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This is a new deck idea i recently came up with! it revolves around Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose.

I'm trying to make plants as competitive as possible :) as you probably know plants are inferior to the new ruling decks...

can't swarm as fast as zombies or LS

token eating/burn not as effective as pyro decks

beatdown not as powerful as hopeless dragons


Monsters 25

x3 Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose

x3 Caius

x3 Mystic Tomato (no i'm not making it at 2 most of you may think its an over kill but it gives more targets to DARK and plant)

x2 Lonefire

x2 Botanical Lion

x1 DAD

x1 Treeborn Frog

x1 Tytannial

x1 Giga Plant

x1 Samsara Lotus

x1 PSZ

x1 Dandylion

x1 Riza

x1 Snipe Hunter

x1 Twilight

x1 Copy Plant

x1 Regen Rose


Spells 10

x1 brain

x1 heavy

x2 allure

x3 mark of the rose

x1 MST

x1 Lightning

x1 E-controller


Trap 5

x1 call

x1 torrential

x1 MF

x1 Bottomless

x1 wall of thorns


i dont have time to make a Side/Extra so its just the average staple ones


Cards i plan to put in....



evil thorns

necro gardna

book of moon


cyber dragon


planing to neg twilight for something since it doesn't seem to have enough targets but i like how easy it makes rose and how quickly it comes with tomato


the deck is mainly for monarchs, its not as effective as Marco but the engine is faster using Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose to get treeborn/lotus/dandylion.



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