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|Ice| LolFirstSplice ++EDITED++ |Ice|


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First off, this splice is boring. It has very little to it. it's an orange Treeko with some fluff. More additional Growlith stuff could help it, like the stripe, or perhaps finding a way to get even more fluff.


Another thing I find this splice could use is the head fluff to go between Treeko's head lumps. Have it go between there and a little on his forehead would be a nice touch.


Lastly I assume Growlith has a tan underbelly, which you could give to Treeko.


Nothing more to say, simple sprites have very little to comment on.

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First off' date=' this splice is boring. It has very little to it. it's an orange Treeko with some fluff. More additional Growlith stuff could help it, like the stripe, or perhaps finding a way to get even more fluff.


Another thing I find this splice could use is the head fluff to go between Treeko's head lumps. Have it go between there and a little on his forehead would be a nice touch.


Lastly I assume Growlith has a tan underbelly, which you could give to Treeko.


Nothing more to say, simple sprites have very little to comment on.



Okay. Just did. Thanks Jappio.

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