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The Story: A disease spread over the world and now very few are alive and immune. This is the L4D story except modified a bit so there are no characters from any of the games. There are, however the different types of infected still exist.


The App:

Name: (first only)


Favorite Weapon:




My App:



Combat Rifle

Long Dark Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Orange Shirt and Jeans

He grew up in Washington D. C. untill his parents divorced and his mom moved to California, where he stayed. Soon after his dad was shot and killed. He is smart, but a loner; preferring to go alone then with help.



Only mild swearing

Suggestive Themes are allowed but don't go overboard

Spamming results in a big fat negging from me


How To Play:

When you leave "safe rooms" (come online and post here) tell where you are and your condition. If you need help then include it in your condition and hopefully someone will come along to help you. In other words:

Bill: Help I'm at the park but greatly outnumbered!

Bob: Hang on I'm Coming!

Bill: Thanks I owe you one


That's pretty much it.


The Types of infected:

Hunters: Dark, hooded zombies whose pounce leaves a survivor helpless

Smokers: Infected with very long tounges that can pull you a distance

Boomers: Big fat infected whose bile attracts the horde of zombies

Jockeys: Small hunched over infected who can leap on to survivors heads and lead them to danger

Chargers: Infected with one tiny arm and on huge arm who charge at survivors and pummel them into the ground

Spitters: Female infected who spit highly toxic acid

The Witch: Female infected who lay (or walk) around sobbing. If they are disturbed they will attack the survivor who startled them. She is highly dangerous.

Tanks: Huge behemoths that look like the hulk with normal skin. They can flip cars and hurl survivors incredibaly damaging them


Main Survivors:

1- Mcjimbob (Richard)







Need 6 to Start!!!

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