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Youkai Kousen! - Original RP/ ADV / STARTED/ NOT ACCEPTING


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Calina Celest, real name in, and out of game. The girl had just registered, she felt like an outsider here, one of few real people in this world who were in the least bit feminine, but that didn't worry her too much. She strolled happily through the halls of the castle, marveling at the amazing level of realism, the depth of every minute detail, every tiny rise and fall, every bump, everything was perfectly real. Calina could see herself forgetting all about earthly existance in this place. Her mind wandered, in real life she was very shy, usually in games, this was completely different, but maybe not in this game, she felt like it was real, it all felt real...

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Guest TheFinalFan

Dominique sighed.

She had been there for three hours.




And no one had even come up to her.

True, this was a fighting game, and she specialized in RPGs, but someone HAD to remember her.

Then she saw a few players that she knew from ther games, and she decided to follow them.

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OoC: I might not be on a whole day tomorow, i gotta go play the regional championships of tabletennis.


Somehow i feel stronger, i feel like i could bust a hole into a wall! Kohaku thought, he began to run, even faster than in his real life, not feeling any sign of exhaustion. But suddenly he heard a sound, a sign of danger and he instinctively stopped, and a weird humanoid creature that looked much like a thug from the middle ages, wearing rugged clothes full with holes, and a bald head, with much scars on it. "Ahh!" Kohaku yelled, feeling some pain, and turned around, facing the thug. "You jerk! Attacking from someones backside is the only thing you can do, huh!?" The only answer Kohaku got was an evil laugh, and the thug attacked again slicing down with his left hand. Kohaku immediatly ticked away the hand and kicked the thugs right leg "Yeah! You're not gonna mess with Kohaku Ichirou, pal!" He grabbed the thugs head with both hand and forced it down, at the same moment Kohaku lifted his knee and roughly ticked the thugs nose, sending it flying a meter or 2, and it dissapeared all of a sudden.

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Drake had gone ahead and looked over towards some of the areas, each one was pretty nice, but it seemed as if after entering many players ran off, probably to fight amongst themselves. and in a very un-Drakeish like voice. "Damn I can't believe I haven't been challenged yet....I mean...what the hell, I'm a nice guy aren't I?" he looked at the sword he received with his design, and cut a branch off a tree to clean his virtual teeth with....ten seconds later the tree fell."uh....whoops....hmm, maybe I should go see if I can find anyone I know....." and with that, his search began.

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Kristina had been not too far away from Kohaku when she saw him, and she began to approach him. As she did so, she felt unnaturally light, like she weighed nothing more than a feather. She ignored it anyway, paying little attention as to how fast she had just walked, and routinely stopped. "Hi, what you just did was pretty awesome. I'm Kristina, what's your name?" She gave him a friendly smile, and waited to see his response.

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Drake was in quite a pickle, out of nowhere some thugs came in flying from the sky and landed on top of a rather large....Sabertooth tiger. "Damn...this is what I get for going in the woods.....did they have to use this monstrosity?" he looked at the creature, standing well above six feet at the shoulders. "Nice kitty, you don't want to eat me kitty." as the thugs ran away the Tiger went closer to the one prey that was still stupid enough to stay. "Okay then...you wanna play...then let's play. "He sheathed his sword and got in a fighting position the tiger leaped first and Drake simply waited until he got closer, and closer, and closer........"bring IT!!!!"

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Machi finally got into the halls of the virtual reality of Youkai Kousen. She walked up to the nearest NPC and got herself registered. She watched herself as her transformation swept over her body, giving her the grey uniform and beret that were preset in the game. She noticed that she had a gun on her back. An F2000 assault rifle to be exact. She recognized from Call of Duty as she loaded the gun and aimed down the sights.


She decided to try out her virtual body and started running. She ran abnormally fast, feeling the power that came from her legs. She stopped abruptly and redirected the energy into doing a backflip that launched her at least three metres into the air, landing gracefully on her feet. She then quickly did some combat rolls, shooting a tree in between the rolls like a Spetnaz officer.


"Awesome! This is totally kickass!" Machi, now Hanna, said out loud. She then burst off running into a nearby forest. She ran for half a minute before she ran into someone facing off against a six-foot sabretooth tiger.


"Holy crap that is one big kitty!" she said out loud. Unfortunately, she attracted the attention of nearby virtual thugs. They encircled her like a pack of hungry wolves. They all looked at her with their beady eyes, thinking about what things they would do when they took her down.


"There's no way you scumbags are gonna get you way with me!" Hanna shouted before opening fire on the thugs, managing to pump three full of lead. She then jumped out of the circle, reloading in midair. The thugs got too close and Hanna flipped out her knife. One thug lunged at her with his blade forward. Hanna swiftly sidestepped the thug, grabbed his arm and stabbed him in the stomach two times with her knife hand. The other thugs decided that they were outmatched and scattered.


"Take that losers! HA!"

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The tiger had gone ahead and left a large scar across Drake's chest, he was on one knee looking back, but at the same time he smiled. "Not bad, your one tough cat...." as he turned back he saw the Tiger was wobbling, "you took exactly 10 Iron fist attacks and you're only wobbling."


He remembers it's movements, as the cat was exactly 5 feet away the tip of it's claw grazing his cheek as he pushed his body forwards, smashing two fists into the beasts abdomen, as it fell forward Drake slid his foot across the ground and using both his fists in unison as he hit the beast in the thighs, it bellowed with some pain, but it didn't faze the beast too much as it turned towards him, Drake jumping on and smashing his feet and hands across the spine of the creature multiple times ending with a strike to it's shoulder, but it simply raised it's upper body and slashed forward as Drake launched one last punch to it's chest.


As it ended the beast had been hit in an epicenter, causing all it's wounds to react at once while Drake's wound slashed through his shirt a few seconds after impact. "That was pretty fun....but I'm not into killing animals....virtual or not...." the Tiger roared and took one step forward. "But I will kick your butt if you so wish it..." he ran once again and leaving the beast with no time to react, he punched it.....

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Guest TheFinalFan

Dominique watched her friends fighting the in-game thugs she paid to go attack them. Sure, she actually gave their AIs a false ccount code, but it was too late now that they were slowly dying.

Until the thugs that ran away came up to her.

"You b***h! You gave us a fake account number! You're gonna pay!"

"I think not." She replied in a dignified manner as she swiftly subdued the bandits.

She then whipped out a couple of knives and slit their throats like a professional assassin, gaining EXP as she did so.

Now, should I help my friends, or just continue to sit here as they fight that tiger? She thought to herself.

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Jason used the arcade and entered the info. He was taken in-game, and he noticed that he now had a heavy steel katana on his back, and his clothes were different. He decided to wander around a little, and began walking randomly. He continued walking until he saw a group of people fighting what appeared to be a tiger. He gave out a shout of "Hey!" and began running to help them. As he ran, he pulled out his katana. When he got closer, he saw that there were other people around, not fighting the tiger, but watching, it seemed. Oh well, he thought. He jumped through the air, and began battling the tiger along with the others.

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ooc:why is everyone attacking my cat? oh well.....


Drake watched as his little fight had gone ahead and brought some spectators, and even another person to help him out, even if it was unwanted, but hey it was a game right? "well, not that the help isn't appreciated but this guy was worn out far before you came, He slid under the large cat and gave it one final punch in the stomach, it fell on top of him, but Drake soon just stood up carrying the big lummox, gaining the EXP for the defeat, and maybe a lil more for a mercy defeat.....maybe....., but afterward it opens it's eyes again and hits him with one of his forepaws looking back at him, as angrily as ever, if there was a HUD one could tell he had gained it's HP back. It grew a little larger and it's fur was darker showing it was tougher this time "okay...this ain't good."


ooc:now you can attack

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Seeing as she was recieving no response, Kristina turned her attention away from Kohaku and decided to explore further. She glanced around and spotted how so many people were busy battling thugs or other animals, and then she noticed how she had not yet even fought. However, something was holding her back; it was almost as if she couldn't go and hit someone. Feeling confused, she suddenly realised how far she was from Kohaku as she looked over her shoulder; he was barely in sight anymore. Frowning, she did a small jump and was immediately thrown off at the height she had just jumped; if there had been a bungalow, she could have leapt straight onto the roof.


"What-" she heard herself say as she landed with no sound whatsoever. And suddenly, it dawned on her; maybe she weighed barely anything for one reason alone...

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OoC: I was a whole day away from here, playing a ping pong tourney, sorry.


"Did someone talk to me?" Returning to his virtual conscience the words of a girl twirled trough his ears, but when he turned around to see where she is, he couldn't find her. "I think she went that direction..." He said to himself and started to run towards the direction he thought with fast speed. When he ran some while he could see a girl "YOU! WAIT!" as Kohaku saw her he started to run faster.

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Kristina stopped and looked over her shoulder. Seeing as Kohaku was now running towards her, she turned around and was about to walk when she decided, for some unknown reason, to take a small leap over to him. She jumped again, and was still stunned as she found her body jumping, almost gliding, in a small arch to Kohaku, where she landed neatly before him, bending her knees slightly so as to stop herself from toppling over backwards. Good thing for leggings underneath, she thought to herself as she straightened upwards.

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Woah! Can shy fly ?.. Kohaku wondered as he saw the girl glide through the air elegantly and land in front of him "So, uh, you where talking to me?" He asked, he was a bit nervous because this was the first time he woul speak to a girl, in reality or virtuality. "So, uh, are you liking Youkai Kousen?" He asked curiously as he was inspecting the girl.

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"Yeah, I was, but I saw you weren't answering," answered Kristina. "So I thought you had ... you know, gone on standby or something." She paused as she brushed her hair out of her face, and straightened the ribbon in her hair slightly. "Yeah, I'm loving it, except it seems I can't actually fight. I presume you saw me jump just then?" She threw this last question rather casually, like she was already used to it - in truth, she actually wasn't, but the tone of her voice was heavily misleading.

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"Actually, i saw a a black dot in the air, so i thought it was you." Kohaku answered back. "So you're looking for a fight? Or looking on how to fight? When i was walking through the halls of the YKC i saw a poster with an arena on it, it's a PvP area i think... So you wanna tag along?" He asked, really trying to make a new friendship. "So, if you want to come with me, or wanna come on later, it's in the Battle Colloseum in the city, it's really huge, you couldn't miss it. Well i'm going right now..." Kohaku said while walking away.

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"Oh, right. Well, it feels as if fighting's not my thing, but I might as well follow you ... or rather, you follow me." The moment she finished talking, she began to leap ahead to the Battle Colloseum, accidently leaving Kohaku behind, and forcing her to wait for him. When he had caught up, she asked him, "Anyway, I'm Kristina, and you are?" I wonder if anyone else is like me ... I hope I'm not the only one like this.

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Seeing Kristina already had some headstart he decided to put it on a run, with a smile "Don't think you're any faster than me!" He ran like a madman, without breaking a sweat This is so sweet! I can run without wasting energy!... As he realised that he could do this, he started to run even harder and he kept looking up to see if Kristina was still in sight, Just focus on your speed, and you'll be there faster than her! He pushed himself tot he limit and was running about as hard as Kristina could glide through the air.

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Kristina leapt ahead, jumping and covering distances that Kohaku really had to work for. She decided to see what would happen if she ran. She yelped as she felt her feet move faster before she could land, and rather accidently ended up levitating slightly off the ground, her feet kicking thin air as she literally flew. Oh my God, this is incredible! What if I wasn't designed to fight after all? What if I'm meant to fly, run and jump? She looked over her shoulder, and saw Kohaku shrinking ever so slightly. Smirking, she looked ahead and continued the pace.

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"Man! She's fast! Hey! Stop running!" Kohaku yelled in the hope of Kristina stopping her fast paced run "Stop running, or else you're gonna miss the Battle Colloseum, but she wouldn't answer back. As the two ran into the city Kohaku stopped and walked to the Colloseum, it was big, painted with light brown, and it had an oval form, there where going many war-ready fighters in, and at the same time there where going people out "Woah! This is huge!..." Realising that Kristina could've leapt over the place and not noticed he was following her he sat down and waited against the walls of the Battle Colloseum hearing many shouting men.

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Kristina had arrived at the Colloseum, and she took one leap to reach Kohaku. "Pretty impressive place," she said to him as she looked up, one hand touching the side of the wall. Something about it felt alien to her ... Kristina knew she wasn't the type for PvP battles, but this kind of feeling was different ... it was like she properly wasn't designed to fight. But she ignored it, and continued to talk. "So ... do you want to go in?"

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Getting up, being slightly tired of the outrageous running, he puffed. "... Sure thing, let's go." Kohaku entered the Colloseum and everything blackened out for a second, and suddenly he was in the gathering place, seeing the signs 'PvP' 'PvM' 'PvP Battle Royale' Kohaku talked to a an information cleric on what to know about 'PvM and PvP Battle Royale' "Why good of you to ask that, Kohaku," The cleric said and added eventually added on "... I'm pretty sure you know of PvP, but what PvM and PvP Battle Royale means, you wouldn't probably know.

PvP is a one on one man to man, man to women, women to women or man to man showdown where the players can use the little obstacles in the ring to their every advantage. PvM means that one or two players can take on one or multiple monsters, PvP Battle Royale is 6 people who fight eachother to the virtual death." Hearing the long speech Kohaku quickly said 'thanks and moved on, while waiting for Kristina to be logged into the room.

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Kris sighed as he walked around the virtual world, his hacked claw in his pocker, a giant blade on his back. He felt more like trash talking somebody into a fight but his real self told him not to. He had seen a few fights already and seen one person flying. He sighed again and walked to the collouseum. He saw the girl that had flown again but ignored it and walked up. "Hey, you two, either of you want a PvP fight. I'm bored."

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Kristina soon joined Kohaku, unaware that Kris had just called out to them. She felt like a lost child in a den full of crocodiles - part of her now wished she hadn't picked such an eye raising outfit, and another part wished she hadn't quite followed Kohaku in so fast. In one easy stride, she landed beside him and began to move. "So ... what now?" She just hoped there was some kind of team PvP, otherwise she'd be in trouble...

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