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Parents + video games = bad combination


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My parents play almost anything. My mom loves to play Pac-Man, we bought a video game for Pac-Man one year for her birthday. My dad plays a lot of other stuff. My parents love playing video games, especially with me and my sister. Plus, they even bought me a Grand Theft Auto game, which I thought was cool since I'm only 13.


I think it's a good combination. To me at least.

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my dad has a 40:1 kill ratio on normal servers for counter strike source.

he is a f-ing god in that game on normal servers. I can barely compete aganist him, though I do have the knowledge that I can take him if I play the situation right. I am his perfect wingman for that game, since we know each other so well.


and my mom will never pass up a play on galaga arcade box.

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My mother didn't care - as long as I made good grades. It wasn't like I was gonna go running around shooting people or stomping on their heads while going on a never ending quest for mushrooms and power pellets while listening to repetitive music on my iPod. (Not anymore, anyways)


She'd play Zelda 2 or Tetris. That was about it, though.

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