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I have a Harpie Girl (before they put the blue suit on her) card that...ummm...well...her outfit is the same color as her skin so she looks naked.


This is technically an error. That art you see is the OCG art' date=' which should have been altered to cockblock 10-year-olds who might discover that naked girls are a good thing. The 1st edition printings have the uncorrected artwork for some reason.


This is unlike "Trial of Hell", as this card was intentionally printed akin to the Japanese version of the card. It was only when the soccer moms who wanted their children to grow up socially malformed stepped in did Konami implement standards to censor TCG versions of some cards.



Japan has this card without the black straps?


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Anyone ever read Plasma carefully?


"This card gains equal to..."


I couldn't believe it when I saw this wording.

There are a bunch of Commons from Gold Series 2 that have big green ink splotches on them - not just Spells' date=' all types.



Mind = blown.


There's a VERY SLIM chance that's a weird OCG thing, but that's doubtful. This would be an uncorrected misprint, as there are no other TCG printings of Destiny Hero - Plasma.

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An old shop I went to had a judge who forbade us from using misprints. I never understood why. He was a butthole, anyway.


I think they appeal to everyone, in some way. Moreso to collectors, obviously. But even to straight players, I've seen preference in misprints for a fun factor. Myself? I'm a little of both.

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I used to pull this bullshit on kids for sharking:


Take a teeny bit of butter and gently rub it on an HL card. The sparkles should come off, revealing just the glossy surface and ultra lettering. They can then be traded off as "European HL cards" or "extremely rare misprint HL cards". Personally, I like the misprint story, as it's easily backed up by the fact that our local shop runners cherry picked the HL cards when we had HL tournies, anyway.

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