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Egyptian god card counterparts, Wicked Avatar, Wicked Eraser, and Wicked Dreadroot

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Eraser is meh. Has a couple uses but not too good. Dreadroot is nothing more than a crazy lolbeatstick. Avatar, on the other hand, is not only Honest/Kalut proof but also has a built-in one-sided coldwave.


So in the end, Avatar really is Ra's opposite. Ra is trash while Avatar is somewhat useful.

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Avatar is the best of them...kind of. I personally like Dreadroot better, because it can deal consistent damage whereas Avatar requires one player to have a strong monster already. The spell/trap lockdown for two turns is decent. The best perk of Avatar is that its ATK is unphased by any modifiers, so Shooting Star Bow- Ceal comes to mind. That beign said, Avatar's flaw is that positive modifiers don't do anything either. It's just not worth the 3 tributes.


Eraser is just bad.

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Avatar is the best of them...kind of. I personally like Dreadroot better' date=' because it can deal consistent damage whereas Avatar requires one player to have a strong monster already. The spell/trap lockdown for two turns is decent. The best perk of Avatar is that its ATK is unphased by any modifiers, so Shooting Star Bow- Ceal comes to mind. That beign said, Avatar's flaw is that positive modifiers don't do anything either. It's just not worth the 3 tributes.


[b']Eraser is just bad.[/b]




So your saying a Nuke that gets stronger with how much cards your opponent has isn't good? Not to mention it detonates when it's destroyed. Yeah, it's not good.

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Avatar is the best of them...kind of. I personally like Dreadroot better' date=' because it can deal consistent damage whereas Avatar requires one player to have a strong monster already. The spell/trap lockdown for two turns is decent. The best perk of Avatar is that its ATK is unphased by any modifiers, so Shooting Star Bow- Ceal comes to mind. That beign said, Avatar's flaw is that positive modifiers don't do anything either. It's just not worth the 3 tributes.


Eraser is just bad.



Dreadroot is just a lolbeatstick that's treated as if it has 8k instead of 4k. It also cuts your monsters too, hurting its usefulness.


Avatar doesn't need a strong monster, it just needs A monster. It doesn't even need to be your opponent's. If anything, Avatar is the closest to being worth the time for any of the three.

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Guys, it's possible to summon all 3, it's just hard and pointless.


Have 3 monsters out, tribute them for the first, 1 monster out.

Have another 3, making 4, tribute them for the second.

Have another 3, making 5, tribute them for the third.


You DO realize that you toss out the three before putting the monster down, right?

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