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Endgame [Advanced] [PG-13] [Started] [Accepting]

Necro Pheonix

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Valyenciarn was having trouble landing the headless flying zombie as he saw the scores of them about to kill the boys. Using whatever strength he could muster he somehow directed the Dead Necrons movement so that it would crash straight in toand crush the Zombie Horde headed for them. "Guys Watch out!" Valyenciarn said as he crashed the corpse into the zombies. "Guys we need to leave here. I'm sorry but we can't handle anymore onslaughts like this."

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Guest War Torn

"Get in," said Nathan as he drove up to the group in BMW. "If we get to their HQ we have a chance of ending this." Nathan had planned this assault for years and it was time to put it into action. "Everyone get in if you don't want to die 'cause I'm leaving now." 'Lets just hope this high-risk plan of mine works or we'll all die.' "Come on guys move it now! Thats it!" Nathan got out of his BMW and started shooting all the zombies near his friends. "That should do it. Now can we please leave?"

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Chris ran towards Valyenciarn "I got this" Chris said with confidence. He grabbed his Katana in one hand and his machine gun in the other. He started killing zombies with his sword and gun at the same time. "Damn it, more and more just keep coming." "I have an idea!" He said as he saw a Necron Zombie in the sky. He ran to were Jason was and asked him if I could use the tranulizer on the table. Chris grabbed it and went to the roof. He jumped off the roof onto the dragon. The dragon shook and moved and flew even faster to get Chris off. "Here I go" Chris yelled. 'I hope this works' He thought. He shot the dragon with the tanulizer knowing it wouldnt work fully since this was a Necron and knowing it would only calm the dragon down. He then took out a antodite that he made, it was supposed to be a cure for the zombies. He then enjected it into the dragon. It tossed and tussled in pain. It then started changing. "It worked, it worked" Chris yelled in joy. He then put a device on the dragon to keep it under his control and prevent it from becoming a zombie again. " Burn these zombies burn em" He told the dragon. And it understood becasue of the device.

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Jason ran over to the ladder, and climbed down. He looked at the BMW. "That's not going to hold everyone," he said doubtfully. He hobbled over to his car, and got in. He started the engine with a roar. He pressed the horn, and a loud honk blared out. "I can hold some people in my car too," he said. While he waited for everyone to get in, he pulled out his 9mm gun, and shot the zombies around him. "Hurry up," he said, looking at the others in the tree house.

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Name: Heart Weston


Gender: F

Human or Necron: Human

Pic/Description: [spoiler= her image]SIN_Character_sheet__Enyo_by_Kuroi_Tsuki.jpg


Bio: She is an expert ex hutr she hunted evry kind of animal in the world worth hunting. She Is an abid Mosacist and goth girl obsessed With vampires. She is the Daughter of Alex Weston of Smith and waston.

Weapon: 2 Dual Smith and Weston, Demon slayers(Modified by her father to be 50 .cal)

Skills: Expert marksman.

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Valyenciarn hopped in the car. Waiting for the others, he couldn't help but think of he and his borthers plight. 'In th middle of a zombie apocalypse all I can think about is Xerar and our stupid lack of girlfriends. Dammit! What the hell happened to him. I know he was separated but where did he go and was it...happy. Was it happy where he went. God help me I should be focused on survival. Still, I hope he's okay.' Valyenciarn called out to the others as he got Hora down from the tree house. "We're ready guys. Chris! get off that thing and let's go!"

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A giant Zombie crashed through the wall of dead Zombies, It's head was about as big as a tire

and almost the same shape, the monster howls and rushes the car Valyenciarn was in.


Sudenly a loud boom was heard like a sniper shot, the gigantic monstrosity that was a zombie

fell to its knees and fell face first to the ground..... If it wasn't that the creature had no head.


Heart came running Up to the car a horn of zombies Chaseing her ahe pulled ou a granade and

tossed it, it explodes killing most of them, she the presedes To bang on the top of the car

hood, "Let me in!" She screems, taking her pistol out and blowing the head and half the body

of another zombie

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((I was gunna accept you but thats fine))


Valyenciarn opened the door for the lady. "How I mean who are you??? Never mind I don't care. We've gor more pressing issues." The sky was turning yellow. The sun was setting and it would be night soon. Zombies posed a continuing problem but at night they were a serious problem. "Everyone go! I got this!" he said as a giant creature came. Valyenciarn wasted no time in killing it. He gave it 10 shots to its stomach and cut a hole through its heart and head. He gathered everyone else up himself as he yelled "DRIVE!!!" and they sped off!

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"Valyenciarn its fine I got this" Chris yelled from the sky. "Hey boy I want you to fly down to that car, okay?" Chris told the dragon. Then another dragon knocked righ into us and was about to bite Chris' dargon. "Oh no you dont" Chris jumped off and chopped of the other dragons head. "Valyenciarn were are we going exactly?" Chris asked

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Heart was intrigued by these people they seemed to be very good at killing, she smiled evily,

"Hell any wheres better than this, but I do hope you have a place we can old up in..."

She says as she starts to cleand her gun after she put a new clip in.


"I might have to get It modified to be faster But that would make it a 44. instead..."

Heart mumbled to her self sorta geting lost in words forgeting most boys would find it

wierd a girl knew about guns.

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Haro shook his head. "This is getting too weird..." Then he noticed something. "Chris! Stop!" Haro ran at the dragon which grew into two more. "Its a F****** Hydra! Cut off its head and itll only make more!" Haro pulled out his sword and held it in an unusual stance. "THe only way to kill it, is to blow it to smitherines. God, I thought these things didnt exist, but then again, I didnt think zombies didnt either..."

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Heart looked at the Wierd man next to her, she put her hand over haro's mouth and gave him

a shushing motion she took out her pistol her eyes seemed to torn mechanical, her eyes began

to shift back and fourth.


Heart then raises her pistol to the roof of the car and shot, the buled whised through the air and

hits the hydra in the chest blowing a hole in it's chest, she turns to the man she shushed,

"Hollow point highly explosive." She says, with a smile.

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"Dont worry, I got this" Chris said with a smile. Chris waited till the dragone opened his mouth. Once it oppenend its mouth Chris through a bomb inside bothe of the heads. Boooom. "What did I tell you" Chris smilied. "So were are we going exactly?" Asked Chris. But then Chris noticed that its wasnt him who killed the hydra but it was that strange girl. "Theres something strange about that girl" Chris landed next to the car. "So whats going on?"

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"Herm got a problem? We can introduce each other when we get to a safe house...."

Heart Said to the man out side as she opens the window, like she heard him.

"Ya know It wouldent be wise to be here alone I'd get in to the car...."


She said her words pulling out her own granade and Giveing It an inhuman throg it landing next

to some Zombies as to tell Chriss to get the hell in the car so they could get out of here.

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"Na, I have a dragon, Ill follow you guys and ill protect you from the sky" Chris said as the draagon started flapping its wings. "And heres a communicator so we can talk while im in the skys" Chris and his dragon then took off into the sky." I wonder wht they havent asked me how i made this cure or if i have anymore" Chris thought

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Haro heard what Chris said and nodded. "Yeah, but nows not really the time to complain about weird, is it?" Haro walked forward and approached Heart. "Do you know anything? We think the government is behind all of this, but any info you have, that would be great." Haro smiled his trademark warming smile. "This is all too weird, right?" Haro said and paused as he swept his sword out and spun and stabbed a zombie approaching him from behind.

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Guest War Torn

"Lets get going slow pokes," yelled Nathan as he took some of the gang away in his BMW. "Follow me and I'll show you the perfect safe house." 'I hope that the zombies don't get there first or these guys are going to kill me. "Well what are we waiting for, lets move," yelled Nathan as he stopped. "If we don't get to the safe house we'll all die!" 'I really don't want to die!' Nathan honks the horn. "I don't have all day so lets go!" "Seriously they need to get in the cars and talk later.'

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Valyenciarn looked at the girl. "Move Nathan your too young to driva and my birthday is tomarrow. I'll be 18 I think." He again the looked the girl she was smart and knew what the heck she was doing. "I am Valyenciarn Furia, the one I just moved out the way was Nathan, Haro is the one whose mouth your covering, Chriss is the one who tries to trump me constantly, riding the dragon and the last one is Jason. Now," Valyenciarn said pulling out his sword and putting it to her neck, "Who are you? Have you seen others and what do you want or need? And if you betray us, I will snipe you from 15 Miles away..." he said darkly.

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"Guess lets get a move on now" Chris screamed. "And how do you not know how old you are going to be?" Chris asked in suprise. "Hey boy you see that group down there, well I want you to breathe some fire about a few feet away from them so they start moving" Chris explained. The dragon did as ordered

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Guest War Torn

"This is my car and I have this," said Nathan as he showed his drivers lisence and pushed Valyen out of the way. "This lisence is from the U.S. army that lets me drive even though I'm too young. Nice try by the way." Nathan they lead everyone to the safe house. "Welcome to my home! Make yourself right at home. Snacks in the fridge. Guns and bullets in the armory. Now lets discuss our plan to take over the zombie HQ."

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As Chris walked into Nathan's home/safehouse he asked "Is there a place I can leave my dragon thats noy outside?" "Do you have a garage?" Chris asked. Chris then took of his armor and sat down. " And do you have any food, meat preferabily?" And how old are you agian?" '' And how long have you been in the army?" " And what do you think going to the zombies HQ is going to accomplish?" Chris asked

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Valyenciarn put his sword away and walked over to Chris. "It's a giant Zombie DRAGON! THE ONLY THIING IT WILL EAT IS US! Kill it!" Valyenciarn left the people alone. He hadn't seen a calendar or working cell phone since 12:34pm November 5 when his brother left. His brother... he missed him. He went outside and watched the from the top of the roof. He surveyed the perimeter and began to lay traps for the zombies. All the while, tears were in his eyes. He wanted to see his brother because he knew he was alive. He just knew it. It was all that kept him going. He went atop the roof waited and cried in silent, morose anger.

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"Most of you guys probbaly havent noticed that my dragon isnt a zombie anymore since i enjected it with an antitode" Chris said. "And guys it wont eat you or kill you, I have it under control" "Nathan do you have a phone, laptop, anything electronic even if it doesnt work, and a room I can work in?" Asked Chris. " And I'm going outside for a minute, I want to check something" Chris said as he took a Sniper, and a bullet proof vest from nathans armory.

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Guest War Torn

"Do you see how big this house it Chris?" asked Nathan as he pointed to the garage. "The garage is big enough to fit the dragon and all the cars. And yes, we do have meat. Oh, I've been in the army for 3 years and I'm 17." Nathan walked towards the fridge and started making meatloaf. "Would you like any meatloaf Chris? If not, you can make yourself a BLT." Nathan wasn't used to visitors in his house, but these were desperate times and they needed a safe house. "Yes Chrid. I have all that stuff. You can work in my office. All the stuff is in there."

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"Sure thank you" Chris said as he walked outside. "Come on Roy" Chris said to his dragon and brought him to the garage and then went back inside. "Wow Nathan your only a year older than me." Chris then went oustside to look around to see if there was anything supicous." Nathan I'm going to put a few bombs around your house to notify if there is an enemy and to instanly kill them, okay?" Chris asked

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