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New Shining Darkness Cards

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All of them look bad.

*Points at Black Feather - Back Flash*



Black Feather - Backflash 「BF-バックフラッシュ」

Trap Card


What about it?


NOTE: Anime effect =/= real effect


How can you say it's bad if you don't know the effect yet. (You said everything was bad...)

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All of them look bad.

*Points at Black Feather - Back Flash*



Black Feather - Backflash 「BF-バックフラッシュ」

Trap Card


What about it?


NOTE: Anime effect =/= real effect


How can you say it's bad if you don't know the effect yet. (You said everything was bad...)


I was obviously talking about the confirmed effects.



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Well at least

Crack of the Different Dimmension looks like it can come some sort of awful Anti Atribute card.....

Like if its compete effect ends up like


Crack to the Different Dimension 「異次元への隙間」

Normal Trap

Activate only be declaring 1 Attribute, and both players selecting all the monster of the declared attribute in their respective Graveyard. Remove the selected monster(s) from play.


I would like that

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At first, I was like:

-Equip Spell-

Equip only to a Thunder-Type monster. The equipped monster gains (?00) ATK for each Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard. Also' date=' by sending this face-up card you control to the Graveyard, 1 face-up Thunder-Type monster you control gains 1000 ATK.[/quote']


But then I:

Normal Trap

Activate only be declaring 1 Attribute' date=' and both players selecting all the monster of the declared attribute in their respective Graveyard. Remove the selected monster(s) from play.[/quote']



Also, what do you want to bet that Elekitsune and Elekitsutsuki both have an effect like: "This card can attack directly. When it does [awesome blocking effect goes here]"

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Chaos Hole

No comment.


Reverence Frog

Cloudian Support? :O



Possible obveioust effect?


Memory Crush King

Tribute a Memory Crusher. This card attacks directly. Does 1000 damage X the number of Synchros the opponent has.


The Turtle Once Called God


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At first' date=' I was like:

-Equip Spell-

Equip only to a Thunder-Type monster. The equipped monster gains (?00) ATK for each Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard. Also, by sending this face-up card you control to the Graveyard, 1 face-up Thunder-Type monster you control gains 1000 ATK.


But then I:

Normal Trap

Activate only be declaring 1 Attribute' date=' and both players selecting all the monster of the declared attribute in their respective Graveyard. Remove the selected monster(s) from play.[/quote']



Also, what do you want to bet that Elekitsune and Elekitsutsuki both have an effect like: "This card can attack directly. When it does [awesome blocking effect goes here]"


yeah Arm has a point. I actually think this will be pretty good. heck I was satisfied as soon as I found about a Light Charmer. And at least Thunder monsters are getting good suport. really now people. its not THAT bad. besides we still don't know what the previosly OCG only cards are yet.

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The Turtle Once Called God takes the cake for most WTF name in this game so far (Has Super Nimble Mega Hamster found it's possible rival?)...so WTF that I hope it's incredible.


Dragon-Laser...hopefully this is a dragon support card but not a dragon support in the vein of Dragonic Tactics(which is next to useless sadly).


I'm quite interested in the "Elec" monsters, hopefully they as well turn out interesting.


All in all, the set so far isn't really all that impressive outside of Infernity cards to me but there's still more than enough unconfirmed effects to wait for.

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Chaos Hole, Elecpecker, and "The Turtle Once Called God" will be amazing. Probably not Chaos Hole, but C+ for effort on my part.


Nihilistic Purgatory looks interesting for those FTKs with tons of Spell Cards and all, Sandman looks like something Rock Stun could use along with Guardian, Key Mouse looks playable, Rose Bird might be fun to Set I suppose, other than that we're not seeing an awful lot from these new TSHD cards.


PS: Dread Dragon REALLY didn't have to have 1100 ATK so that we couldn't use it with Cards of Consonance.


Can you chain Graveyard Seal to Stardust Dragon?


Looks like it.

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