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What deck do you think will be the funest and the most copetitive to use?

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I have a few thoughts:

Spell Striker deck- http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-186470.html

Holy Village[not neccesserly this build]- http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-177366.html

Regular Skilless Village

Batterymen- http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-182749.html

Catkeeper's- http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-181429.html

Dedalus Deck- http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-180570.html


i just realised!:

1000th POST!!! :\

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I find D.D. Monarchs very fun to use. It screws the plans of most opponents. I think it's also competitive...


Dimensional Eatos.

I dont think that it even exist where I live :S

I don't know about competitive' date=' but volcanics and gladiator beasts are fun to play, at least for me.


Volcanic Gadgets/Spin Monarchs

I'd rather somthing from the list I gave, besides "other" :\

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my fortune village deck has been surpisingly effective, it's a chaos build, and I've been trying to get honest in there somehow, since light is a magnet for attacks. 2 future visions works well to divert destruction effects to protect my village, as well as slowing down my opponent.


it's also likely the only deck that can run sorcerer of dark magic without it being dead most of the time.

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