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So... My third sprite. Hoping I improved with the advice given.


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Shrink your Canvas: The size of your canvas is too large. There is a bunch of white space in your image there, it's best to shrink it. Saves both file room and looks neater. Assuming you worked in MS Paint, you can fix this. Place your splice in the upper left corner of the white area. Then on the bottom right of the screen you'll be able to find a small gray box. Click and drag it to change the canvas size.


Recolor your Borders: Around the edges of the splice you have an issue I find very annoying. You have a border color that does not match what it surrounds. For example, a dark blue color does not work as a border for something that is orange. Chances are you most likely didn't change the old color. You have to make sure you change things like borders. A full recolor is required for the proper effect.


There are other various flaws. The head is absurdly tiny. The textures of everything don't match. metallic body, unmetallic limbs and what not. The right claw doesn't look right with the way it's attached to the write. The large combinations of themes isn't something I've ever been a fan of. Having fire, poison, and more all in one thing is a bit too clustery.


There is a general need for some cleaning up. The right flame has a batch of pixels. The left arm isn't even attached. Inside of right claw is brown. The right claw has a bunch of incorrect pixels.


It's nice and all that you tried so much stuff, but if not done right, it will look quite messy and cluttered like you did.

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