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YuGiOh: Spirit of the Books [Episode 5 Posted! NEW!]


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First, I'd like you to put a reference to all of your posts containg a chapter. It might seem only futile now, but later it will get annoying to find chapters.


Second, I'd like to compliment you pn your writing. Normally the people who invite me by PM are random n00bs writing random fics about LOLJADEN, but this is quite decent. I like your main character's Deck choice.


I will continue reading this.

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First' date=' I'd like you to put a reference to all of your posts containg a chapter. It might seem only futile now, but later it will get annoying to find chapters.


Second, I'd like to compliment you pn your writing. Normally the people who invite me by PM are random n00bs writing random fics about LOLJADEN, but this is quite decent. I like your main character's Deck choice.


I will continue reading this.



One step ahead of ya ;). I've complied the ToC up to this point, I just haven't posted it into the Main Post. I'll get on that shortly.


Thanks. I happen to write a lot, and I haven't written YGO for a while, but when I got this plot idea it just felt like something I should roll with, and so far I've been pleased with how it's playing out in addition to the responses.




Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. That’s how I would sarcastically describe my current situation. That damn shock of pain, no matter how many times I continue to play if off as if it’s nothing, it keeps on coming back and hitting me at the most random times. At first, I thought it was nothing, but the more it happens, the more it’s difficult to ignore. I’m all for risks, but that seems to hurt more and more each time. Ugh, I can’t wait for this duel to be over so I can get some answers. It always works like this, doesn’t it? The “test”, the challenge that the hero has to face in order to prove his worth, well screw the challenge, what I want to know is what the hell I’m doing out here, and why the hell I just felt a painful shock when he placed that card on the field. What I don’t want to know, is what the hell that card is, because judging by it’s shadow, this isn’t going to be a fun confrontation.


What I’m afraid of at this point is that I’ve been playing right into this guy’s moves. I mean sure, he’s made some foolish moves, but I never stopped to take into account that he could be doing all of this to lure me into something. His Life Points have taken a big hit while mine haven’t been touched at all, and it just doesn’t seem to make sense that he would randomly issue this challenge only to lose this easily. Sure, he might have assumed I was weak, but with all that testing crap he’s been rambling on about part of me doubts the truth behind that. This has certainly been an interesting game up to this point, but looking at the field with Sapphia in attack mode and my one face-down, he’s certainly going to bode well this round. Let’s see what I’m up against.


“You have been somewhat impressive thus far, but I believe he is wrong, and I believe that you are not the one we are looking for.” Well there’s another cliché yet creepy twist that isn’t doing my comfort any favors here. Hey, I’m all for a hero story, fifteen minutes of fame, but typically when you’re informed you’re not the one they’re looking for, it means something bad is likely to happen to you. That sounds fun. “Now then, I shall bring this duel to a close. I call forth, Malevolent Mech – Goku En (2400/1400)!” All you need to make this a terrifying situation is some creepy background music, as a giant purple dog-like creature, covered in various spikes emerged from the ground with a crackle. Surrounded in purple smoke and with claws sharp enough to cut steel, this thing didn’t look friendly. I’ll be honest and say neither does it’s attack points. But, I do know a weakness. I’ve heard of the card and I think it’s going to be my ace in the hole.


“Intimidated?” He let out a small chuckle. “I should hope so. You have no idea what you’re up against. See my Mech may be a Level 6 monster, but due to it’s special ability I’m allowed to Summon it Normally. Albeit there’s a cost, but we’ll get to that a bit later. First things first, Malevolent Mech, take out his Gemknight Sapphia with Shadow Blast!” The thing (for lack of a better term) opened it’s massive mouth slowly. It wasted little time as it launched a dark black orb from it’s mouth, which proceeded to crash into my knight and destroy her. I put my arm up to my face to shield the smoke as my Life Points found themselves at 1600. I guess he called my bluff. The good thing is, I’ve still got one more backup plan. The even better thing is, I don’t think I’m going to need it. Hold on, though. Something doesn’t make sense here. Generally, because there’s no other Zombie-Type monster on the field, his Malevolent Mech would destroy itself, causing him to lose a grand total of 2400 Life Points, and thus giving me the win. I’m thinking Captain Creepy’s got something up his sleeve, because there’s no way he’s going to play that foolishly. The question is, what?


“I wouldn’t say intimidated; confused is more like it. Because see, as a part of your Mech’s special ability, you’re required to destroy it, thus taking damage equal to it’s attack points, which would bring your Life Points down to zero. As far as I see it, you’ve already lost this game.” I was going to get an answer one way or another, and based on prior knowledge my guess is that it would come from one of his two face-down cards there.


“I’m well aware of my monster’s ability. That’s why, before my turn comes to an end, I’m going to active my Forbidden Chalice Spell Card!” He moved his hand out and one of the cards flipped up to reveal a young woman drinking from a small golden chalice. A light came out of the card, and the same light surrounded his creature. In a disappointing move to my morale, the creature stayed right where it was, and got a 400 point attack bonus too. So that’s cool. “See with my Forbidden Chalice’s effect, until the end phase of my next turn, my Malevolent Mech not only gains four-hundred attack points, it’s effects are completely nullified. You’ve got nothing that can take my monster down, Leon. You’re through.”


Looking at this situation, a normal person would probably begin to feel nervous, beaten, bested, you get the point there, but I’d like to say I’m not a normal person. I am, in a way, but like I said I’m big on risks. I’ve got one play left, and I can either run the ball and try for a touchdown, or I can just hand the game to this clown and go home depressed. Let’s do this. “Am I, though?” Just a bit of smack talk as I picked up – presumably – my last draw. I glanced over my hand, then took a look at the field, where his Mech was standing, intent on destroying something else. Damn thing looked like it had gotten bigger in the last ten seconds.


“Well, here goes nothing! I’ll start by playing this, my face-down card, known as Reckless Greed! With this treasure, I’m allowed to draw another two cards, of course in exchange for a draw phase next turn, but something tells me I won’t be needing one.” Half reluctant and half reliant, I grabbed the two cards. I placed them in my hand and glanced it over a couple of times. This had to work. “I don’t know your name pal, but you know mine, so when you go home crying after I win this game, be sure to tell your friends about me! I activate the Spell Gemknight Fusion!” Silence. No response, but I didn’t expect one either. “With this card, I can combine my Gemknight Rumarin (1600/1800) with my Gemknight Ganet (1900/0) to Fusion Summon…” A bright light consumed the field as my two knights were pulled into a swirl of light. The duelist stepped back (I could hear it) as a stream of fire hit the ground. “Gemknight Paz (1800/1800)!” Sporting a fierce black cape, my orange-armor clad creature stepped onto the field, making his presence felt.


“All that build up, and for what? Your monster has nothing on my Malevolent Mech!” I was starting to think this guy really was stupid, but then again he could be thinking the same thing about me. Whose to care?


“Oh really now? Let’s see you say that once I throw my Shrink Spell into play!” A large magnifying glass hovered over his monster, before striking it with a beam of light and reducing its size by about half. “See with Shrink, your monster’s attack has just gone from 2800 to 1400! Gemknight, attack with Static Blaze!” My knight leapt into the air, and released a stream of fire, made more badass with the addition of some lightning in there, and shattered his monster to pieces as his Life Points dropped to 1800.




“Hold on there pal, not quite finished yet! See, thanks to Gemknight Paz’s ability, you’re gonna take damage equal to your monster’s attack, which by my count is 1400! So go on up and serve him another blast!” Another stream of fire struck his field and I could hear him yell as his Life Points were now at 400. Then I heard him laugh.


“You’re good, and I feel like I’ve repeated this a few times now, but you truly have run out of cards, and now there’s nothing you can do. With no cards in your hand or on the field, and no Draw Phase, you’ve come so close only to have to be knocked back down again.” Again he laughed. I swear, there’s no possible way for this guy to be more annoying. Really. I’d bet money on it.


“Oh, is that so? Maybe you should spend more time reading up on monster’s abilities and less time stalking people! Because Gemknight Paz has a second special ability. See, he’s allowed to attack twice in the same Battle Phase!”


“What?! But that means—“


“Right, your fire’s burned out! Gemknight Paz, serve him up with a third blaze of fire! Static Blaze!” I’d like to think I’m on fire after that performance! (Ignore the pun.) I watched as my mystery stalker dropped to the ground, his Life Points hitting zero. Suddenly his shadow cloud was gone, and he looked to me like a wannabe magician, wearing all black (cape included). All that was missing was the tophat and the magic wand, which given this guy’s intellect I wouldn’t be surprised to find scattered on the ground somewhere.


Between confusion of him dropping to the ground, perhaps a bit overly dramatic, and the fact that my question had yet to be answered, I cautiously made my way towards the guy. This has been quite the Tuesday night, but I don’t see how I’m going to get any sleep after this. He was laying face-down, which had to have been uncomfortable. “Hey, you said you’d answer my questions, pal.” Nothing. He lay still, not moving. “Hello?” I knelt down and turned him over, only to reveal that there was no one there. I jumped back a bit, mostly out of shock. Did I just duel a pile of clothing, or was there more to this? I’m going with the latter as seconds later the clothing disappeared as well, evaporating into a red light. In the place of the clothing, however, was a folded piece of paper. I knelt down and picked it up. Careful not to damage it, I opened the paper. Was it a love note?


If you’re reading this, then you must have passed the test. I’m sure you have questions, confusion, and that is understandable. I cannot explain here, but in due time I will be able to do so. I cannot reveal myself, so you must come and find me. There are directions hidden in this message. You must be careful, because now that one has been chosen, there will be many after you. Waste no time, speak to no one, and move hastily. Best of luck to you.


To be continued…

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Well, I just finished reading the two chapters you've posted, and they're quite good. The things I hate the most about YGO fics are A: They have crap-grammar, and B: They have too many lame jokes spouted by lame protagonists. You have good grammar and a much more regular hero guy whom we can identify with!


I also enjoy it when people use mostly unheard-of deck archetypes, and I thought seriously until the second chapter that you made up some sort of card archetype yourself, which made it feel lame for a while! I'm sorry for not doing the research! Though my problem is that you didn't describe the monsters as much as you should have, and Gem Merchant is NOT a yellow rock with eyes, as you said, he was blue with a cool hat! Gosh! Hmph.


The high point of the duel for me, though, was when you did the fusion summon. As soon as I'd read up on the fusion guys, I felt really excited to see how'd you use Paz's ability to lay down some holy judgment upon 'da zombies!! I believe that Gem Fusion's second effect will lead up to more random bouts of excitement, and I enjoy what you've done with the title card images. Good luck, and I hope that the picture of Junk Synchron on the prologue will make more sense in the future!

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Thanks guys, I was pleasantly surprised to see more responses. I'm glad everyone's liking the storyline development, and don't worry, you'll see Junk Synchron's payoff sooner or later.

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It is said in the Ancient Prophecy that a day will come that one person will have the fate of the World placed onto his shoulders. However in the same Prophecy it is stated that that person must choose his own way to go about solving it. Ancient Ones believed that he would not agree with the ways proposed, and thus they did not want him to. There are those who still believe in the original way, and those who do will try to enforce them.




"Sir, the location has been confirmed. It was a little more difficult than they expected, but they did it. If I can ask, what makes you so sure he'll come?" The tall, somewhat large man stood in silence, glancing toward what could best be described as a barely visible chair. The room, being completely dark, gave very little light, making it hard to see. After about thirty seconds of nothing but the sounds of the two men breathing, the seated man began to speak.


"Well you see it's as simple as knowing your person." The seated man spoke with a quiet in his voice. There was no boldness yet something about the way he spoke let you know quickly that he was a figure of importance. "I had expected for him to pass the test, but I must admit I hadn't expected him to do so at such a fast pace. He has things to learn, but he is very skilled for someone of his age. Leon is big on adventure. He wants to be able to play the hero, and if everything goes well, I plan to give him that opportunity. Sort of." The man let out a small, menacing laugh.


"And what of the man who served as his opponent?" The larger man, despite being, well, larger, seemed to be more down-to-earth, understanding, in a way. It was easy to tell that he was the "employee" and that the seated man was the "employer".


"He knew beforehand what he was getting into. I consider it a neccessary sacrifice. It's something we'll have to go through more than once throughout this process, but I assure you a small handful of lives is worth saving billions."


"Still," the man spoke with a slight tone of concern. "I can't help but think there could've been another way to do it, you know? He, just like everyone else believes in what you're trying to do, but what starts with one life, to what extent will it go?"


"To whatever extent is neccessary, Johnathon. Now please, see yourself out. I have business I must attend to."


*SKY CITY - 23:30:00*


I'm not used to people randomly evaporating into thin air and being replaced by a piece of paper with a note telling me to travel to a location and hurry, so forgive me if I seem a little...confused. The thing about this is that it seems so coincidental. I bought that Legends of Time book this morning, got challenged to a duel hours later, and now here I am standing thinking about what seems to be another piece of the puzzle. I don't really think these "Legends" are truth, but it's weird that after spending all this time wanting to be the hero, wanting to do something big, I'm getting that opportunity. Which is why I don't feel so comfortable about all of this. Even if this were real, for all of this to happen in the course of a day isn't right. There's something else going on here. For arguemental purpose, let's assume that I'm wrong, and that the Legends of Time stories are accurate. The five guardians sealed away to protect the World, where do I fall into all of this? The one thing I do know is that this guy, my opponent who convienently disappeared after I defeated him, didn't answer any of my questions, and only furthered my confusion by leaving me a note.


To further confuse myself, the note says "I cannot explain here, but in due time I will be able to do so.I cannot reveal myself, so you must come and find me. There are directions hidden in this message." I'm sorry, but I've read this note ten times in a row and I don't see any hidden messages anywhere. The whole "many after you" thing isn't very comforting either. As ridiculous as all of this seems, the shock of pain I felt, the note, all of it somehow seems real. And if there's really people after me for being involved in something I realistically know nothing about, I've got something to worry about. I'm guessing my best bet is to go to sleep, but then again the time I spend sleeping could be better spent finding wherever it is I'm supposed to go. Hell, I'm taking a risk either way, so why not go ahead and find this place. Let's see what all this is about.


I spotted him just barely out of the corner of my eye. Despite being in the open field, I could see the guy, about five feet, eight inches, duck behind a corner on the street a good one-hundred feet away. Very, very close to my apartment building. I stood in silence, trying to crouch although in an open field that's not going to do much. I heard the door to the building open. Whoever it was had to be stupid and in a rush, because he/she let the door slam shut. Talk about giving away your position. Knowing this night wasn't going to stop getting weirder, I decided not to wait around and find out what was going on. I ran through the field, with stealth but speed as well. It's looking like this guy went into the apartment looking for me. He'll be said when he sees I'm not there, but I think he'll get over it. I made my way down the sidewalk, walking quickly as no one else was on the sidewalks. It was dark, except for some dimly-lit street lights that really needed to be repaired. I stopped for a second and pressed the button on my duel disk. I hadn't deactivated it, and that could end up being a problem due to the light it was giving off. About two-hundred feet away from the field, I ducked into an alley, still close enough to see the outside of my apartment building but close enough that I could say covered.


Thanks to the adrenaline, the cold wasn't really catching up to me, but I knew standing in one place for too long would quickly change that. After a minute of waiting, the door still hadn't opened. While it would make sense to keep running, I had to know where the 'enemy' was, otherwise I'd be backing myself into a corner. I had the feeling that this had to do with Duel Monsters. I knew of stories in the past, legends like Yugi Moto and others from years before, but all of that, for most of my life up until this point, I saw it as Legend. Nothing more. Yeah, I like risks, but it's the kind of thing you can't imagine happening to you. If what I'm going through now is any indication, that's not legend at all. Running on zero hours of sleep, I'm hoping that's not the case. I continued to watch the door, kneeling down and ducked behind the wall while having no plans to get noticed. Then it happened. The door swung open, and what I saw was not human. Apparently my height factor was off too, because this thing looked to be about five feet tall. While I couldn't see well, I could clearly see a pair of bright, elegant wings attached to it's back. It looked to be wearing white armor with gold plates, but that's just an estimate. It looked like an angel of some sort. I was either hallucinating from lack of sleep, or this had just proven my theory incorrect. Whatever it was, I had no plans on going out to confront it.


The first thought that went through my mind at this point, if it's an angel, why didn't it fly? If I had wings, I'd sure as hell rather fly to the top floor rather than take the stairs. Walking slowly, the creature appeared to be walking in the other direction. I wasn't about to breathe a sigh of relief either, though. Making sure the coast was clear, I ran out of the alley and headed down the street at what felt like light-speed. I didn't want this thing turning around and spotting me, because if it wasn't an ally, I've got nothing but the metal zipper on my leather jacket to defend myself with. I just don't see that working. I continued to run, not paying any attention to what was behind me, hoping that when I stopped and turned around it wouldn't be there anymore. Sure, because that's going to happen. As I neared the center of the city, there were still no more than one or two cars on the road. I passed the KaibaCorp Headquarters building, considering for a second to use it as a hiding place, but realizing that it'd obviously be locked at this time. It was rare for me to feel this sense of urgency, especially because I normally liked the risk factor, but there was something about this that said I was out of my league here. I continued to run, until that unfortunate moment that seems to happen to every hero. What looked to be a bottle, although I wasn't completely sure, was right in my path. My right foot slipped right over it, and I hit the ground hard. Breathing heavily, I turned around and tried to sit up. A bright arrow came flying right toward me, only to strike the ground to my side. I jumped in shock, but suddenly the entire area around me became surrounded by a bright light. A circle of bright light, if you will. Well, it's safe to say I've been located.


I tried to run, but no sooner did I get to my feet that I heard two footsteps hit the ground. I turned around, and there he, she, it, was. An angel, just as I'd guessed, wearing gold and white armor. And like I'd guessed, he was armed with a Duel Disk. I expected a card game, but this circle of light, that was something completely different. A barrier of sorts, because I couldn't step out of it. It looks like I'm playing this game whether I want to or not. I wonder if, when I win this game, I'll get another note with secret directions that'll lead me to another weird-ass creature.


"I have found him. And I have initiated it." Found who? Initiated what now? Well, for a kid, this guy's got a pretty deep voice. Stupidity aside, my guess is it's me his talking about, but what has he initiated, exactly? "Leon Stevens, is it? For a so-called savior, you're not really sporting the heroic look. I understand you're confused, but I won't be promising to answer any of your questions. I shall make this short, and I shall make it sweet. What you have been destined to do, the SoulKeepers can not allow. By defeating you here in a Shadow Duel, your soul will be sealed away, thus preventing the Prophecy from ever coming true." A shadow duel? Like the Ancient Shadow Games? Well that puts a new spin on things.


"I guess that explains the arrow and the barricade then?"


"You catch on fast. You do seem intelligent. It's almost a shame you'll be without a soul in a number of minutes, but before that I shall explain. The SoulKeepers, we are not from your World. We are a group of elite warriors, all with our own abilities, with the responsibility of carrying out a much greater plot. We know you don't believe in any of this, but then again that is not our concern. Whether you choose to believe it or not, you have been chosen to save your World, and we have been chosen to stop you." He paused. There was no chuckle from this guy like the last one. He was all business. And given my situation, I didn't have much of a choice but to believe him. "You might be thinking why don't I just kill you, as I do have the power to do so. Our powers are just as real here as they are in our World, but ending your life will not prevent the prophecy. It is only taking your soul that will make such a thing possible, and only in a Shadow Game can that be done. So we shall play a game. If you lose, your soul will be ours, but should you win, you will be safe. Regardless, you can't defeat the SoulKeepers, and it is my responsibility to show you why." Apparently finished talking, a light extended from his arm as a white and gold duel disk in the shape of one of his wings appeared.


I pressed my disk's activation button, and stood back as it extended. I placed my Deck into the Deck Slot; if this really is a Shadow Game, and I'm finding it challenging to disprove, it basically means I'm going to have to play a little harder. I'm ready to play hero; let's see if this guy's ready to take me on.


"I shall begin with the Spell Card Treasure Stone!" A dark, smooth-black dragon emerged onto the field, clutching a round, glowing orb with it's claws. The angel seemed to smile, satisfied with his starting move. "As long as my Spell Card is in play, it gains a Treasure Counter during each of my turns. Once it has five counters, well then I'm allowed to draw three cards. What I am required to do, however, is take another card from my hand and place it on the field next to my stone." He did just that, placing a face-down card on the field. "My stone creates the Counters, but the face-down will serve as a place to store them. Leon, you have no idea what it is you're up against. My one suggestion to you is that you treat every move as the last you'll ever make, because it very well could be."


To be continued...

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This is really good' date=' Star. Lovin this.Can't wait for more:D



Sweet, that works! I'm just waiting for that one negative response from someone whose going to not like it.

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Congratulations. You managed to write a YGO story that was so good it kept my interest.


Truly, interesting, if somewhat funny, train of thought. I feel like I really know the character.


I just read the first two chapters, and I'm already going "wow."




I can't wait to read more (yes, I'll get to 3 and 4 sometime tommorow.)

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Congratulations. You managed to write a YGO story that was so good it kept my interest.


Truly' date=' interesting, if somewhat funny, train of thought. I feel like I really know the character.


I just read the first two chapters, and I'm already going "wow."




I can't wait to read more (yes, I'll get to 3 and 4 sometime tommorow.)



Thanks! I don't think I've posted four yet, have I? Haha. But thanks! Expect more character development soon, too!


@Darklink: 2 years writing WWE Fan-fic/efed really helps ones writing skills


That and I'm awesome. :D

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Congratulations. You managed to write a YGO story that was so good it kept my interest.


Truly' date=' interesting, if somewhat funny, train of thought. I feel like I really know the character.


I just read the first two chapters, and I'm already going "wow."




I can't wait to read more (yes, I'll get to 3 and 4 sometime tommorow.)



Thanks! I don't think I've posted four yet, have I? Haha. But thanks! Expect more character development soon, too!


@Darklink: 2 years writing WWE Fan-fic/efed really helps ones writing skills


That and I'm awesome. :D


actually, I count the prologue thing. So I meant I have read ch 0 and 1. Getting to 2 and 3 today.

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Just for the record, when I said I wanted a hero moment, this might not have been as extreme as I had been talking about. Wanting something, wanting to experience it is one thing, but when you’re in the situation where you’ve just been told you’ll lose your soul should you lose, that makes it very hard to concentrate. Glancing across the field at my opponent, who I assume has a name although I could be wrong, it’s hard to keep my mind from racing with fear as I try to assess the best way to go about this situation. The one thing I do know at this point is running is not an option. What would it solve? I’ve got questions I’d obviously love to have answered, but it seems no one can spare five minutes. So, it’s a Tuesday night, and I’m trapped in a bright circle with an evil angel in a shadow game. When’s the last time I’ve slept again? Well, I’m guessing this guy’s not going to want to wait, but maybe I’ll see if I can get a couple of questions answered before he tries to send me to the shadow realm. After all, I’ve got no intentions of losing here, and he’ll probably evaporate or something once I win, so why not get things sorted out first?


“So, standing here and taking this all in, I’ve come to the conclusion that I have no way of getting out of this, so-to-speak.” I spoke with a quiet, almost inquisitive tone, hoping to maybe get his attention, delay this a bit. He responded with a curious look. “Before I make my move, though, I’ve got something to ask. Why me? Why was I chosen to “save the world” and more importantly, who chose me?”


“Hmm. I should’ve figured you’d ask something like that. Very well, I suppose since you’ve got a short time left to live, I’ll answer your question. It deals with an event that occured millions of years ago. The five guardians, known simply as “The Guardians”, led an army into battle against the Soul Keepers. Now keep in mind I’m not referring to we the Soul Keepers now, rather our ancestors. With the goal of destruction in mind, the Soul Keepers threw everything they had, but the Guardians gave their own lives to protect the world. Their spirits were sealed away, and to this day no one knows how or where, nor do they know what it was they had been chosen to guard.” He pauses, presumably to let me take it in. I remember reading something about them in the Legends of Time book just earlier today, but I’m a bit confused right now so I can’t seem to put two-and-two together, remember which story it was. “For years it was said that the Guardians would reveal their secrets to one person, a savior, but every man who claimed to be that savior was killed by the Soul Keepers, his soul locked away. But every time the Soul Keepers destroyed one, nothing further happened. They learned that there had never been a savior named, and that once one was, he would be the one to truly save the world. Now it is unknown why you were chosen, but we know that you are, and because of that, you must be eliminated.” Wow, now that’s a lot to take in. The creepy angel just told me he had to kill me to help destroy the world. Oh, the irony.


“But then there’s this. What if you’re wrong? Whose to say I’m not the savior everyone seems to see me as? Then what, another life lost for absolutely nothing?” Okay, perhaps I worded that poorly. If they’re willing to destroy the world, killing someone like myself won’t do a thing, but let’s roll with it.


“Hm.” He laughed, quietly, almost under his breath. “We do not make mistakes. The Soul Keepers are the most powerful, most elite creatures in the world, and we know exactly what it is we are doing.” He seemed frustrated. I wonder why. “Now then, make your move, try to salvage what little hope you have left, but I’ve told you already, you won’t be winning this duel.”


I stood and looked at him for a good thirty seconds, then started laughing. This seemed to piss him off even more. “You seem cheerful for someone moments away from losing his soul. I don’t understand what you find funny about any of this.”


“Well really, I find this whole thing hilarious. I wake up, eat breakfast, buy a book, then find out I’m supposed to save the world. If you were in this situation, you’d probably feel the same way. But what’s really funny is that you said the Soul Keepers don’t make mistakes.” Looking at me funny, he remained silent. “You’ve made your first one, and that’s trying to take the soul, end the life of someone whose just getting started living. I’ve got a life to live, and as scary as this all is, if I’m going to be saving the world, I guess then, I’ll have to start by beating you, and I’ll do that by capitalizing on your mistakes. Let’s play this game!”


If that didn’t work, then there’s going to be no way to convince this guy that I can provide a challenge aside from straight-up beating him. So let’s see what I can do. I stepped back and activated my duel disk, drawing five cards from my Deck. I glanced at his field before drawing a sixth card. So he’s got Treasure Stone, and a face-down. From what I understand, he can’t even use the face-down or Treasure Stone will be destroyed, so it looks like now’s a good time to get in a Direct Attack. “I’ll start by playing Gemknight Ganet (1900/0)!” The angel didn’t budge as a stream of fire exploded out of the ground, followed by Gemknight Ganet, sporting bright orange armor decked out with some rubies. The knight leaned forward and released a stream of fire from its hands, making it’s presence felt. “Let’s heat things up! Gemknight Ganet, attack his Life Points directly with Inferno Wave!” My knight leapt into the air and fired a stream of flame directly as the angel, who didn’t even flinch as the fire hit him, bringing his Life Points down to 2100.


Something’s weird, though. This is a Shadow Duel, and from what I know about them, you feel the pain from the attacks because they’re actual creatures. What doesn’t make sense is, he just lost nearly half his Life Points and didn’t even flinch. Either this guy’s really tough, or there’s something else going on here that I’m not picking up on. Neither one is good.


“Not bad.” He replied, sounding somewhat arrogant but I don’t think that was intended at all. I truly think this guy’s got some big plan here, and Ganet’s attack didn’t really phase him because he wanted me to attack. I’m hoping I didn’t rush into things, but the chances of him not getting a Monster aren’t very great. “I take it you’re finished?”


He takes it I’m finished? What makes him say that? I’m not finished at all. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve got two face-down cards to play first!” Yeah, let’s see how he likes that.


“Interesting.” He spoke quietly, and I thought maybe he was complementing my move, but that was before I saw him looking at the card he just drew. Apparently this guy’s not in the mood to talk. I guess though, since we are in a Shadow Game and all, I should probably serious things up a bit. “Well, I’ll start by placing a Treasure Counter on my face-down card thanks to my Treasure Stone’s effect.” He moved his hand out forward and an orb materialized above his face-down card. “Then, I’ll summon Treasure Guardian (1100/1900) in Defense Mode!” Another orb materialized on his field, but this one morphed into a tall creature, somewhat human-like, in black-red armor. There was a sharp sword in it’s hand, and although it looked tough, it didn’t have enough attack points to even hurt my Gemknight. For the third time in five minutes, he extended his hand and another orb formed, this time over his Treasure Guardian.


“What’s with the counter?”


“Allow me to explain. When Treasure Guardian is Normal Summoned, I can place a Treasure Counter on any card on my field. Since I chose my Treasure Guardian, not only does he get a counter, he gets an extra two-hundred attack points.” The monster’s attack increased from 1100 to 1300, which still didn’t seem like much to me. Maybe there’s more?


“For an evil Shadow Duelist, you don’t have great math skills. I mean, no offense, but your Treasure Guardian’s not even strong enough to take out my Gemknight!” That’ll teach him! Probably not, but hey, I’m trying to make a point here.


“Don’t worry. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll end my turn here. Feel free to attack again, because I can’t even use my face-down card.” He smirked as he said that, which, although I could already tell from the sarcasm, tells me he’s got some sort of strategy here. My question is, what kind of strategy does this guy have that has to do with me attacking all of his monsters and depleting his Life Points? I know what’s at stake, but where’s the challenge?


To be continued...

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Ch 4's truly got me on the edge of my seat...


Anyway' date=' besides a few grammatical mistakes (such as phase instead of faze), it's great.


Every time he thinks, I laugh, cause his thoughts are simply funny.


Great work.


Can't wait for ch 5.



Thanks. I gotta catch up on yours too, but there's so many Fan-Fics people asked me to read that it's hard to sit there and read 5 episodes of one at a time.

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