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Emperor(5) vs SuperSusanoo(0) EMPEROR WINS - locked

emperor 217

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Here is ma card


[spoiler=Effect]"The Legendary Wanderer - BantyoLeomon" + "The Final Weapon - Darkdramon"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards you control (You do not use "Polymerization"). When this card attacks, you can draw a card. This card gains the following effect:

Monster: Destroy the monster at the start of the Damage Step (without damage calculation).

Spell: This card's ATK decreases by 1000 till the End Phase.

Trap: Destroy this card. Your opponent's Life Points decreases by 2000.

If this card is destroyed by an effect of a Spell- OR Trap Card, destroy all cards on the field.


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Effect :1 Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Monster

When this card destroys a monster draw 1 card. If the drawn card is a Monster Card destroy up to 1 Monster Card on the field, if the drawn card is a Spell Card destroy up to 1 Spell Card on the field, if the drawn card is a Trap Card destroy up to 1 Trap Card on the field.


I didn't know you have similar effect

I'll make another xD

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