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Pikagroup: The Exclusive VIP Club Lounge!


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No' date=' when you apply for a Sticky they are classified seperately.[/b']


Haven't read the rules in forever, and my Co-owner said you were only supposed to have one.


Explain that to me. I would really like to hear you opinion on that.


But lolrules, right?

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i have added the Pikagroup logo to club' date=' Pikachu-san



Under the rules, you could've been kicked out of here if you didn't put the logo. But, good.


Yeah' date=' but they succeed more. Plus, I love the Espada. *Points at Avi* With the Exception of the creeps.



The wut?

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Was up?

Hey Pikachu is it possible if I got my club to Diamond.

I used to be Pichu/Lua.


I know who you are, don't worry.


And yes, it is very possible in a matter of time. Morpheous' club isn't active and will be removed from the list. The staff and I will then decide the top 5 clubs and from that we'll pick which one deserves to be in Diamond.

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sorry' date=' lol and i posted i've been busy ok, i had to beat up some kids the other day


And personally, i really don't care about that threat lmao


Anyway Topic:How's Naruto these days



Threat? I'm funking serious.


And Naruto...it's been a while since I watched the anime.

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