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[Gadgetron™] Creative Gadgets


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[Gadgetron™] Monsters - 21


Cliff The Trap Remover - 3

Dark Scorpion - Chick The Yellow - 3

Dark Scorpion - Meanae The Thorn - 3

Destiny Hero - Malicious - 2

Don Zaloog - 3

Green Gadget - 2

Raiza the Storm Monarch - 1

Red Gadget - 2

Yellow Gadget - 2


[Gadgetron™] Spells - 8


Heavy Storm - 1

Golden Sarcophagus - 1

Monster Reborn - 1

Premature Burial - 1

Shrink - 3

Smashing Ground - 1


[Gadgetron™] Traps - 11


Metalmorph - 3

Mirror Force - 1

Dark Bribe - 3

Torrential Tribute - 1

Solemn Judgment - 3



[Gadgetron™] Side Deck - 15


Ceasefire - 1

D.D Survivor - 3

D.D Warrior Lady - 1

Dark Magician Of Chaos - 1

Dimensional Fissure - 3

Macro Cosmos - 2

Mystical Space Typhoon - 1

Reinforcement of the Army - 2

Return from the Different Dimension - 1


This is my favorite Deck I've built, and I've spent two days on it. [Gadgetron™] is my idea, so please don't claim it as your own. Thanks to Static for help with this Deck. Please comment. This Deck has the ability to be a Dark Scorpion Gadget Deck or a Different Dimension Gadget Deck. Please don't ask me to use Ancient Gears.[/align]

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[Gadgetron™] Monsters - 23


*Cliff The Trap Remover - 2

*Dark Scorpion - Chick The Yellow - 2

*Dark Scorpion - Meanae The Thorn - 3

*Destiny Hero - Malicious - 2

*Don Zaloog - 2

*Gilasaurus - 1

Green Gadget - 2

Kaiser Glider - 2

*Raiza the Storm Monarch - 3

Red Gadget - 2

Yellow Gadget - 2


[Gadgetron™] Spells - 10


Heavy Storm - 1

*Giant Trunade - 1

Golden Sarcophagus - 1

Limiter Removal - 1

*Monster Reincarnation - 2

Shrink - 3

Smashing Ground - 1


[Gadgetron™] Traps - 7


Mirror Force - 1

Sakuretsu Armor - 1

Solemn Judgment - 3

The Transmigration Prophecy - 1

*Windstorm Of Etaqua - 1


[Gadgetron™] Side Deck - 15


Ceasefire - 1

D.D Survivor - 3

D.D Warrior - 1

D.D Warrior Lady - 1

Dark Magician Of Chaos - 1

Don Zaloog - 1

Macro Cosmos - 3

Mystical Space Typhoon - 1

Pulling The Rug - 1

Reinforcement of the Army - 1

Return from the Different Dimension - 1


This is my favorite Deck I've built' date=' and I've spent two days on it. [Gadgetron™'] is my idea, so please don't claim it as your own. Thanks to Static for help with this Deck. Please comment. This Deck has the ability to be a Dark Scorpion Gadget Deck or a Different Dimension Gadget Deck. Please don't ask me to use Ancient Gears.[/align]


creative yes, but bad also. where is POA?

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Gila is only useful when your opponent has no monsters in their Graveyard, else he's a 1-1, and that's not good. When I Special Summon him on the First turn and Tribute for Kaiser Glider, I have a good defense. Unless I'm dueling Static's Apprentice Gadget :(

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Star

Ultra bump!


I decided to revive this thread so the new members could see it.


I did update it for the March 2008 Banlist.


This is supposed to be a creative idea.

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