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Toon Contest


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Hey guys! I decided to make a little contest involving the craze of toon monsters. The rules are simple:


*You can add any monster you want, as long as they're monsters already made except toonified. (Eg, Crystal Beasts, Elemental Heroes etc.)

*The effects must be included as every toon monsters has. (This card must be summoned by Toon World...)

*The limit to this competition is ONE monster. You have the option of adding in Spells or Traps that affect that monster, but nothing else.

*Images may be used from various sites such as DA, Photobucket etc, but you may lose points for that. It would help if the images were drawn yourselves.

And that's it. Here's a few ground rules involving the competitors:


*No spamming

*No hate mails

*No inappropriate language

*If you hate a card, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!


Break any of these rules and you'll be disqualified, have a repuation point removed and depending on the level of your rule break, be referred to the Moderators.


Here's the prize: 50 points and 4 Reps.


Also, if you wish to amaze me, I look for three things in a card:






If you qualify for all three, you'll have a higher chance of winning. Now good luck, and have a nice clean competition :D

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I am the orginal editor of this image. If anyone else posts it, they took it from me and not the other way around...




"Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon"+"Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" +"Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon"

A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it was summoned. Pay 500 Life Points eachtime this monster attacks. When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster on the field, this card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If a Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your attacks must target the Toon Monster.

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