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EH Neos Knight [new effect...]

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So is it just some unknown rule that E-Heroes have to remain as the only balanced Archetype in the game (disregarding Absolute Zero and Stratos)?


Obviously it was a OTK machine waiting to happen but no less worse then say Rainbow Neos decks. So many ways to have worded the effect so that it could double attack but not be overpowered.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Well, it went from being underpowered (the first revealed effect) to being quite good (the second effect) and now it's back to being even just a little bit underpowered (now).

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They took an obviously broken card and stopped it from being broken. why would I weep?


So is it just some unknown rule that E-Heroes have to remain as the only balanced Archetype in the game (disregarding Absolute Zero and Stratos)?


Obviously it was a OTK machine waiting to happen but no less worse then say Rainbow Neos decks. So many ways to have worded the effect so that it could double attack but not be overpowered.


Rainbow Neos cannot OTK.


Rainbow Neos has more restrictive Fusion Material Monsters.


Rainbow Neos requires Rainbow Dragon or Rainbow Dark Dragon, which are just plain awful.


Rainbow Neos forbids the use of Fusion Substitute Monsters.


Rainbow Neos cannot benefit from Miracle Fusion.


How on earth- oh, that's right, for a moment I forgot I was on YCM.

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(disregarding Absolute Zero and Stratos)?


Neither of those are broken or overpowered' date=' the only thing stopping Stratos from being unlimited is the fact that he can search himself. The only thing "OP" about Absolute Zero is the fact that he can be splashed into any deck with D-Heros and Diva/Ocean.



or any other water monster


which basicly means if your using the d-hero or a form of the d-hero engine, you could play abz0 some time in the duel if you were using poly fusions.

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