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E-Hero Wildedge said it required E-Hero Edgeman.


...Which is Bladedge's Japanese name.


The CED's that say "yoru opponent's Life Points" come to mind.


a long time ago i got in a fight with someone becuase he didnt know who Yoru was and there for didnt know who would take the damage......it was one of the funniest things i have ever gone through:)

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Ah, here comes a long post. Bear with me.


Before the days of YGO, I had expertise in the collection o misprint Pokemon cards. Diglets with sideways Fighting Energy symbols, Pokemon: The First Movie promos without the gold Kids WB stamps, half-cut Ancient Mews, and so on. When I shifted into YGO, I started collecting those misprints. I collected misprint YGO cards for many years until 2 years ago, when I quit. I still have a small collection and I still find some misprints that people give me because I'm still known as "The Misprince" at my locals. My collection has slowly faded away into some 22 remaining cards.


Due to my ability to get cards, I expanded my classifications into 3 categories:


Some photos are below.


Misprint: text, template, or holo printing error.

Miscut: self-explanatory.

Factory mistake: acid burns or crimpings.


My tiny fragment of my remaining collection is as follows:


Elemental Hero Chaos Neos: name is printed as "Rainbow Dragon"

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness: slanted miscut.

Nitro Warrior: ultimate rare attribute, level stars, and image are displaced to the left a distance exactly half the width of a level star. Photo.

Psychic Commander/Tricky's Spell 4: both cards apparently share a conjoined misprint. When held together, a faded square appears in the center of both cards, covering them like 2 maps joined together. I haven't been able to determine if this is a laser burn or an acid stain.

The Wicked Avatar: A small circle of ink is missing from the surface of the sphere, like a small bullet hole, revealing the holo underneath.

Raging Flame Sprite: A 3rd of the image and up is printed with twice as much ink as normal, giving that portion of the card a heavy brushed look.

Destiny Hero - Fear Monger: Misaligned name.

Elemental hero Voltic: Miscut.

Worm Cartaros: crimped by the pack sealing mechanism.

Lord of D.: Entirely holo.

B.E.S. Tetran: miscut.

Flamvell Firedog: no name. (The same misprint appears on an XX-Saber Fulhelmknight I have decked)

Mazera DeVille: no name.

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon: misaligned holofoil.

Super Solar Nutrient/Half or Nothing: both cards have the ink used on the authenticity square in the corner slightly mis-stamped over several locations on the card.

Dark Magic Curtain: no name.

Grand Convergence: From halfway through the card title and up, the printer ran out of blue ink while printing, leaving this upper portion yellow-ish green.

Cyber Shadow Gardna: acid stain.

Elemental Absorber: misaligned name.

Guardian Eatos: misaligned name. Photo.

Krebons: misaligned authenticity square. Photo.

2x Lightwave Tuning: I don't have these anymore (traded them both for a PTDN DAD), but they both shared another rare case of a conjoined misprint. They both shared the same authenticity square. Photo.


And of course, the 3 misprints I will take to my grave. The ones I've had offers from US and overseas collectors alike for. 3 misprint color testers, affectionatly dubbed, in order of their discovery, MCTC-EN001, MCTC-EN002, and MCTC-EN003.




001 is printed sideways, 002 is 1st edition, and 003 has no yellow bar.

I've got FL Earthy and FL Windy without their names on the card. Does that count?

Indeed it does.
a Secret Book of Arts with the Japense logo on the back.

That isn't a misprint. It's an Asian-English card.
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well if we are counting acid stains


chrysilis mole- acid stain

book of secret arts- no feather ( but a light stain were it would be. )

several random cards from LOB, RMD, PSV, ect- japanese logo and sometimes no logo

backs to the wall- GIANT yellow streak on the left side

streamroid- black stain from back wheels

speed warrior- greenish yellow stain after name

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