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Well, the successer to the old thread, I guess. I know Life RPs aren't exactly the most popular thing right now, but yeah. I really enjoy them, and I'm sure some people are with me on that score.


So, I present to you, [LINKS UNIVERSITY - LIVE your LIFE - Redo]!


This time, with a map.


[spoiler=Links Island's Story]Off the Coast of Los Angeles, there is a small island, named Links Island after a bridge was built. There are 3 ways to enter Links Island. By the bridge, the harbour, or by the airport. Land, Water, Sky. No one thought much of this ugly piece of land until one of the biggest and the best universities in the world was built on it. Links University. People started streaming in, and now it houses over 100,000 people.


[spoiler=Basic Map]10wmtz4.png

1-The Bridge

2-The Harbour

3-A roadblock, with an inspection center, petrol station and many more stores.

4-What is called 'Great Roundabout'. It is the town area, and is shaped like a giant roundabout with carparks and shops.


[spoiler=School Map]30jgv34.png


Cabins - What they say they are. Dorms, etc. '15' means Cabin 15, the central cabin that holds the cafeteria, and all that sort of stuff. There are 15 Cabins in all.

Sports Area - PLaying Fields, a stage, all that sort of stuff. Also, there is a gym with a martial arts center, and guess what it's called? Yup, the Dojo. Dojo also includes Boxing, Wrestling, etc.

Main hall - Ya. A huge hall that can seat 10,000 people. More if they stand.

Workshop - The vehicle workshop. Also a class.

Security Office - Speaks for itself.

Carpark - Ya.. You store muffins in there... OBVIOUSLY it's a vehicle carpark.

Scenic Park - A lake, water sports, aviary, stables, mini-zoo, also a class.

Classes - Ya.. Guess.

Entrance - Security Checks, reception, the ENTRANCE. WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED??


[spoiler=Rules]1-No unrealistic things, ie. speeded-up pregnancy,(this happened last time), and yeah. You should know.

2-Put the word 'gloop' as the 20'th work in your bio.

3-YCM Rules..

4-4 Character Max 4, EXCLUDING NPCs, you can make their app, only everyone controls them.



Age- Over 17

Cabin - 1-20

Appearance - Worded, one paragraph MIN.

Personality -

Bio- Two paragraphs MIN


[spoiler=Students/Cabins]Jason Johnsons[18] - Cabin 7

Charlotte Mayer[17] - Cabin 29

John Jihnya(Jee-naa) [22-NPC]- Cabin 8

Kaisu Sanyura[17] - Cabin 14

Royke Kirukan[24] - Cabin 17

Arizona Lieaoux[19] - Cabin 9



So yeah.. Let's do this!!!!

Have fun, go wild, go kill youself. No WAIT!!!


For those that didn't know, this is a Life RP.

Here is the old thread.

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Name- Arizona Lieaux (Pronounced Leo)

Cabin – 9

Age: 19

Appearance - Arizona stands at 5'3 she has an hourglass figure, her skin is very pale and white. Arizona's eyes are a a shade of blue green, and their color varies slightly with her mood, her nose is very small and set centrally on her face, providing placement for her large, beautiful eyes, and for her small,well-formed mouth full of perfect teeth. Arizona wears her hair long, down to the small of her back, it is a vivid blonde, with a rainbow-colored streak on the left side.

Personality - Arizona is generally a friendly, fun-loving and flirty girl. She's outgoing and vibrant, but prone to mood swings. She's fierce when it comes to something she's passionate about, or to the treatment of her self or her friends, the latter being more important.

Bio: Arizona was born in France to an American mother and a French father. She was raised with French as her first language, but learned English from her mother. She was named Arizona so that her mother would always have a “Little piece of home” with her. During Arizona's childhood, the family traveled often, frequently back to her mother's home in Arizona's namesake to visit her family.

The travel stopped as Arizona's mother became very ill with cancer and her father needed to be home to look after her. During this time Arizona was in high school, where she had developed a reputation as a talented artist, poet and actor. In addition to this she was also a highly regarded science student. Finally, in Arizona's final year of High school, her mother died. The girl dropped out of school to grieve, but re-enrolled the next year in order to complete her schooling. Now Arizona has decided to go to America and attend Links University, and because she feels closer to her mother there.

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