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Yugioh Wikia Links

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I know we have a Q&A Thread but this would seem more resourceful.


I was thinking it'd be a good idea too have links to Yugioh Wikia. This way when someone is looking for card info they can just check out Wikia and get accurate info. The links would be based on what is most commonly asked, so Synchros, Subtypes, and game rules would probably be a good starting point.


You can submit links and I'll add em to the list if this.


I'll start adding links once this idea gets some support (if I do get support maybe this can be put in Important Threads?).




[spoiler=[b]Life Points[/b]] Maintenance Cost : http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Maintenance_Cost



[spoiler=[b]TCG & OCG[/b]] TCG & OCG Glossary : http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/TCG_%26_OCG_Glossary


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I know we have a Q&A Thread but this would seem more resourceful.


I was thinking it'd be a good idea too have links to Yugioh Wikia. This way when someone is looking for card info they can just check out Wikia and get accurate info. The links would be based on what is most commonly asked' date=' so Synchros, Subtypes, and game rules would probably be a good starting point.


You can submit links and I'll add em to the list if this.


I'll start adding links once this idea gets some support (if I do get support maybe this can be put in Important Threads?).




[spoiler=[b']Life Points[/b]] Maintenance Cost : http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Maintenance_Cost





If this ever goes through.


If not' date=' Post count +1 anyway.



Thanks for helping out :)

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they can just check out Wikia and get accurate info.


This part bothers me a bit. You do know that anyone can edit those Wikia pages' date=' right? There's no garauntee it would be accurate...


But I'll provide something:




It's a TCG & OCG Glossary of terms.



Thanks for adding.

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