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"Haha! Now I can move my monster to another zone!" "Okay, so?" [Senet Switch]

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Maybe a card like this~


Perfect Dodge

Continuous Trap

"While this card is face up on the field, when a card you control is targeted by a Spell, Trap, or Monster Effect, by moving the targeted card to a valid and unused adjacent card zone, negate the effect of that card."


Maybe add a once per turn or something?

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Maybe a card like this~


Perfect Dodge

Continuous Trap

"While this card is face up on the field' date=' when a card you control is targeted by a Spell, Trap, or Monster Effect, by moving the targeted card to a valid and unused adjacent card zone, negate the effect of that card."


Maybe add a once per turn or something?



or a cost, where the slot is then unuseable until the end of your opponent's next turn.

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This card is good with The Seal of Orichalcos' date=' if I understand what adjacent means...



Adjacent = directly next to


Your ring finger is adjacent to your middle and pinky fingers :o


But can I or not move it to the S/T zone if I control the Seal?


I don't know the actual rules of The Seal of Orichalcos x.o reading what Yugioh Wikia says about it, it just states you can control a second row of monsters. It doesn't state that it replaces your Spell/Trap card zones, you just suddenly have another row of monster card zones i would figure x.o


In any case, assuming you have 2 rows where you can place 5 monsters, then I would consider both rows would contain valid monster card zones, and yes moving a card from the front row directly behind it (if its empty) would work as adjacent as mentioned would mean directly next to, but that's not limited to left and right, but up and down as well.

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