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Demons of the Rift (FFV)


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I recently decided that I wanted to make cards based off of the Demons of the Rift in Final Fantasy V.


Melusine, Demon of the Rift


Level 4

Spellcaster / Effect

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned unless your opponent has at least 1 monster on their side of the field. When this card is special summoned, equip this card with 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field (the equipped monster is treated as an equip spell card). This monster's attribute, ATK, and DEF becomes that of the equipped monster. If the equipped monster is destroyed, destroy this card. If this card is destroyed, remove it from play and special summon the equipped monster from the graveyard to your opponent's side of the field.

ATK: 0

DEF: 0


Wendigo, Demon of the Rift


Level 3

Aqua / Effect

When this card is selected as the target of an attack or the effect of a spell or effect monster, flip a coin. If heads, negate the attack or the effect of the spell or effect monster and destroy it. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play. Your opponent can then search his/her deck for an Equip Spell Card and add it to their hand.

ATK: 1400

DEF: 1700


Triton, Demon of the Rift


Level 2

Pyro / Effect

When this card is summoned, you can special summon 1 "Nereid, Demon of the Rift" and 1 "Phobos, Demon of the Rift" from your hand or deck in face-up attack position. Monsters special summoned this way cannot special summon monsters from the deck during the turn they are summoned. While this card is in play, FIRE monsters cannot inflict battle damage or effect damage to your life points. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while you control "Nereid, Demon of the Rift" and "Phobos, Demon of the Rift".

ATK: 1600

DEF: 1400


Nereid, Demon of the Rift


Level 2

Aqua / Effect

When this card is summoned, you can special summon 1 "Triton, Demon of the Rift" and 1 "Phobos, Demon of the Rift" from your hand or deck in face-up attack position. Monsters special summoned this way cannot special summon monsters from the deck during the turn they are summoned. While this card is in play, WATER monsters cannot inflict battle damage or effect damage to your life points. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while you control "Triton, Demon of the Rift" and "Phobos, Demon of the Rift".

ATK: 1500

DEF: 1500


Phobos, Demon of the Rift


Level 2

Fiend / Effect

When this card is summoned, you can special summon 1 "Nereid, Demon of the Rift" and 1 "Triton, Demon of the Rift" from your hand or deck in face-up attack position. Monsters special summoned this way cannot special summon monsters from the deck during the turn they are summoned. While this card is in play, FIRE monsters cannot inflict battle damage or effect damage to your life points. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while you control "Nereid, Demon of the Rift" and "Triton, Demon of the Rift".

ATK: 1400

DEF: 1600


Calofisteri, Demon of the Rift


Level 4

Spellcaster / Effect

Whenever an opponent activates a card effect that targets one or more cards on the field, you can change the target(s) to other appropriate targets on the field. When this card is destroyed, it is removed from play.

ATK: 0

DEF: 1900


Apanda, Demon of the Rift


Level 3

Fiend / Effect

This card must be attacked every turn, if able. If your opponent controls a FIRE monster, this card's effect is negated. Whenever this card deals battle damage to your opponent during your opponent's battle phase, gain life points equal to half the amount. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play.

ATK: 1300

DEF: 2000


Azulmagia, Demon of the Rift


Level 6

Fiend / Effect

This card cannot be special summoned from the deck or graveyard. This card can only be special summoned from the hand by tributing 1 "Demon of the Rift" card on either side of the field. When your opponent activates the effect of an effect monster, you can pay 1000 Life Points to change this card's effect to the effect of the activated card. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play.

ATK: 1700

DEF: 2300


Catastrophe, Demon of the Rift


Level 8

Rock / Effect

This card cannot be special summoned from the deck or graveyard. This card can only be special summoned from the hand by tributing 2 "Demon of the Rift" cards on either side of the field. This card can attack all of your opponent's monsters once each. If the first attack is not negated, this card is unaffected by the effects of spells, traps, or effects of effect monsters until the end of the battle phase. While this card is face-up on the field, neither player can lose life points. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play.

ATK: 2700

DEF: 2400


Halicarnassus, Demon of the Rift


Level 6

Spellcaster / Effect

This card cannot be special summoned from the deck or graveyard except by its own effect. This card can only be special summoned from the hand by tributing 1 "Demon of the Rift" card on either side of the field. When this card is normal summoned or special summoned from your hand, change the ATK and DEF values of all of your opponent's monsters on the field. When this card is destroyed, special summon this card from the graveyard. After this card is special summoned from the graveyard, when it is destroyed, it is removed from play.

ATK: 2400

DEF: 2000


Twintania, Demon of the Rift


Level 5

Beast / Effect

This card cannot be special summoned from the deck or graveyard. This card can only be special summoned from the hand by tributing 1 "Demon of the Rift" card on either side of the field. When this card is summoned, place 2 Flare Counters on this card. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn, while this card is in attack position during your standby phase, place 1 Flare Counter on this card. If this card attacks or is attacked, remove 1 Flare Counter from this card. If this card has 13 Flare Counters on it while "The Void" is in play, you win the game.

ATK: 1200

DEF: 3000


Necrophobe, Demon of the Rift


Level 8

Fiend / Effect

This card cannot be special summoned from the deck or graveyard. This card can only be special summoned from the hand by tributing 2 "Demon of the Rift" cards on either side of the field. When this card is summoned, destroy all monsters on your side of the field, except this card. Then, summon 4 "Barrier Tokens" (DARK / Level 1 / Fiend / 0 ATK / 2500 DEF) on your side of the field in defense position. While you control a "Barrier Token", this card cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play and your opponent draws 2 cards.


Omega, Guardian of the Void LV1


Level 1

Machine / Effect

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned from the deck or graveyard. This card cannot be special summoned from the hand unless "The Void" you control has 5 or more counters on it. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. While this card is face-up on the field, "The Void" cannot be destroyed. Any battle damage you take involving this card becomes 0. When this card is attacked, destroy the attacking monster before damage calculation. When this card is destroyed, it is removed from play and you can special summon 1 "Omega, Guardian of the Void LV2" from your deck, ignoring the summoning conditions.

ATK: 0

DEF: 0


Omega, Guardian of the Void LV2


Level 2

Machine / Effect

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned unless it has been removed from play or by the effect of "Omega, Guardian of the Void LV1". This card cannot be destroyed by battle. While this card is face-up on the field, "The Void" cannot be destroyed. Any battle damage you take involving this card becomes 0. When this card is attacked, destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play and special summon 1 "Omega, Guardian of the Void LV12" from your deck. While this card is removed from play, you cannot special summon "Omega, Guardian of the Void LV1" from your removed from play zone. Once per turn, you can remove 5 counters from "The Void" to perform one of the following effects:


-Look at your opponent's hand and pick one card. The opponent discards that card.

-Destroy 1 card on the field.

-Negate the effects of 1 monster on the field until this card is destroyed.

-Send the top and bottom card of the opponent's deck to the graveyard.

-Reduce the attack power of 1 face-up monster on the field to 0.


ATK: 0

DEF: 0


Omega, Guardian of the Void LV12


Level 12

Machine / Effect

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Omega, Guardian of the Void LV2" while "The Void" is in play and has 10 counters on it. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Any battle damage involving this card is reduced to 0. When this card is attacked, destroy all cards on the opponent's side of the field. This card's effects cannot be negated. You can pay 20000 Life Points. If you do, you win the game. If this card is destroyed, it is removed from play. While this card is removed from play, you cannot special summon "Omega, Guardian of the Void LV2" from your removed from play zone.


ATK: 0

DEF: 0


Shinryu, Servant of the Void


Level 9

Dragon / Effect

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned unless "The Void" is in play and has 5 counters. You can discard this card to the graveyard to add 1 "The Void" from your deck to your hand. When this card is normal summoned, "Demon of the Rift" monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects until the end of the turn. Once per turn, before your draw phase, you can pay 1000 Life Points. If you do, "Demon of the Rift" monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects until the end of the turn.

ATK: 2750

DEF: 2400


Neo Shinryu, Servant of the Void


Level 11

Dragon / Effect

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except by removing 1 "Shinryu, Servant of the Void" that was destroyed from your graveyard from play while "The Void" has 10 counters on it. "Demon of the Rift" monsters are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's spells, traps, and effect monsters. Once per turn, before your draw phase, you can remove any number of counters from "The Void" to special summon 1 "Demon of the Rift" monster from your removed from play zone for every 3 counters removed.

ATK: 3100

DEF: 2800


The Void

Field Spell

Pay half your life points to activate this card. While this card is on your side of the field, any effect damage you take becomes 0. Whenever a monster is removed from play due to its own effect, add 1 counter to this card. You can remove 5 counters to special summon 1 of your removed from play monsters to your side of the field.


The Rift

Continuous Trap

This card cannot be activated while "The Void" is in play. Pay 2000 Life Points to activate this card. While this card is in play, it is treated as "The Void". All "Demon of the Rift" monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF and cannot be destroyed by card effects. Whenever a monster is removed from play due to its own effect, add 1 counter to this card. When "The Void" is put into play, destroy this card and add all counters from this card to "The Void".



Normal Spell

Remove 1 "Demon of the Rift" card from your graveyard from play. Destroy 1 card on the field.



Normal Spell

This card can only be activated when you control a DARK Spellcaster-type monster or a Spellcaster-type "Demon of the Rift" monster. Inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's life points for every "Demon of the Rift" monster removed from play.


Enuo's Malice

Continuous Spell

This card can only be activated while "The Void" is in play. Every time a monster is removed from play by its own card effect, increase your life points by 1000 and decrease your opponent's life points by 200.


Delta Rift

Quick-Play Spell

This card can only be activated while "Triton, Demon of the Rift", "Nereid, Demon of the Rift", and "Phobos, Demon of the Rift" are the only monsters on your side of the field. Negate the activation and effects of all spell and trap cards until the end of the turn.


Feeling of Betrayal

Normal Trap

Destroy 1 "Demon of the Rift" monster to destroy up to 2 cards on the field.


Stillness of Eternity

Counter Trap

Destroy 1 "Demon of the Rift" monster to negate the activation and effect of a spell, trap, or effect monster and destroy it.


Fear of the Void

Normal Trap

Activate only when you control "The Void" and one of your "Demon of the Rift" monsters is selected as an attack target. Destroy the targetted "Demon of the Rift" monster, then change the effect of the attacking monster to "When this monster declares an attack, destroy it and remove it from play before damage calculation."


That's all for now. I decided to omit Exdeath and Enuo as I don't think I would have made them fair.

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