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[Fakemon] Kung-Fu-Fu Sprite

Kuro no Keiyakushu

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Yeah Kuro, I don't know how to really CnC these type of things. it uses such a heavy level of style that it's hard to make too many comments on it from my type of spriting stand point. Normally I attack the size, shading style, and stuff like that. However you're not really creating a sprite per-say, but a small illustration that keeps pixels in mind.


If I had to bring anything up, I can say on the left fist there is a pixel sticking out. The crotch star seems isn't quite right, a little roughly done by the looks of it. I want to say you have a lot of sharp corners and stuff, but I don't know if that's an applicable critique in your case. For a normal sprite some of your border areas seem too rough, but again you have this very specific style.


That's all I have suppose. I tried in the very least. Hope I was able to say something remotely helpful.

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