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Lord of the Rings - The quest for ressurection [Started - Accepting only Applications of people who want to fight for ev


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One ring, one ring, to rule them all, one ring, that ruled the hearts of men, elves and all other creatures alike. But it was destroyed. Sarumans death bought together a commity of supporters for the cause of Sauron, people that chose to support him of there own free mind. The Spellcasters performed dark, forbaid spells in order to resurrect the dark in Sarumans heart, his material body arose, but the trace of good that layed in his heart before was gone, now a hollow empty space, just being binded and latched upon by the darkness.

The supporters minds possesed by an unimaginable hunger for the power of the ring to consume them, Saruman went through ancient reading after ancient reading, looking for some form of spell or method to get the ring of power back. All he came across, was that there was one ring, a ring that only saught out to ressurect the mind of the dark lord Sauron.


Armies, of unimaginable strength are built up of Orukai, Goblins and Orcs combine, their first appearance in the Fellowship of the ring, Men and Wrathes and all other with darkness in their heard.


All that once was possesed by the ring, once one is possesed, one never forgets of the glory and feeling of power it brings.

Hobbits, Men, Elves, Dwarfs, Witches, Wizards and other creatures unite to find this ring and abolish it from the earth, but it is not that simple, no one knows where it is located, only is it known that it is imbetween the lands of the Shire and the lands of Middle Earth.


[spoiler=Fight for good? Click here]


Name: [include, Son / Daughter of ____ or if an Elf of what realm you are from, e.g. of the Woodland realm]

Race: [Hobbit, Human, Elvish, Dwarf, Wizard, Witch] - Any others?



Weapon: [if an Elf the most common weapon is a bow and arrow, because of thier Elvish eyes]



Head: [Elves always have blonde hair, it's in their genetic blood line, sort of like people of Asian background.]

Neck: E.g. accesories



Armor: [?]

Build: e.g. 5,2ft, muscular



[spoiler=Fight for evil? Click here]


Name: [if a Wrathe, no name]

Race: [Wizard, Witch, Man, Wrathe] - Anything else?



Weapon: [Wrathes only carry swords]



[if a Wrathe, not needed]





Armor: [?]

Build: e.g. 5,2ft, muscular






The side of the good are attempting to make negotiations with Saruman, in the mean time, people that seek to destroy the ring rather than make negotiations sneek into a palace just off the cost of Rohan in order to retreive a map, this map informs them of the secret location of a knowledgeable Wizard, who they feel, will be able to help.



[spoiler=My Application]


Elendil son of Aragorn




Human - Elvish




50 [Appears to be in his 20’s]




Elendil is the son of the King of Gondor, Aragorn. He is a cross bread between human and Elf this being the case he is bread to be one of the best warriors imaginable and of noble blood line.




The sword that Aragorn once bare, the sword of the king, this sword can defeat even spirits, this sword rests in a sheath across his back. His bow is one of the finest Elven makes, this also rests across his back.





A Strong face and neck length black hair with a strong stubble, Elven eyes that can see for many miles




Light chainmail armor lay underneath his clothes, above which are black clothes.




Loose black pants




Light chainmail




Fairly tall, strong build and light muscular complexion





[Just so you guys know, when we do retreive the ring and seek out to destroy it in the second Role Play, it will be a Hobbit who bares the ring, keep that in mind, however, do not let this cloud your judgment, make a character that suits you.][/align]

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Name: ganddolf son of gandolf.

Race: wizard

Age: 21

Bio:He is the son of gandalf, the wizard that helped destroy the ring of power. He specialises in light magic, mostly healing and also attack spells. At a young age he bonded with animals. He loves healing injured animals and likes healing others. He once had to fight a band of orcs. He had a friend with him who was an elf, a friend of his. during the fight his elf friend was killed, ever since his friend was slautered he swore to kill all dark evils in middle earth.

Weapon: White staff with a blue gem on top, and a gold handled sword with a pattern of a tree on the blade.



Head: middle sized with pure white hair and deep blue eyes.

Neck: He wears a gold metal necklace with a dragon head on it(not a real dragon head its just the ncklace design)

Torso: silver chainmail

Pants: white leggings

Armor: he wears a pure white robes that cover his legs and torso, and a white cloak with a tree emblem on.

Build: quite muscler.

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Name: Elnor of the Enedwaith Relm

Race: Elf

Age: 30

Bio:Elnor was born in Enedwaith. But his parents were killed in a battle with trolls. Elrond of Rivendell took Elnor in, because that is his nephew. Elnor was taught how to fight by Elrond from a very young age. Years went by and Elnor was a experinced Archer and Swords-men. Elrond gave Elnor his sword from the 2nd Age. But Elnor crafted a Bow instead of get given one. Elnor has joined the Campaign to defeat the Trolls. He is now 30, living in Rivendell.

Weapon: Bow crafted by an Ancient tree. Elrond's Sword from the 2nd Age.


Head: Blond hair, Sharp Eyes.

Neck: Ancient Rivendell Pendent

Torso: Robes, wears light armor when traveling, wears heavy Ancient Armor when at War.

Pants: Robes, or light armor

Armor: Elrond's 2nd age Armor from Mordor

Build: Tall, same height as Elrond.

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If you want to zoom, I'm not sure if this will be on your computer, but towards the bottom right or somewhere in your options or whatever there should be a magnifiying glass with a plus sign on it or something that reads 100% or whatever, click on it and select and option to zoom in or out.


And thanks.

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Name: Legathorn of Rivendell

Race: Elvish

Age: 100

Bio: Legathorn is the son of Legolas. He learned how to use bows and arrows, taught by his father so he would be the best of the best. Being an elf, he befriended all those he possibly could. He seeks peaceable solutions where possible.

Weapon: Elven Longbow, Elven Longsword.



Head: Long blond hair, brown eyes.

Neck: Medallion given to him by his father.

Torso: Elven leather armor, light brown/green in color

Pants: Green britches, elven leather boots, greaves

Armor: Elven leather

Build: 6'7", slight

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