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Darkthorne's Cave [NOTHING above 5 points, We do it all and more!] Updated 2/4/08

Draco Straybyrn

Are you satisfied? (Are the prices good for the work?)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Are you satisfied? (Are the prices good for the work?)

    • Yes, very! I'd love to come back!
    • They're alright, I have suggestions.
    • So-so.
    • It's not that great... (Tell me why)
    • Ugh, no! (Reason, please)

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No more orders for me until I finish the current ones. My midterm week is over, which means full days of school + a lot of homework.


Here's the waiting list:


King of Games - Sig Banner

FF7revolution - Shop Banner

Icyblue - Recolor


And I also have a request on Zags' forum as well.



May I ask why my banner is taking so freaking long?


You need to respect that people have lives outside of this forum. Zags is a full time college student with many duties before making things for random people.


I'm sorry if that sounds rude, but it's true.

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Holo Waiting list:


Icyblue ~ Custom Holo1, 2 and Normal Holo. Questions: Where would you like them?


bobscholtz911911 ~ Normal Holo(I think). Questions: I do not know what you mean be silverish Please reffer to the holo sheets on Page 10. Those are the ones I have. I also have this: http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w11/ashje_photo/blueswirl.png

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Guest JoshIcy

Holo Waiting list:


Icyblue ~ Custom Holo1' date=' 2 and Normal Holo. Questions: Where would you like them?



sorry i didnt respond right away... emergency rooms for my eyes...


but i want normal holo, and custom holo 2 on the card itself , and custom holo 1 on the

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Holo Waiting list:


Icyblue ~ Custom Holo1' date=' 2 and Normal Holo. Questions: Where would you like them?



sorry i didnt respond right away... emergency rooms for my eyes...


but i want normal holo, and custom holo 2 on the card itself , and custom holo 1 on the

Done if you dont like it i will redo it as with all my work:


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Guest JoshIcy

wow... kizzi seems good.... can i ask for a banner?

Ancient Gear Golem in the middle, Perfect Machine King on the right, and Heavy Mech Support Platform on the left?

ooh and can it say Icyblue Master of Machines?

~i know heavy mech support platform is weird but i like the card ^_^

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i want to actually see what this membership is about' date=' i'll see it then review it for my Graphics Weekly *coming soon along with a couple of Cyber Goth suprises*. so DT is it ok for you, pm me with what you want for payment.



's just 5 points per month. And I can't let you disclose anything about what's in it in your review, 'cuz that just defeats the entire purpose. To start off the membership process and all that, I'll need to IM with you. So send it to me in a PM or whatever. I can do AIM, Y!, and MSN.

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