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[Tutorial] How to make Japanese cards using GIMP (Works with Dark Synchroes as well)[Tutorial]

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Okay YCM, today I'm gonna teach you how to do Japanese cards with GIMP by request. Please note that this is the method I use to make them and may/may not give the best result, but this is just a general, so you can work out the specific details later if you want. So, I'll do my best to explain the process.


Here we go:


Required Materials:


-Card maker

-Japanese fonts (your computer should have some installed)

-A online translator, such as Google Translate

-Japanese Attribute pack (You can get them off Yugioh Wikia or render them off existing cards. Or just use this thread.


There will be a great amount of directions, but that's to break it down into steps you can all understand.


For the purpose of this tutorial, I'm making an Effect Monster.


NOTE: This is for every card EXCEPT Dark Synchroes. They will require additional steps.


[spoiler=Step 1]

Make your card in the card maker as you normally would (with rarity, name, ATK, DEF, image, effect and the proper settings. Do not worry about the rarity, because that is not needed. After you finish, save it. You will need to save it in English first in the event you made a mistake and/or want to fix something.



[spoiler=Step 2]

Open the Translator window. You will need to copy and paste the name, type and effect into the translator (alternating from YCM to the translator will be needed to do so). Make sure you set them in separate lines (name on 1st line, type on the second line and effect on the third line). The name and the type/effect should have 1 line between it.


For Spell/Trap cards, do not copy the Type. But copy the words "Spell Card" or "Trap Card" respectively.


Put the type and any effects if it has any (such as Effect, Spirit, Tuner, Fusion, etc.). Be sure that you have the settings at "Translate from: English" and "Translate to: Japanese".



[spoiler=Step 3]

Once you have everything you need translated, click "Enter" or "Translate" on the screen. You should end up with whatever you put in the translator in Japanese.



[spoiler=Step 4]

Go back to the card maker. Delete the name, type, effect. If it has an edition, delete it unless it's "Duel Terminal" or anything else. Then, click Generate. Now save the result. It shouldn't have a name and the text box should be empty. Do not change the card type or Attribute

It should look like this when you save it:





[spoiler=Step 5]

Open up GIMP. Then,open up your saved card. It should appear exactly how you saved it in Step 4.


Set your view to 200% to get a better view of your card.



[spoiler=Step 6]

Click R on your keyboard or click the rectangle on your Toolbar to use the Rectangle Select Tool. Using this tool, drag it over an area without any text, like the example below.





[spoiler=Step 7]

After you have used the tool to select a part of the box, click Ctrl + C to copy the area selected. Use Ctrl + V (or Paste) to paste the part you copied. Now click M (which is the Move tool) and move the "floating layer" over the "[ /Effect] part. Once you have it in place, click the mouse and the layer will merge with the background.


If done right, it should look like this:




For Spell and Trap Cards, you don't need to do it b/c there isn't any text to cover.



[spoiler=Step 8]

Now here comes the adding text part. Click the T button or the Text Tool (it looks like an A). Once you have the text menu up, change the font to one that is programmed for Japanese fonts. If you have Windows (or the Windows Font Pack if you got Linux), then the closest font to the actual font is Times New Roman. But if you have MS Unicode or any other font that supports Japanese characters, then use it. For the name, use Times because it looks closer to the actual font.


The rest of it, I will explain in later steps



[spoiler=Step 9]

Once you have opened your Text Tool, go over to where the name should be and click there. A menu should pop up with "GIMP Text Editor". Your name goes here. For the options below the font size/type, make sure all three are checked. Your card name should be around 24-25 pt. size.


Open up the translator tab again and copy your card's name. Then go back to GIMP and paste it into the text box. It should show how your card's name will appear on the card. Then close the Text Box. If it stretches off the card, don't worry. We'll make it fit with another tool. If the name goes out of the box, hit Shift + T. You should get the Scaling menu. Go to the right of the box that appears around the name and move it to the left until it fits inside the box. Fix only the width, not height.


If you want your name to have a different color other than black, do that before you Scale it.



[spoiler=Step 10]

Once you got the name, move on to [Type/Effect]. Do the same thing with the Text Tool like you did in the last step. Move your mouse to the area where the type should be and click there. The Text Box should appear.


Now go back to the translator and copy the [Type/Effect] part (JP). Copy and paste it into the GIMP text box. Make the font size for this part, 11 pt. and if you have it, Serif Bold or whatever you have. If you want, then you can copy/paste the type/effect, but then erase the brackets, but leave a space in front for it to be added later using BOLDED fonts.



[spoiler=Step 11]

Now we're on the effect. For this, the font size depends on how long your effect is. As a general rule, it should be 7 pt. or less. To be honest, this may be the hardest to explain.


Just like you did for the name/type, open up the text box beneath the effect. Then go back to the translator and copy the effect. Then open the GIMP window again and paste the effect into the text box. Now you may see that it goes way off the card, but just choose a random spot and hit Enter to see where to end a line. If it's too far, Backspace it and try to locate where it should end and hit Enter when you find it. Backspace the next line to the one above it and do the same thing for it and the other lines until you got the effect lined up.


Note 1: If your effect is extremely long, you may want to consider doing this at a much higher view.

Note 2: For ATK and DEF, spell them out instead of using the abbreviations. Otherwise, you'll have some problems with it later



[spoiler=Step 12]

Now it's time to fix the line spacing. Stay in the Text Tool and scroll down in the Toolbar and underneath "Justify", there should be 3 options. Line spacing is the middle one. Change the setting to -2.0.



[spoiler=Step 13]

Now comes the easy step: adding the Attribute.

Open up your Attribute and resize it to 35x35. Then place it over the English Attribute.



After you finish, save your card. I'd recommend PNG b/c it has a better quality IMO. If you want to add other graphic effects, like holoing or adding Gold Rares, etc., go ahead. Consider it Step 14.


If you done all the steps correctly, this is what you should end up with:





Note that this process CAN be done for Dark Synchroes but you will need to do the standard stuff first for that. It's same thing (no name or effect)


Now, you are finished making your Japanese card. If you have any questions, feel free to post them or suggest changes.



If you wish to post up your results, go ahead and I'll give you feedback on them.


[+ Reps appreciated]

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

i have two questions.


1. on magic and traps, on the part of the card that says [spell Card]or [Trap Card], how do you remove it and replace it with Japanese???


2. Japanese YUGIOH cards have their text in Furigana. in which certain cards have additional text in Hiragana above certain words, so that people who cant read the text below, can read the Hiragana.


here is the effect of one of my cards, "IP-Trace" in Japanese (according to your tut.)




This is what it should look like:




does any 1 no how to get this to work in GIMP????

sorry for double post, but i want pplz to see my Japanese cards


tell me what you think.




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They look good for now.

The 2nd card's name could be a bit bigger. If it doesn't fit on the card, then try the Resize tool (Ctrl + T) to make it fit.


For Spell/Trap Cards, I am not sure of it yet, but when I do, this will be updated for S/T.


(For GIMP tutorials, try Googling them)


EDIT: Next time, please check the date of the last post.

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