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Reptilianne Naga

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This card cannot be destroyed by battle. The ATK of any monster that battles this card becomes 0 at the end of that Battle Phase. During your End Phase, change this face-up Defense Position card on the field to face-up Attack Position.


Funny as hell sometimes. Discuss =D

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So... If 2 monsters with 0 ATK attack each other.... both destroyed?


if your talking bout naga' date=' no she cannot be destroyed by battle even with monster with 0 atk

other than this yeah


decent card



indeed. she's saved my behind plenty of times and buys me a good turn. a lot of people won't attack her even if she is in attack mode unless if they have enough monsters to make big dent in lp. they don't wanna make their monsters lose all their attack points.

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So... If 2 monsters with 0 ATK attack each other.... both destroyed?


if your talking bout naga' date=' no she cannot be destroyed by battle even with monster with 0 atk

other than this yeah


decent card



indeed. she's saved my behind plenty of times and buys me a good turn. a lot of people won't attack her even if she is in attack mode unless if they have enough monsters to make big dent in lp. they don't wanna make their monsters lose all their attack points.


while your opponent monsters atk reduced to 0 you gain advantage by summoning reptailenne Viper and gain control of that monster then tune up the band (synchro summon)

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So... If 2 monsters with 0 ATK attack each other.... both destroyed?


if your talking bout naga' date=' no she cannot be destroyed by battle even with monster with 0 atk

other than this yeah


decent card



indeed. she's saved my behind plenty of times and buys me a good turn. a lot of people won't attack her even if she is in attack mode unless if they have enough monsters to make big dent in lp. they don't wanna make their monsters lose all their attack points.


while your opponent monsters atk reduced to 0 you gain advantage by summoning reptailenne Viper and gain control of that monster then tune up the band (synchro summon)


Lol. That reminds me of a moment where I was dueling a friend and he was about to attack my face down.


"Hey can I look at your graveyard for a second?

Yeah, sure.

[He looks at Reptilianne Naga and Viper] Hmm...I'll attack your facedown!

Reptilianne Naga.


My turn?


I'll summon Reptilianne Viper!


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