neck, is a little long, unless it's suppsed to be long, and the wing probally should be out a little more, where it's at makes it look more like a back spike.

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As MF said, it doesn't fit Pokemon sprite style exactly due to size. It would have to be smaller for that.


Another thing on the basic design of it I'd like to mention is that it doesn't fully match the Eeveelution style. They generally have longer bodies, shorter legs, and in general don't differ too much in body shape in general. So although I could perhaps guess it is suppose to be part of the Eevee family possibly, I don't know if I can say it matches either. With how long the body is, and how high the legs are, it's almost like a deer shape. The long neck also doesn't so much match the rest of the Eevee family, as generally they don't have such a difference between their neck sizes. Usually only tails and other minor things are changed.


Since I'm trying to avoid mechanical mistakes it seems, next I'll mention your lack of black borders. Again this is dependent if it's meant to be Pokemon style. If it is though, like a variety of sprite styles, black borders are in almost all cases used. Only a few things in Pokemon don't, such as ice or clouds. Yet a form like yours should probably have it on it.


The stuff around the neck I don't get honestly. Is it suppose to be a beard, crystals, or am I not even close?


Overall I think there could be more shading in some areas, feels a little flat overall, but nothing too serious.


The wing isn't even totally distinguishable with hot it is. Perhaps a different pose could have help.


In general it could use a little clean up. Its front right leg has one little pixel sticking out on the border. Off at the turn point of the tail there is a pixel sticking out. Two gray pixels are sticking out on the back leg.




Some of your rounded areas aren't the roundest. You need a bit more of a gradual change in curves, hopefully this image can help.


Sorry if I come across as a jerk or something, just trying to help. Honestly I think you did a very good job with this, not too many people around here capable of this level of work.

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