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Seeing the movie was an experience for me, since it was the only movie I've ever seen in 3-D. My eyes took a minute to adjust at first, not being used to the effect, but it was awesome after a bit. People keep saying that the story wasn't so great, but I actually enjoyed it. I also hear people complain about how the story was racist, or anti-war, or pro-environment, and I think they may hit the nail on the head. Sure, there's a parallel to the whole "running people out of their own territory" thing, and the first thing that comes to my mind is the beginnings of this country (America); in the event we do come across an unspoiled world inhabited by an indigenous people (but in space), shouldn't we be thinking about how we want to handle it? Don't you think that's exactly how we would have handled it? Pit an advanced culture against a technologically inferior culture which has something the other group wants, and sh*t is gonna happen.


On the matter of race: the Na'vi are blue, the humans are... "not as blue" will suffice here. People complaining about the racism may be right, insofar as race is involved, but the movie isn't making a point of saying either is better than the other. I see it as quite the opposite: we may be different on the surface, but when it comes down to it we're all still people. Doesn't matter if you're a mercenary ex-Marine or a blue guy riding alien dragons.


The driving force of the plot did revolve around the impending destruction of the Na'vi homeworld environment. Some may think "Environmentalist preachings! How dare they!" I respond with this: So the hell what? Is it not important to keep our planet's living conditions at the forefront of our minds? Remember, the reason the humans went to Pandora was to secure resources that had been depleted on Earth, namely energy, which came from a magic jungle crystal worth jillions by the pound. How couldn't we relate to that? I mean, oil and renewable energy and what have you. Look it up. There has to be something we can learn from the film, like not destroying environments for profit, or that there's nothing wrong with hooking up with a hot alien chick (inter-species romance FTW!). If you don't care for all the possible messages of the movie, just watch it and enjoy it for the story. If you don't care for that, enjoy that sweet effects. If none of that is appealing, then you, sir, can go **** yourself.


Last thing: The 3-D. I loved it! Yeah, I got a headache from wearing the glasses, but I don't know how much of that had to do with the lenses or them sitting on my head. At some points the image didn't perfectly blend, since I couldn't tell where I was supposed to be looking at for the right depth field. Like trying to look at what someone else is looking at, you don't have any control. I'm not entirely sure how it was supposed to look, since I wear glasses, but overall I was very impressed. Of course, I kept the glasses afterwards, they're fun to play with (try getting a couple of them together).


[spoiler=Whant to know something?]I cried when the tree fell. It was sad!



My rating -Story 8.0 -Effects 9.5 -I loved the movie!

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I don't know... The others said it was great... I say it was a waste of money! I mean, there are a lot of 3-D movies! The story was so-so, but the effects were very good...(I must tell the truth. Even if 3-D isn't the newest technology, all the effects were very good) But I think that story is more important! And the stories of other movies( with a common, science-fiction, theme) were better! Anyway, this is a matter of "taste"...

But you should watch it, to tell us your opinion...

P.S. I'm happy it didn't get the Oscar! >:-)

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Like I said before, I thought the story was great, but the effects probably were the best part about the movie. As good as the story was for me, I'll admit it wasn't Oscar-worthy.


On a related note, who didn't just love Ben Stiller's bit at the Oscars? . I thought it was awesome, just brilliant; classic Stiller. That guy's a nut!

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