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This card's topic doesn't need a fancy title (Torrential Tribute)

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Off-topic: Yes more post countage!


On-topic: I never knew that this card was actually a wave splashing' date=' I thought it was some sort of explosion.



I thought it was an ice burst or something...


According to Wikia' date=' it's Soul Tiger...


It needs to be at 1, because I only own one. [/great reason']


Thats the best reason I've ever heard, I'm gonna let Konami know of this amazing reason.


On-topic (sorta): Maiko used this in season 1, and it was a wave that nuked everything.

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Torrential at zero yo. Too much potential punishment for Summoning a monster' date=' which is hardly the most heinous game-ruining thing one can do.



It only is a huge punishment if your opponent summons tons of monsters at once, which IS a game-ruining thing.


Does anyone enjoy a game where nearly all decent decks can swarm? Is this just a bad day in age for yugioh or is that just the way it is now?

Oh well, I like to use Torrential to counter swarming. Shoot me.


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Torrential at zero yo. Too much potential punishment for Summoning a monster' date=' which is hardly the most heinous game-ruining thing one can do.



I see it just like Mirror Force. At 0, people are free to overextend, but at 3, no one would ever summon anything for fear that Torrential would be face-down.

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Torrential at zero yo. Too much potential punishment for Summoning a monster' date=' which is hardly the most heinous game-ruining thing one can do.



I see it just like Mirror Force. At 0, people are free to overextend, but at 3, no one would ever summon anything for fear that Torrential would be face-down.


that thing is, t.t. hits them for summoning, something that basicly every deck that wants to win needs to do at some point during their first 2 turns or lose. hell, even a final countdown deck has zero gardna and winged kuriboh.


mirror force on the other hand hit them for attacking all out, something that not every deck does.

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you attack

opponent plays Mirror Force.

see you face :D




A brilliant card. possibly one of the staple cards that is relatively balanced and should remain at 1 permantely. any more or less and Konami is gonna get it.

also. this + Wildheart = Raigeki.


I've got another one. This + No monsters on your side of the field = Raigeki; you know the same reason why Dark Hole is banned. This card is hardly balanced and probably should go to 0 on a good list. It's not like it's needed; Needle Ceiling is a chainable trap that punishes swarm just as well as Torrential Tribute does. No one runs it because it only does it's suppose to do, while Torrenial Tribute is effectively a 3rd Bottomless.

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mirror force on the other hand hit them for attacking all out' date=' something that not every deck does.



Tell me how many decks lately have topped a Nat/SJC/Worlds without attacking?


attacking all out, which would mean I put everything into attack mode and tried to hit you in the face. I, on the other hand, usualy turn a monster like defender the magical knight to defense mode if I am unsure, since his defense is 2000, and he could protect the other monsters I'm attacking with with his effect and since he is uneffected in defense mode, I don't have to spend as many spell counters to keep them alive.

you can't take what I say out of context, or you don't see the whole picture.


in addition, if you take the same monsters, if I summoned another, it wouldn't mater what mode my monsters are in, they all get hit by t.t.

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my trap deck doesn't need to summon monsters. it just needs to set them to activate their flip effects.


and I run nobleman of crossout and fl lady light' date=' I'll T.T. myself and get something for it



yeah another fortune lady... big whoop...


getting hit by them a lot recently? they key to the deck is their ability to work together, disrupt that, and you will win.

IIW can help there.

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disrupt' date=' like with compulsory, phoenix wing, karma cut, raigeki break, forced back, black horn or bottomless? all of which are in my trap deck?



no, wrong, half of that stuff helps the fl deck start up, unless you don't use it on light (which is smart.), but if your deck makes light go away anyway, I'd charge headlong into whatever you have to force it.


phoenix wing and forced back are the only two that can actually work, karma cut charges fortune's future, and the rest will fall right into a responsive fl deck's hand. beat an fl deck in the face, and it will work, try to act smart and it uses you.

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rant that makes you sound stupid


So now you're saying the difference between a card being banworthy is whether it's triggered by a Summon or an attack?


it can be, in mirror force vs. T.T., T.T. is better because I don't have to wait for you to attack, and I hit all monsters with it.


however, do not misunderstand me in thinking that I'm saying mirror isn't limit worthy, it is, something that kills multiple creatures for a simple action that almost every deck does is over powered, regardless of the action.

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