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With this, it is complete (Raina the Light Charmer)

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FLIP: Take control of 1 LIGHT monster your opponent controls, while this card remains face-up on the field.


Most, if not all, of you will not care, but for someone like me who is a Fan of the Charmers, I say FINALLY!. So getting this, Japanese or not, then the English version when it comes out. The set is complete (Aside from Familiar-Possessed/Final Forms).


I must say though, like Dharc, her coat is different from the others, and, unlike the others, her hair color and eye color don't match, I don't think.

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I don't really want sound like a Yusei copy here, but I seriously don't think any card can be useless or a waste of Space, you just need strategy with the Charmers, their not beat sticks who can blow up the field and deal damage, which we got enough of, IMO.


Also, just noticed, now half the Charmers have shorts, half of them skirts...

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