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Resources Thread Listings


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I saw a thread for this in Comments and Suggestions, and instead of sitting around agreeing with them, I actually decided to do something about it.


This is the Resource Listings Thread. What is the point of this, you may ask? Well, as a graphic artist or sprite artist, you may find occasionally you want to use things that other people have made for learning reasons, or perhaps to add something to your piece. However, do you really want to spend hours trudging through Tutorials searching for these things? No, of course you don't. So that is the purpose of this thread.


Obviously, I'm not going to do this on my own, so here's a link substitution form:


Thread Name (please copy/paste):


Pretty simple, right?




Altair's Tutorial House

JG's Custom Pokémon Cards Tutorial

Super Smexy Palace

Jappio's Splicing Tutorial

Blue Ninja's Spriting Tutorial

mythcaptor's Holo Sheet Tutorial

DoxToxx's Holoing Tutorial

Card 'Toonify' Tutorial

Subtype Tutorial

computerwhiz98's Tutorial Thread

Pokefan's Card Egg Tutorial

Userbar Tutorial

Skippy Canoe's GIMP GFX Tutorials


PSDs and XCFs

Staring Into Life [PSD]

JG's PSD Pack [PSD]



DG's OCG Booster Template

Structure Deck Template

TCG Booster Pack Templates

Skippy's Custom SSBB Trophy Template



Please post your thread links![/align]

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Thread Name (please copy/paste): Skyfire and Rain Collab Tag Tutorial

URL: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-175494.html


Thread Name (please copy/paste): You Havn't Got A Prayer Tag Tutorial

URL: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-123873.html


Thread Name (please copy/paste): Skyfire's Divine Tut

URL: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-106030.html

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