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Pikagroup: The Exclusive VIP Club Lounge!


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Welcome to the Pikagroup, YCM's Strong Affiliation Group!




Welcome, my friend. Have a club that's Pokemon related? Has a lack of affiliates? Maybe your club is suddenly inactive, and you want some help and support? Look no further. The Pikagroup is a specialized group that unites proud club owners together to produce a strong bond. Activities, promotions, benefits and much more are provided to all who join.


This group is like the Citi-Group IRL, it consists of groups that are very similar to each other, and it makes the clubs more popular and well known. Other clubs are free to join this strong group, which is great, we can expand. This group is currently owned by Pikachu.


Since we are now a club with prestigious club leaders, our new topics are either about clubs or Pokemon. Nothing else.


There are three important, spoilered sections that you MUST read. The rules and terms of joining, additional promotions/activities, and the membership plans. Please take your time to read those section before applying.


Best wishes to our departed Charizard and inactive Creed, who have helped sincerely to the Pikagroup in the past.


If you wish to join, please fill in this application form:


Name of Club/Organization:

Link to Club/Organization:

Is your club a Pokemon club:

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup:

Which type of membership plan would you like to take:


If you wish to join as a helper, please fill in this application form:



Experience with clubs in the past:

Have you ever had a club? If yes, which:

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup:


The Helper section is currently full. We'll re-open this section if any one of our helpers become inactive.




-How are you all? The Pikagroup Helper section has proven successful and is now currently full. The members and club lists have both been updated to ensure all the inactive ones are removed asap. Thank you for joining or if you're just browsing by, your minor contributions are all very vital to make what the Pikagroup is today!

-Okay, no more activeness messages...actually, there is. A new members section is now available of you wish to join this group without a club: Pikagroup Helper! This type of member would not need to pay to enter, but we will limit the spots to three. These members will help me inspect all our current clubs and help them bump, suggest ideas or any other necessary procedures. Also, they could search around YCM for a great club to join our family, and they can invite these clubs to the Pikagroup. What are you waiting for? SIGN UP NOW!


[spoiler=Rules/Terms of Joining]

Rules/Terms of Joining


Club Restrictions:


-It is recommended that each member who applies only applies for one club. The same member applying for two clubs must pay an additional fee of 100 points, to reduce the amount of clubs within our community. We want quality, not quantity.

-To increase quality, the club must have at least 500 posts and at least 8 active members. I will check your clubs for cleanliness of your club and also post quality.

-Please think carefully which membership plan to take, as we cannot give refunds. If you are denied, we will give you a full refund.

-if you do get denied, you have to wait a month before reapplying. The date will be included in the 'Denied Clubs' section to enforce the rule a bit more.


After-Joining Restrictions:


-Use the Pikagroup logos according to your membership plan. If you take the wrong logo, I will personally PM you. Failing to change it within 24 hours after I sent the PM will result in a temporary ban from the Pikagroup.

-Join activities our community offer. If you do not, I may consider having your club removed from the list.

-If you club is inactive for more than two weeks (I shall check all the clubs weekly), then it's an auto-remove. If you wish to reapply after, please feel free to.

-If you feel like you want to advance a rank in the membership plan, just pay the amount of the new membership plan subtracted with your original membership plan (eg. You want to be a Platinum member. You are currently a Gold. 500 - 250 = 250, so you only need to pay 250 points.)






[spoiler=Activities and Promotions]

Activities and Promotions


You must be wondering, 'What's so good about the activities and the promotions?'. Here are the details:




-Planned seasonal Pikagroup contests will be hosted. Contests will either be 1 on 1 Tournaments, 1 on 1 Singles, or 3 Round Card Contests.

-Meetings scheduled every month to discuss our club's growth and activeness. Tips and advice are more than welcome, and will be done either in this thread or by PM.


Promotions/Extra Services:


-Permission to use the Pikagroup logo, a logo that shall bring fame and luck to your club. The better your membership plan, the better your logo.

-Can automatically seek tips and advice from other Pikagroup members.

-A bump in your club, in case it gets real inactive.

-If you are gone for vacation, The Pikagroup staff will help take care of your club (as in, we're the temporary co-leaders). This varies with each membership plan.


These are all the available Activities/Promotions in general. For more detailed information, see the 'Membership Plans' section, where you can view each plan's included Activities and Promotions.



[spoiler=Membership Plans]

Membership Plans


You must have been a bit confused with this. You must be thinking 'Hey, all I need to do is join, right?'. You're wrong. The payment plan you choose how many activities you're allowed to participate in and how many bonuses we'll offer you. Of course, a sum of points is required for this to happen.


Below are four different types of membership plans, ranging from the original 'Pikagroup: Basic Member' to the exclusive 'Pikagroup: Diamond Member'. Choose wisely.


Note: All the payments are one-time only.




Pikagroup: Basic Member:


Info: The rookies of the elite community, Basic members only need to pay a small amount of points to be accepted as a member. These member may not show much contribution and loyalty, but their minds might change for a better future for their clubs and advance a rank or two when the time is right.


-Permission to use the Basic Pikagroup logo (above).

-Can request a bump once a week.

-Allowed to post in this thread.

-Can participate in contests only if invited.


Limit Space: UNLIMITED


(Pokemon Club: 40 points / Non-Pokemon Club: 50 points)




Pikagroup: Gold Member:


Info: The Gold members of our elite community serve as the 'Novices' of the club. They need to pay a fair sum of points to enter our group. Gold Members are not noobs nor legends, but are members that choose to have a reasonable amount of privileges. When the time is right, i am sure they will choose to move up a rank.


-Permission to use the Gold Pikagroup logo (above).

-Permission to use the holiday themed logos if we allow you to.

-The Pikagroup can take care of your club for a maximum of 3 days at a time.

-Can participate in any contest.

-Can request a bump twice a week.

-Allowed to be involved in discussions in this thread.


Limit Space: UNLIMITED


(Pokemon Club: 125 points / Non-Pokemon Club: 150 points)




Pikagroup: Platinum Member:


Info: The great, important Platinum members are like 'Generals' in our elite community. They offer a great sum of points to stand up to this rank, proving loyalty to our group. These members may not be the legendary founders of this club, but in the future, I am sure they will be just like the Diamonds.


-Permission to use the Platinum Pikagroup logo (above).

-Permission to use any holiday themed logo available only at the holiday season.

-The Pikagroup can take care of your club for a maximum of one week at a time.

-Permission to join and judge any contest available in this group.

-Can request a bump anytime.

-Allowed to be involved in discussions in this thread or by PM.


Limit Space: TEN


(Pokemon Club: 250 points / Non-Pokemon Club: 300 points)




Pikagroup: Diamond Member:


Info: Diamond Members are commonly known to be 'the founders of the Pikagroup', in which they were, surely, the first members of this elite group. These members are so certain of this club's success that they had dished out a fair sum of points to show their proud status to the common public. Due to that, the current limit of these members are now five.


-Permission to use the Diamond Pikagroup logo (above).

-Permission to use any holiday themed logo at any time.

-The Pikagroup will take care of your club for as long as you like.

-Permission to host, judge and join any contest available in the group.

-Can request a bump anytime.

-Allowed to host and be involved the PM and/or the thread meetings.

-Permission to look after this thread if I'm gone.




(Pokemon Club: 400 points / Non-Pokemon Club: 500 points)



[spoiler=Our Current Members]

Our Current Members


Below are all of our proud members. The clubs and their owners are displayed below based on their membership plan. The higher, the more advanced. The format is shown below:


Member - Club Name - Join Date (MM/DD/YYYY)




Pikachu - Club Pikachu - 03/03/2010


Staff Members and Helpers:


Kotaro - Senior Helper - 05/10/2010

King Matrix - Senior Helper - 05/11/2010

Enrise - Senior Helper - 05/30/2010

-Pichu- - Helper - 06/22/2010

Metallica. - Helper - 06/23/2010

War Torn - Helper - 06/23/2010


Diamond Members:


Soul~ - Club Box - 03/03/2010

Bassa - The Elite Force Dragon Club - 03/04/2010

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S - The Destiny Organization - 03/05/2010

Tainted Black - R.P.820 - 05/02/2010


Platinum Members:


Dog King - Ultimate Card Makers - 03/12/2010

Twig - Writer's Arena - 04/18/2010

Shadow Red - Club SilveRaichu - 04/21/2010

Aa'une's Apprentice - Akatsuki of YCM - 04/23/2010

~Ryeden_Ogata~ - Anime Crazy - 04/29/2010

Phantom Roxas - Organization XIII - 05/23/2010

Pichu - Club Pichu - 04/22/2010


Gold Members:




Basic Members:


Yuki Hirako - The Chibi Knights - 04/19/2010


Oh Hold/Denied


(Note: The date means when the club could reapply. Usually, this is one month.)




The bolded clubs mean that they were once stickied! This proves how great we are!





[spoiler=History of the Pikagroup]

History of the Pikagroup


The history of the Pikagroup might not be very long, but hey, it's still history. It all started on the 16th November 2009 when I went on Wikipedia to research the 'Citi-Group'. An idea sparked onto my head immediately, and I sent to following PM to Charizard and Creed, my closest club buddies:


Not the BEST idea' date=' but it's good.


We all know that the members of Cafe Noob, Rockstar and Club Pikachu should be in all of those clubs. We also know that affiliations with each others clubs are quite strong too. More importantly, we're all close buddies. That's cool, right?


So, I had thought of a plan to make our club bonds stronger.


Each of our clubs should be in a group, customized by us. The group is like the Citi-Group IRL, it consists of groups that are very similar to each other, and makes the groups more popular and well known. Other clubs are free to join this strong group that we made, which is great, we can expand. Even better, this has never been done before, therefore we will break a YCM record and we'll all be famous in the Clubs section.


Before we start, though, there's a problem.


I don't have a name for this group, nor do I have a logo for it either.


Do you...have any suggestions?



F**kin genius, I have nothing though, If you get a name I will make the logo.

Pikachu, I love you! *gives a hug*


Hmm name, I was thinking you should come up with the name Pikachu. I mean, you have one of the best clubs ever.


*hugs back*


I have considered 'Pikagroup', but yet it is unoriginal (in my opinion) and it is kind of...unfair to both of your clubs. But if you want, that name could be used.

It sounds OK. Just mention our clubs.


Ok Charizard, your task is to make a simple logo for the Pikagroup. I suggest you use the font/color like the Citigroup logo, but that's your choice.


Death Bishop, ignore my other PM. ;D


Charizard made the first Pikagroup logo, which was used for quite a while:




And when everything was ready, we agreed that Charizard would make the thread. We, on the 22nd November 2009, have made YCM's first affiliating group. Club Pikachu, Cafe Noob and Rockstar were the three main clubs.


It was successful for the most part. It began gaining attention, and even received support from a talented GFXer, Lemniscate. His post was:


I do not own a club' date=' and have no intention of making one, but I just wanted to help out a bit, so I have made you a more professional looking logo.




He offered us this logo:




From then on, he has been a major contribution to the Pikagroup, and we have used that logo ever since. he has also helped us produce all the other different logos each membership plan has, and the holiday themed logos.


On the way, ideas were being developed everyday. For example, the new addition to the Pikagroup was the 'Gold membership', inspired by Charizard. It allowed our members to experience more and had extra benefits. This made me expand it even more, by introducing more ranks, including the all new Platinum and Diamond.


But just after New Year's, thing went wrong. Charizard was never to be seen again, and all his work on YCM was left behind. Seeing that he left, the Pikagroup was abandoned, only to be an image to remember.


I then decided to do a remake. Before I did though, I asked Lemniscate for a new more logos. This is what he had made for me.




This is beautiful. I had to admit, it isn't the best, but it's still beautiful.


So on March 3rd 2010, Pikachu has remade the Pikagroup and improved it dramatically. Members immediately joined the club on the first day and the remake was born. The first organized meeting at the end of March where we discussed the conflicts on the clubs section and improvements that we could all make.


In April, we have requested to be stickied and featured in the Clubs section. And very fortunately we were stickied, and yet again we received positive praise and more members. The Pikagroup was once again the central group for affiliation. Soon, other stickied clubs joined this group to produce one of the strongest affiliations yet. The sticky ended in the end of June.


During May, I have created a new section called 'Helpers', where they help me sort out the clubs and, of course, help me around the section. To honor this, King Matrix has kindly made us the first of the Helper lgos: The Senior Helper badge.




I hope the Pikagroup shall become successful. We shall see in the future.







By now, you should know which logo to use. Please, and I really mean it, DO NOT STEAL, EDIT OR USE LOGOS THAT ARE NOT INCLUDED FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP PLAN! If you do and you get caught, you will receive a warning and might result in being kicked out of the Pikagroup.


For the holiday themed logos, you will be given a week's notice to change back. A PM will be sent to clarify this. If you're a Diamond Member, it doesn't matter. If you can catch anyone not using the logos properly, PM me with the link and I shall deal with it. You will also be rewarded with a rep for your great work.


Thanks to Lemniscate for his hard work on the logos. Without him, we'd probably be stuck with a horrible one. Also thanks to King Matrix for making an edited version of the helper logos and different recolors for the Senior Helpers.


Below are three sections: for helpers only, for club members only, and for special occasions which can be used by anybody in the designated time.


[spoiler=Helper Logos]

Helper Logo




Senior Helper Logo (Blue):





Senior Helper Logo (Red):





Senior Helper Logo (Green):







[spoiler=Club Member Logos]

Basic Member Logo:





Gold Member Logo:





Platinum Member Logo:





Diamond Member Logo:







[spoiler=Holiday/Special Occasion Logos]

Christmas Theme Logo:





(Usage time: 1st December - 31st December)


More holiday themed logos will be made soon, so just wait!






Want to have a great club like this? Check out the club making guide by clicking this sentence!


Wish to see the previous thread? Go here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-170041.html


Good day folks! Thank you very much for browsing this prestigious group.



Owner of Club Pikachu and The Pikagroup

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This is what I waiting for...


Name of Club/Organization: Club Machop - All of Pokemon Club Are Awesome

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-190369.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: Yeah

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: Because my club is pokemon club too

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: Gold

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Name of Club/Organization: Club Box

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-175064.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: Nope.

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: Cause' date=' it's too epic for words to describe.

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: DIAMOND!





800 divided by 2 = 400. 400 Points please, good sir.


This is what I waiting for...


Name of Club/Organization: Club Machop - All of Pokemon Club Are Awesome

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-190369.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: Yeah

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: Because my club is pokemon club too

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: Gold


Since I know you all too well, I'll accept you. Just saying, you must have at least 500 posts in your club to be properly accepted. But this is an exception.

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Name of Club/Organization: Club Pachirisu

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-187624.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: Yes.

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: Because I feel like it

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: DIAMOND.




Totally a good reason. ;D


Accepted, 800 points please.

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Name of Club/Organization: The Elite Force Dragon Club

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-146697.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: No, sorry although we do have a few discussions about Pokemon.

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: I think this is an extremly good idea and would love to have my club affiliated with this.

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: Diamond

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Name of Club/Organization: The Elite Force Dragon Club

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-146697.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: No' date=' sorry although we do have a few discussions about Pokemon.

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: I think this is an extremly good idea and would love to have my club affiliated with this.

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: Diamond



Points received, and accepted!


Can i ask some questions before i apply ?


Do you accept or decline the form or do you just accept everything ?


Of course I decline! A prestigious group needs excellent quality clubs.


They will only decline if you dont pay.

I was thinking of making a Pokemon club so ill be buying Diamond later on.


Not true. I will give them a three day limit to pay. If they don't, a PM will be sent.


Also, you club must have at least 500 posts before you can apply.


EDIT: TO ALL THOSE CLUBS THAT ARE ACCEPTED, it would be nice if you could put the logo in your club. Thanks.

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Name of Club/Organization:The Destiny Organization

Link to Club/Organization:http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-186288

Is your club a Pokemon club:No

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup:I always wanted to join before but i got declined so this is my new chance :)

Which type of membership plan would you like to take:Diamond


Can i pay if/after you accept me ?

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Name of Club/Organization:The Destiny Organization

Link to Club/Organization:http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-186288

Is your club a Pokemon club:No

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup:I always wanted to join before but i got declined so this is my new chance :)

Which type of membership plan would you like to take:Diamond


Can i pay if/after you accept me ?


I have to admit, your club is a bit 'simple'.


But I'll accept you.

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Poké Kingdom

Is your club a Pokemon club - Why yes my good sir it is ;3

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup - So that If I am inactive I can be sure that my family won't pay for it by my Kingdom being gone :(

Which type of membership plan would you like to take - Diamond


I'll do the math for you


Diamond = 800points but seeing as its a Pokemon club it would be


800/2 = 400 points.

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Name of Club/Organization:The Destiny Organization

Link to Club/Organization:http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-186288

Is your club a Pokemon club:No

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup:I always wanted to join before but i got declined so this is my new chance :)

Which type of membership plan would you like to take:Diamond


Can i pay if/after you accept me ?


I have to admit' date=' your club is a bit 'simple'.


But I'll accept you.



Points sent :)

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Poké Kingdom

Is your club a Pokemon club - Why yes my good sir it is ;3

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup - So that If I am inactive I can be sure that my family won't pay for it by my Kingdom being gone :(

Which type of membership plan would you like to take - Diamond


I'll do the math for you


Diamond = 800points but seeing as its a Pokemon club it would be


800/2 = 400 points.


-To increase quality' date=' the club must have at least [b']500 posts[/b] and at least 8 active members. I will check your clubs for cleaniness of your club and also post quality.


I'll put you 'on hold'.


Btw, it's still 800. Where did you get the half price from?


Name of Club/Organization: Real Duel Academy

Link to Club/Organization: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-162101.html

Is your club a Pokemon club: No

Why would you like to join the Pikagroup: Get more members' date=' keep the thread alive while I am at school, possibly

Which type of membership plan would you like to take: Diamond



Yay, our first stickied affiliate! Accepted!

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You havent added me to the first post :(


I've already sent the points


I'm so sorry! I shall add you now.


Thanks Pikachu!!!!


No problem mate!


Oops sorry my bad Pikachu I thought Pokemon clubs got half price.


I'll just have to wait till Poke Kingdom gets the posts aquired then I'll send 800 points to you.


You can reapply next month. No earlier, rules are rules.

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