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what are the top 5.....

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hold up. all of those except vampire lord, vampire curse, caius and raiza are NOT 1 tribute monsters. Nomi monsters and Synchro Monsters are DEFINITELY not 1 tribute monsters. even the original post doesn't just list 1 tribute monsters.


so either the topic we're discussing needs editing, or we need to edit this discussion.

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1. Yata

2. CED

3. DSF


5. JD


BLS-EOB shouldn't be there...


Care to explain?


I don't see how BLS is still broken enough to be at 0. He's an Koa-ki Meiru Bergzak + Chaos Sorcer. IMO' date=' theres better cards that need are alot stronger. I doubt he'd changed the game if he's moved to 1. [/thread'].

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I don't see how BLS is still broken enough to be at 0. He's an Koa-ki Meiru Bergzak + Chaos Sorcer. IMO' date=' theres better cards that need are alot stronger. I doubt he'd changed the game if he's moved to 1. [/thread'].


Do you understand how easy it would be to abuse BLS? It will stay banned.

OT: this thread started off poorly, as the creator named an outdated monster, a nomi, and a synchro. Monarchs are some of the best 1 tribute monsters.

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topis hyjack


what are the top 5 reasons this should be locked


1. this is stupid

2. theirs no inteligent discussion to be accoaited with this thread

3. too wide discussion attempt with no end goal

4. your first post doesn't make any sence

5. this is stupid


fill free for anyone to change them, if iv miised some out

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1.Demonic Motor Omega

2.Barrel Dragon

3.Spike Bot

4.Launcher Spider



In America!


Shapesnatch should be first.


Not if your Bandit Keith.


Demonic Motor Omega' date=' Barrel Dragon, and Spikebot are manly.



But Shapesnatch has horrible power... D:

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Guest PikaPerson01

I don't see how BLS is still broken enough to be at 0. He's an Koa-ki Meiru Bergzak

Needs a specialized theme deck to maintain the maintenance cost' date=' he's a normal summon, and he's 1000 points lower.


BLS just needs any deck that runs a decent amount of dark and light.


+ Chaos Sorcer.


Chaos Sorcerer is bannable anyway.


IMO' date=' theres better cards that need are alot stronger.[/quote']


The ban list isn't a "one new card per year" deal or anything. There's no limit or whatever to the amount of cards that can be on any list.


Secondly, the whole "but [x] card is MORE broken!" defense has never worked.

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