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Youkai Kousen! - Original RP/ ADV / STARTED/ NOT ACCEPTING


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Jason decided he would wander around some more. He turned, pushed against the ground, and burst away, leaving a puff of dust. He raced, running harder than he had ever run, than he had ever imagined he could run. Suddenly a large building loomed up in front of him. He skidded to a stop, and saw that it was labeled as 'Coliseum'. He saw a group of people beginning to walk in, and walked up to them. "HI," he said. "Mind if I join your little group in entering this strange 'Coliseum?'"

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Hanna left the other user to deal with a newly revived undead tiger of doom. A death wasn't something she needed in the first few minutes of the game. She ran back to the main building, still marveling at the speed she could run with the amount of effort. On the way, she saw a sign labeled 'Coliseum'.


"Coliseum? I could go for a bit of PvP. Why not. Maybe I could make a friend or two or join a guild or something," she thought to herself, heading in the direction of the sign. After a bit of running, she stopped. A massive building lay before her and she had to stop in awe of the fantasic structure. She shook her head and continued into the building.


The Coliseum lobby was full of users dressed for war. As she walked into the crowd, she beheld some powerful and slightly frightening users. One had a full knight outfit: the full metal plate armour, a lance and a armoured horse. He was different as he had two machine guns attached to the sides of the horse and a minigun for his free arm.


"Holy crap that guy means business! Maybe PvP wasn't such a good idea after all..." Hanna nervously thought to herself, hunching over slightly as if not to annoy anyone who could eat her for a light snack. Making her way deeper into the crowd, she eventually ran into a girl who didn't seem like she was a PvP fighter. She had a long flowing white dress with plenty of sparkly things, looking scared too. Hanna decided that she would help this girl out before she was trampled.


"Hey there! You don't seem to be a PvPer type. What are ya doing here? I'm not too sure myself..."


OoC: BTW I'm referring to Magnet's character.

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ooc:looks like no one wants to play with the Kitty....oh well.


It had been a VERY long and annoying fight, but the damn demon cat was finally dead, Drake had gotten most of his HP depleted, and honestly, if a mouse sneezed on him he would be out of the game for the day, He took his sword out of the creatures stomach as he slowly walked over to a tree."damn....that was more reality then I needed..."


He looked at his body, slashed and covered in blood, it all felt pretty real too, his exhaustion, his wounds, his need for a sandwich. "man....I should get some rest..." a flier however went ahead and smacked him in the face, leaving him confused. "Damn! I went blind! stupid video games!!!!!"


After taking the note off from his face and taking a few potions(or whatever we use to keep ourselves in the game.) he read it aloud to himself. "let's see...PvP...sounds like fun....now I should find it..." with that his new mission was set, but he looked back at the Demon Tiger and bowed to it as it disintegrated and he gained the massive EXP points.


During his walk he noticed that his sword seemed to have a few stripes on it, as if they gained the Tiger's properties giving it a tiger pattern across the hilt and blade. "pretty cool...this sword is pretty awesome." as he finally arrived he saw the other competitors. "all righty! time to meet some people....." he inhaled deeply and shouted "OHAIYOOOOOOO MINNASANNNNNN!" so he would be noticed.

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Kris now was getting annoyed. He just asked someone if they wanted to Pvp but they ignored him. Another person ran up to them and they actually acknowledged them. He was starting to get pissed off. A video game champion and he was being ignored. This was not his day. Just then he heard someone shouting, looking for a fight. "Finally, somone wants a fight." He said as he ran over to him. In a second he was there, a handy perk of being able to hack. He was much more agile, strong and faster than an ordinary player. And he was so good at it noone noticed. He arrived in front of the man and said, "You looking to fight? 'Cos I'm game."

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"Kristina, don't be afraid." Kohaku said patting her on her shoulder "We will just fight some monsters, you can handle that, don't you?" He walked over to the 'PvM' gateman, "PvM for two players please." He asked putting up two fingers. "Very well, you and the girl will be randomly warped into an area, you can enjoy as much hack and slashing as you like, and i'll put up a sign so others can join you, after all, you don't want to be alone when the big boss monster runs in, do you?" Knowing that he might be up for trouble he bravely walked into the portal and was warped to a ancient stone city, waiting for Kristina.

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Drake had gone ahead and entered the PvM section (ooc:sorry if you were talking to me magnet soldier), when he decided it would be best for him to wait a little after his fight with that damn tiger. "So...I wonder who else is around.....sure wouldn't want to do this all alone." He looked around his surroundings, he was in a dungeon it seemed it was in some sort of ruins. "where could they be..... hmm" yet behind him he heard a large thud. "Oh.........crap......"

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OOC: Otaku-sama, my dress is grey and pink, not white


Kristina turned to look at Hanna. "Nah, I'll be alright, I'm with Kohaku. He's waiting for me in the PvM section, so ... I'll see you there, I guess." Without saying another word, Kristina logged into the PvM server, and found herself appearing next to Kohaku. She looked around, and then asked Kohaku, "So ... what now?" She waited for an answer, her fingers fiddling with the folds of her dress slightly as she kept her black eyes open, cautiously surveying their surroundings.

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"Holy crap!!!!!!it's a freakin' Ogre!!!!!" he yelled as he kept running, eventually getting to some stairs, at first he walked up them normally, but then he defied Gravity, and fell "up" the stairs. "How the hell did this happen?!" he landed in front of what looked like a princess. "Oh...hey...what's up?" he asked nervously as the Ogre continued chase, quickly nearing where he was at, but he would introduce himself first so he would have someone to fight alongside him.


ooc:ah, this reminds me of my first post with you Mag-Denka....except it was down the stairs and you were with Poseidon...

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OoC: Sorry I havent been here(not that anyone cares)but I hurt myself...Again


IC: Kicker was walking through the great halls, "ahhh...finally made it, now this is one video game i wanna be part of". Kicker walks up to the weird robot at the reception..."ummmm...Hi.....". After the robot finishes talking Kicker goes inside, he notices he looks very different, cool, I look awsome. He sees other people walking around, "hmm...guess I'm not the only on here" he thinks to himself.

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OoC: You quit? Well, screw you then D: I have faint feeling that this won't keep up for long.


"Just follow me, i'll be the main force and you can back me up from a distance." Kohaku said looking straightforward, and he began to walk into an old stone street. "Alright, i want a battle so i'll call it out." He gulped and yelled out loud. From the moment he yelled both Kristina and Kohaku could hear a low toned, loud monstrous roar "Haha! This is gonna be great!" Filled with exitement he ran towards the loud roars, always yelling it back to the monster.

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"Well, since everyone else is doing it, I'll Pvm. It's better than waiting five hours for someone to PvP me." He said as he walked up to the gate. He appeared in the same ancient city Kohaku and Kristina were in, but he didn't know that. "There is one thing I like about PvM though." He started as a gang of Orc like things surrounded him. He drew his claw out of his pocket, it was glowing with a blue flame. "I can go [/i]Wild[/i]!" And he drew his sword and started to hack away at the Orc like creatures, shooting rays of darkness out of his clawed hand. The racket was immense and the blasts could be seen from all over this realm/level.

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Kicker had only been there 5 minutes and allready he'd been attacked by some form of wolf..."Damn that was fast..." So he drew his sword, it charged up with what looked like electricity"Hm...So long..." Kicker slashed at all of the wolves, a firing blade of electricty flew forward, throwing all the wolves against a tree."well that was eas-" Kicker fell to the floor, "that move drained me...better not use that alot."

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