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Darkthorne's Cave [NOTHING above 5 points, We do it all and more!] Updated 2/4/08

Draco Straybyrn

Are you satisfied? (Are the prices good for the work?)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Are you satisfied? (Are the prices good for the work?)

    • Yes, very! I'd love to come back!
    • They're alright, I have suggestions.
    • So-so.
    • It's not that great... (Tell me why)
    • Ugh, no! (Reason, please)

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Sorry I didn't see the form. Anyways here:


Username? Ashje

Do you have any IM programs? If so, what (is/are) your username(s)? Yes ,MSN, may I PM you my username on MSN i dont feel comfortable posting it on a forum accessible to anyone.

What unique quality would you bring to the shop? I have many things which only i can do. These Things include Crystalized Tiles, Metallic Glazes, Runic Backgrounds, Runic Glows and TFI Cards as well as having my own holo sheets. To see examples here is a link to my Free Shop(Closed): http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=22589

Why should I pick you among others? I am Friendly and helpful and i am almost always on everyday. Thankyou for taking the time to read this.



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Congratulations ashje, you've been accepted to enter the inner regions of Darkthorne's Cave.


The following items will be sold by you:


- Trainer Cards.

- Custom GIFs (Non-Anime, low quality.)

- Runic Backgrounds (Discuss over MSN)


The following information is required:

- MSN Address (PM Me.)

- Prices!

- Payment Form (Once again, MSN)

- Better grammar. Take English again if you must, but seriously, learn better grammar.



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Don't know why you're forcing me to apply since you pretty much forced me to join, butttttttttttt.....


Username? - Kigzmachine (for now)

Do you have any IM programs? Yes, AIM/MSN and you have them.

If so, what (is/are) your username(s)? - Akurei Katana (AIM) [email protected] (MSN)

What unique quality would you bring to the shop? - Sexiness

Why should I pick you among others? - Because you already did.




^ My graphics showcase thread thing for whoever wants to take a look.

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Guest JoshIcy

umm can you make a pack off of the following image, called

Masters of Machines [attachment=20235]


ill pay yall 5pts... if im satisfied of course XD jk ill pay either way

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Nukyasu, can you be more specific...?


I usually go by these guidelines:




Render: (image being used)

Colors: (background colors)

Size: (size of sig)

Text: (if you want any text)



You told me the text and the color. Can you tell me what size, though? And also which megaman? He comes in quite a few versions ._.

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