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Pokemon: Journey through Kanto [Started, Accepting, Pg-14]

Yoko Kurama

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OOC: this is my last post tonight


"Hmm.. your Arcanine is pretty Strong but i'm going to have to end this. Jaws Dragon Dance than use Crunch on the near back tree than throw it at Nova" as he said and nodded giving a signal for something big


A red aura emitted from Jaws as his power and speed increased even more than before+


Jaws used it large Jaws and uprooted the tree using his power than threw the tree at Nova.


As the tree flew at Nova Jaws silently followed behind with an Aqua Jet

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Nova took it all, but he had suffered enough. He could hardly walk, but without Bridger's orders, he began to wail on Jaws. He crunched his neck, and stuck him in the chest with his claws. Still holding him by the neck, Nova wandered with him towards the tree, and slammed him into it. He used Extreme Speed, and repeatedly slammed him into the tree trunk. Then, he dropped him in an upright position, back against the tree, and held his knees and arms down with his paws (keep in mind he weighs 500lbs+) and at pointblank range, sent a Flamethrower right into his face.


"Nova seriously calm down, this solves nothing!"


Nova wouldn't take it. The rage had gotten to his emotions. After firing the Flamethrower into his face, he slapped him back and forth with his front paws. He backed up and waited to see if he would move. Jaws just laid there.

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OoC: Is it okay if I catch myself a new pokemon?


She smiled, the eligent pink ribbon fitted in well with her other five, ths contest was chalenging, but not her most difficult to date.

"You were great out there, Calista." She said happily admiring the ribbon, before placing it into her black, red velvet-lined case.

"Aiiiiiire" The pokemon replied happily as she looked over the Coordinator's shoulder. Celest's smile didn't fade for a second as a beam of red light sprung from her pokeball, engulfing Calista, returning her to the ball. Celest left the contest hall looking confident. She was on top of the world, this was a huge win. How would she unwind though. She WAS in Cerulian City, maybe she would take a walk out to the old powerplant and see the sites, and maybe even catch herself some new pokemon.

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Tom ran full speed for the pokemon center, but with no bsttle-ready pokemln he would be in trouble. He tribbed over a rock and a pokeball slipped off his belt,

"no charrizard!!" tom cried diving for it, the pokeball stopped at a tree stump.phew! i thought id lost him!

He looked at his surroundings, he was lost.

"heloo!" he cried at the top of his voice, "anyone here!"

He saw an apple tree nearby, he decided to climb it to look around, he clentched onto 2 apples while obseving where they were. He just got a glmpse of a nearby town then ,SNNAAP!. He fell right out of the tree.

"go charizard!" tom cried as a red beam of light revealed a tired pokemon. "here take these applles!"

"charrizarrd!" Charizard ate them and sseemed more awake.

"lets go that way! theres a town with a pokemon center in!" tom insisted pointing towards where he had seen the town.


When they got to the town they went straight to the pokemon center,

"charizard return, into the pokeball, get some rest!" some said sealing the pokemon in the pokeball. he ran into the pokemon center,

"please help my pokemon, please!" tom cried to the lady at the counter.

"dont you know who i am?!" the lady said in shock "im nurse jenny, the best nurse around! ill help your pokemon just wait for a few hours and tl be just fine!"

Tom sighed as he went over to the waiting room.

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OoC: Just a question, evolution by trade works in the games, but would it be the same in the RP? Because honestly, that doesn't make too much sense to me.


IC: Shift, the shiny ditto assumed the form of a powerful looking, strangely colored Sharpedo. it dived into the water and began to carry Celest through the waters off toward the power plant. This area was obviously seldom visited now-a-days, but the girl didn't care too much. she wanted to see the world, sure her main goal was to breed contest winning pokemon, but that required her to have pokemon to breed.

She surged down the water on Shift's back, she was captivated as Goldeen and Seakings lept happily out of the water, but Celest ignored them from a trainer's perspective, her mind was very one-tracked on Electric-type pokemon, there it was, she rounded the last corner and arived on land.

"Good work Shift, take a rest." She said happily and returned Shift to his ball. "Scizor, your turn!" With that she tossed a ball into the air, and her father's old partner emerged.


"Follow me, and keep your eyes out for strong pokemon!"

The area around the plant seemed to be relatively well populated with Manetric and other electric pokemon, Groups of Magnemites, led usually by Magnatons and a occasionally a Magnazone drifted around. They watched Celest carefully as she made her way past, it didn't seem as though any of them were angry as such, although Celest certainly didn't feel welcome. They entered the plant, seeing many pokeball like objects, which on closer inspection proved to be Voltorbs. She began to walk down what seemed to be the central corridore when BOOM! a blast of stars errupted into Scizor, who was at this point by her side. She wheeled around, and there it was, an angry, strong looking Electabuzz.

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BEEP! The door to the healing room opened,

"your pokemon are ok!" jenny sxplained "please try to be more carefull!"

"i will thank you soo much!" tom thanked. He walked out of the pokemon center and grabbed a pokeball,

"go charizard!" tom cried as a red flash of light revealed a charizard, now strong and refreshed, "could you fly me to the spot we were at earlier?"

"charr!" charizard said leaning over for tom,

"thanks!" tom thanked climing on to his back. AS they were flying he tried to spot the trainer they battled earlier,

"hey charizard could you keep an eye out for that trainer please!" he asked



Charizard swooped down, tom saw the two trainers battling. wow there strong!

"hey guys!" he said waving. he saw something flash in the corner of his eye, he looked it had gone. It happened again, he looeked and there was an abra there. He walked over to it and dropped a pokeball on it. It rocked 3 times then the abra escaped.

"charizard, use use fire blast!" tom commanded, charizard shot a strong fire blast at the abra, it looked weaker, "again!"

the abra teleported behind charizard as it used fire blast.

"charizard quick grab it and use rock throw!" tom cried. charizard grabed it and threw the abra, but it teleportewd back to the ground.

"charizard come back! go butterfree!" he said playing butterfree.



"use sleep powder! quick!" he demanded,

"free free!" butterfree cried as it released a sparkling shower of sleep powder on the abra, it fell asleep.

"now bug bite!" he told butterfree. Butterfree bit abra, "now tackle!"

butterfree tackled the physcic pokemon , then the pokemon teleported below butterfree. "butterfree stun spore!"

Butterfree used stun spore but abra teleported away.

"go charizard! coem back butterfree!" he cried returning butterfree. "use flamethrower!"

Charizard shot a long burst of flame at the okemon. Then tom threw a pokebsll again. it rocked once, twice, three times, then the middle went white with a click.

"yeah!" tom cried proudly "i caught an abra!"

He held the pokeball high, and spun around, yeah a physcic pokemon!

He walked to the beach again,

"go butterfree! go abra!" he said letting out he 2 pokemon.

His pokemon seemed to like the peacefull view.

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OOC: Don't forget Jaws is like x4 stronger than before because of 2 Dragon Dances so he's alot stronger and faster :P


"Jaws use aqua jet to surround your self in water"

As Nova jumped at Jaws to unleashing its Fury jaws covered it self in a rushing water around him to weaking Nova's attacks.


As Nova started unleashing his flamethrowers Jaws kepted the water from the aqua jet going reducing the amount of damage from the firey rage


"Jaws fight back use you power to stop him. Use ice punch"


As the water around Jaws became low Jaws unleashed a mirage of ice punches fighting back the Flames as the to to canceled each other out as Jaws kept getting closer and closer until within striking range of the Ice punch than Aiming for Nova's Head Jaws sent a powerful icey fist at Nova

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OOC: so dodging or defending allowed :/ and how many powered up aqua jets and ice punches did nova take again just saying. but w/e


"Jaws return" a red beam took Jaws back into this pokeball than Delano started to walk off into the forest in search of something


"Hmm.. looks like we need to train some buddy. And we will do that at out own pace" he said as he went out of sight

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"Alright, Dogboy, you and me. Battle, Just after we get your Arcanine healed up. There is a Pokemon Center Just up the road, Right by the entrence to the forest"


Nick pulled out 2 pokeballs and returned Kingler and Snover to there pokeballs with a flash of red light. "laters."


With that He took of down the road towards the Forest.

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OOC: Well for one thing, how often do pokemon dodge anyways, unless its like a pidgey with sand-attack or you are using an attack like flame blast or fissure that is bound to miss alot. You can dodge or defend, but if the opposer hits you in the back with slam, take the hit, you cant dodge it if they already made it happen. It doesnt have to do a ton of damage but dont no one can completely change the fight by giving a different side of the story like that. As for the ice punches and aqua jets, ice has little effect on fire, and dded aquajets would still miss extreme speed alot more than yours did.


IC: Bridger was proud of his victory. He rushed over to help Nova out. After returning Nova, he began to walk the small path in the woods. He didn't know where it led to, or what would happen, but he did anyways. Eventually he reached a building. He thought it was some sort of laboratory when he walked in. Turned out, it was. It was a science research museum. He was in Pewter City! Time to take on Brock he thought to himself. After taking his pokemon to the poke center, Bridger strolled up to the Gym, and walked inside. He waited for Brock to finish his current battle.

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Delano kept walking through the forest than it suddenly started to rain. "Great Rain..."

Delano looks around for shelter and show a creepy "Abandoned house "it looks like home" he said as he ran inside the house.


"I wonder if there are any pokemon living here. Shadow Come on out"


A white light came from the pokeball and revealed a Gengar


"Look around the house and see if there are any pokemon here

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Nick began wandering threw the Forest, He had gotten himself lost again. Noticing that he was going in circles, He decided to take a break and rest himself.

"COME ON OUT GUYS!!!" he yelled. A bright flash of light released from the Pokeballs he threw into the air. In front of him, Three forms appeared and formed into his Pokemon.




The three said in unison.

"Come on guys, Lunch time" he said. Nick reached in to his pack and pulled out a box of pokemon food and pored them into their individual bowls. He also pulled out a sandwhich for himself.

"Dig in." And with that they began to eat.

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Shadow reappeared and pionted towards the right hall why


Delano nobbed and followed Shadow through the seemly maze of hallways


"So where the pokemon at Shadow"


"Gen Gengar" shadow said as he pionted at a door


Delano grabbed the knob and entered and looked around to see


3 Gasltys, a Haunter, 2 duskull, 2 shuppet, and a rotom playing in what looks like a playroom. All of the ghost pokemon turned to look at their follow ghost brethen and a stranger.


The Ghost pokemon surrounded Delano and Shadow with a playfull expression


"Hello there" Delano said.


Both Shadow and Delano joined the Ghost pokemon in there play

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The Small group was sitting down eating lunch, Enjoying every bite. Everything in the woods was calm. Suddenly Squirtle jumped and got into an attack stance.

"Squirtle? Whats up?" Nick said. Squirtle pointed into the shrubs, not far from where they were sitting.

"Squirtle-Squirt-Squirtle" he said. Ever so slowly, a Polywag crept out of the shrubs, wanting some food. Noticing this, Nick got up and tried to give it a hand full. It tackled him, and quickly ate the food before jumping back into the Shrubs.

"Ouch, That hurt. Thats it, Squirtle go." With the command, Squirtle jumped in after the poliwag. The shrubs began to russle and the Poliwag came flying out and hit a tree. Squirtle followed after it and landed in front of Nick.

"Alright Squirtle, Mega Punch." Squirtle Lunged after it. Seeing the Attack, the poliwag jumped out of the way, Staying just out of reach of Squirtle.

"Now, Hydro Pump!" Nick said. Squirtle let loose a fast stream of Water that hammered the Poliwag, Again sending it into a tree. The Poliwag Fell to the ground, Fainted.

"Alright, Go Pokeball." The Red and White ball flew from his hands, and hit the Poliwag. It rolled. . .Once, Twice, Three Times, before the center finally turned from Red to White. Seeing this as an Opportunity to get out of the woods, He let the poliwag out in a flash of white light.

"Ok Poly, can you show us the way out." the poliway nodded and motioned for them to follow it.

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As delano played with the pokemon he began to understand them more and decided to talk to the Ghost pokemon about letting him capture them


"Hey would ya'll mind joining my team i could really use your help" Delano said


the pokemon looked at him than the Gastly, Haunter, a duskull and a shuppet disappeared running away. The other duskull, shuppet, and rotom looked at each other than back at delano than got into what looked like a battle position.


"alrightie than Hammerer and Jaws come help me out here" 2 white lights came out of the pokeballs and revealed a Crawdaunt and a Feraligator.


"Jaws and Hammerer Dragon Dance than follow up with Crabhammerer and Aqua Jet. Shadow use shadow ball"


Red auras emitted from Jaws and Hammerer. Than Jaws used aqua jet on the duskull. Hammerer Crabhammered the Shuppet. and Shadow launched a Shadow ball at rotom.


Duskull was knocked back by the Aqua Jet than responded with a will-o-wisp than followed up with a shadow sneak on Jaws.


shuppet hit the ground than got back up and used faint attack on Hammerer


Rotom dodged the shadow ball than used shock wave on Shadow


Jaws was burned by the will-o-wisp than hit by the shadow sneak. "Jaws Ice punch than Aqua Jet" Jaws sent a ice cold fist into duskull's face sending it flying back than nailed it with Aqua Jet. The duskull was knocked on the ground.


In the meantime, Hammerer was hit by the faint attack and was not really affected. "Hammerer use a double Crabhammer" both pinchers glowed blue as he slamed the 1st pincher into shuppet knocking it to the ground than slamed the ghost into the ground harder with his other pincher.


"Pokeball go" as he says as he throws 2 pokeballs at the shuppet and duskull.

the pokeballs started to wiggle and after 3 wiggles the pokeballs reminded motionless. than Delano turned full attention to rotom


Shadow got electocuded by the shockwave than grinned really big. " Shadow launch more shadow balls at rotom and get into a corner than use hypnosis"

Shadow started launching shadow ball at rotom as rotom dodged them he find himself trapped in a corner than use double team.

"Shadow use shadow ball on all of them." shadow done as he was told and kept launching shadow balls at rotom until he hit the real one.

the real rotom was hit by the shadow ball than got back up and used shockwave on Gengar again.

"Shadow you can take that and keep up than use psychic to make rotom unable to move than start launching shadow balls"


Shadow's eyes glowed blue as rotom suddenly became unable to move as it struggled to break free. Shadow fired 2 shadow balls at rotom. the 2 succeeded in hitting the target. The rotom fell to the floor.


"Now last pokeball go" Delano threw his last pokeball before he had to restock

rotom disappeared into a red beam of light. the pokeball started to wiggle.

after 4 wiggles it remind motionless.


"Good job guys now we have 3 new friends" his pokemon responded in joy

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Ooc: limit is 6...

IC:"charizard, abra return!" Tom called looking where the trainer had gone, he followed. There was a house. So he walked in.


He was walking around and saw an open door.this place is creepin me out!

butterfree went pale "freee!"

"you scared butterfree?" tom asked

"free freee!"

"ok butterfree return!" tom called "come on out abra!"

as tom walked abra teleported forwards instead of walking, tom peeked round the door,

"aahh!" tom cried in fright as a haunter appeared in front of him "h-h-haunter!"

it wasnt thst trainers, it was wild. how can i catch a ghost?

"Abra teleport!" Toom cried as haunter aimed for it with hypnosis, "again!"

"hauuntee!" haunter has pelting at abra at high speed,

"now teleport!" tom cried, haunter hit his head on the floor.

"abra teleport against the wall!" tom cried , haunter aimed for itbut abra teleported, haunter hitting his head on the wall.


"pokeball go!" tom cried throwing a pokeball at the distracted pokemon. it rocked once, twice and another time, the pokeball opened revealing a haunter.


"ok come back abra! go charizard!" tom cried exchangging pokemon, "use fire blast!"

charizard used fire blast but it id little to the ghost-type,

"come back! go butterfree!" he called, "butterfree syun spore!"

"free free!" butterfree cried using the move.

Haunter dissapeared, then re-appeared behind butterfree, it used lick. Butterfree was paralized!

"ok go abra! come back butterfree!" tom cried letting abra out. "abra teleport! keep teleporting around haunter!" abra used teleport again and again, in a circular movion around haunter, haunter was spinning round trying to keep his eyes on him.

"haunteer!" haunter said, fainting from the dizzyness.

"go pokeball!" tom cried throwing the pokeball, it rocked, then again, then a third time, it rocked again then the middle clicked white.


"yeah i caught haunter!" tom cried in joy "yay!"

"aah! oh yeah its abra, no its kadabra!!" tom cried.


"hey you!" tom cried looking at the familiar trainer, "i battld you earlier! whats your name?" Tom stood waiting a reply from the trainer(delano)

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