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Spiky Pichu (EGG)


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I don't like eggs. I must be too much of a logical person, because I don't get why an egg would have ears, tails, and etc. Even in the show the eggs don't do that. They merely have a pattern related to the Pokemon on the shell. So with that being said, I can't say I like the conceptual area of this.


Of course I won't comment on that alone. The cheeks have outlines like that doesn't quite match with how Pichu has them. The eyes also are the same way, where they don't match Pichu eyes. There should be a black border around the strip at the sides, instead of brown. Lastly I don't get why there isn't a border on the black strip on the bottom, but the rest of it has it.

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brown I don't have brown at all~? Also if your looking for that black line that goes across it's body it is there....


well anyways anymore comments?


I have a comment. When I first looked at this thread, there was a sprite of a Spiky-Eared Pichu instead of a Spiky-Eared Pichu egg. When I refreshed the page, it changed to the egg. Are my eyes playing tricks on me?


Personally, I like the egg.

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