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Zoroark [Fakemon]


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[align=center] Zoark? Zorok? Zarok?

When Zoroark was revield, I was all skeptical and whatnot. I liked it better when there was 2 generations, let alone 5. When I studied his type, I decided "you know what? This guy is cool."


Of course I needed to sprite him. I haven't sprited anything in a few months, and am extremely rusty.


Without any further delay,


Zorua and Zoroark.

[spoiler=Skinny Zoroark]




I'm not really going to 'fix' him since spriting these two was pretty much a spare time project, but I would like you to share if you like Zorua's color scheme or Zoroark's scheme better. I'm always horrible with selecting colors.


Also, my Achilles heel happens to be the general heel area. Legs (mostly feet) are not my strong point.[/align]

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I suppose Zorua was rather crowded. I decided to scrap him and make a new Zorua.

What's different:

-He's in a Pokemon form rather than a Realistic form (Big head, typical nose ect.)

-I fixed the head thing completely. The picture I was looking at before didn't resemble the headpiece.

-Colors got a whole lot brighter, makes it look less crowded. I actually 'borrowed' the colors from a picture found on Deviantart.


As for what metalflygon said, perhaps I'll inform Zoroark to go on a diet?

His chubbyness is actually my way of hiding his horrible legs from the public.

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what the hell happened to his thighes?! Looks like someones been visiting Micky D's more than once a week' date=' if you know what I mean. Needs work.



I actually started fixing that when metalflygon brought it up.

But once I did make the legs skinnier, his upper body looked stupidly disproportionate, so I still have to trim down his hair and buffness before I can repost it.

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Zorua's main issue I have is it's head. The main problem I want to say is that it's too flat. This is probably because the whole face is that one solid shade, and a mixture of some other elements. Bring the darker shade up. It will define where the flat part of the head is, and everything that is on the right of the snout should be the darker shade.


You could use a border color on the gray that isn't just the black. You even had a bit in the eya that you could have used.


Ears would look better if sticking out to the sides more, rather than up like they are.


Whiskers need to be more thicker


The fur around it's neck has more of saw blade or spiral look to it.


I started going a little light on the CnC there, that's because I found myself distracted with editing what you've done. So since I did make some edits, I decided I might as well upload and show you the changes I felt were appropriate. Feel free to use this to fix your guy any which way you want. I'm also going to hold off from actually commenting on Zoroark since I've already made one myself, so you can actually go and see how I think it should look if you want.



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First off, to all who commented on Zoroark's weight, I've updated with a version with skinnier legs. Still need to do some editing above the waste, but for now it looks presentable.


@Jappio: Thanks for the input on Zorua. Zorua was a 15 minute sprite where as Zoroark took almost an hour... Plus there is the fact that 1st form quadripods are actually tough for me. I'll put more time and effort into him if I have any time or effort for it.

I didn't really like your Zoroark sprite very much, I'm keeping the updated version as is from now on.

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