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Catking5 Conundrum

The Borg

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Every week there will be a new puzzle. Here's how it works:

What you did Prize

You PM me as the first correct answer: 45 Points.

You PM me the second correct answer: 5 Points.

Everyone Else in the first 25 people: 1 Point.

Puzzle One:


Kuriboh is walking down the sidewalk of Domino City. Then Yusei Fudo jumps out in front of him.

"Solve this riddle and you may pass," He said.

If Kuriboh was summoned by Yugi at 3:45 PM DST (Domino Standard Time) and now it is now 5:10 DST then how far has he walked if he walks at 180 miles an hour? Take that amount and then multiply it by the number of I in this post. Take that number and square it.


You have until 25 people have solved it to win. Also remember: You may use this thread if you need help. If no one solves the riddle by next Friday then I will post the answer and move onto the next challenge.

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