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Yugioh GX: Final Call- Chapter 2(advanced[pg-16])[started-allways accepting]

Bleeding Tears

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(umm, why they leave the pplace, i was gonna do a storyline based on it)


Jaxis appeared, with an angry look on his face, "Fools!"

"You think that just because you es aped to this world, i dont have help here?????"


Mr.Jaxis raised his hand above his head, and dark portawl started pulsing and soldiers appeared and grabbed the people, "Fear ME!, for, the lord of the exiled has COME!"his human fporm started to dissolve and replaced by another: 225845.jpg


"HAHA, Joey, good thing they saved you, or should i said, take you out of you enviorment, for in the old world, you powers WAX!, here they wane, also, you havent recivled old man, Yama Jinn's training to rein buse you powers, now, DIE"

raising his hand agian, he fired dark pulses of energy and imprisoned them in their own minds, mleaving only joey , alone, to face the wrath of the Lord of the Exilled

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"Two things," the priestess spoke up.


"Now what?" Harrison sighed. He was beginning to run out of patience. Just how much was one guy expected to deal with in a single day?


"First, the portal that brought us back seems to still be open, although the precise location of the opening is shifting."


"So they could follow us, and end up anywhere in the school?"




"We'll deal with that as and when it happens. The other thing?"


"There's something in the gardens," she said, giving a shudder, "Something dark. I really don't like it." Suddenly a tall male figure, wearing similar robes to the priestess, shot out of Harrison's deck and through the door.


"What's he doing?" Harrison asked in bewilderment. The other monsters in his deck almost all were duel spirits, but due to their nature it took a lot for any of them to appear. That one had shot out of the deck with no warning and no effort meant only one thing.


Something very bad was happening.


Harrison and the priestess set off in pursuit.

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The priest reached Mr. Jaxis first. "Something Dark, you say?" he asked. Not waiting for a response, he raised the staff he carried above him. It began to glow, dimly at first, but brightening. Their surroundings seemed to be turning white as well.


"Whatever is the darkest thing here," he explained, "will still be visible when the light turns everything else white. Your eyes will be fine - this light will be undetectable by them if it's too bright - I think.




The priestess stopped, so Harrison turned back.


"He's doing something. Don't be an idiot," she muttered, before setting off again. They turned the corner to find several people unconscious around Joey and Mr. Jaxis, and the priest standing there, his staff held aloft and shedding light. Instantly the priestess turned almost invisible. "Ah," she said, "he's using the light that makes evil things stand out more. At least it's not stupid."


"Wow, so you really don't have any darkness in you at all," Harrison muttered. He himself seemed bright, but nowhere near as much as the duel spirit.

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"how did he follow us here." joey complained."o well doesnt really matter . all that matters is we're in my home enviroment!" joey smiled and turned on his duel disk. "now appare genisis Tree!" as joey played the card a large tree the size of a sky scraper appared bathing everyone in its light.

"now come out my warriors of the Genisis Tree. Genisis King, Genisis Warrior, Genisis Queen, Genisis Gardener and Genisis Dragon!" joey monsters all came into view in a protective formation around jaxs and joey. joey smiled and looked at his foe. "you made one hell of a mistake fighting me here."

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Paine was destroyed yet again' date=' causing the Clown Warriors more grief, yet they seemed to be getting into the competitive spirit as well.

Hime grinned again at Seiko.

"Sure. We're fellow teachers, so I would be more than happy to do so! Now, my move!"

Hime drew a card, but chuckled.

"I'll first activate Patchouli again, changing Orihime to Defense Mode to Special Summon Paine again!"

Patchouli repeated what she did last turn, bringing back the sword-wielding clown.

"But now, Orihime can destroy your face-down card!"

Orihime blasted the face-down with her foghorn. (900 DEF)

"And you lose 300 LP, the top card of your deck, and Paine gains 300 ATK."

Yuna shot Seiko again, Rikku stole another card, and Paine powered up. (2400 ATK)

"Finally, I'll play this!"


A huge cannon popped out of Toon World and landed in front of Yuna, giving her some wicked shades as she activated the giant gun. (3000 ATK)

"Now, I end my turn, but not before activating my BFG-9001's effect!"

A widespread laser fired at all of Seiko's face-up monsters, and Orihime, causing them to change battle position. (700 ATK)

"Now, no matter what you do, your monsters can't change battle position normally, and Orihime's effect activates, which, in turn, activates the effects of Yuna, Rikku, and Paine!"

Deathbound Gear Shift went bye bye, and Seiko lost another 300 LP, a card from the top of her Deck, and Paine gained 300 more ATK. (2700 ATK)

"Seiko, this may seem a bit odd, but do you know of any misbehaved students in the girls' dorm? Just let me know, and I'll take care of them for you."


Hime: 5550 LP

Hand: 0

Monsters: Yuna (3000 ATK), Rikku (2100 DEF), Paine (2700 ATK), Patchouli (1000 DEF), Orihime (700 ATK)

Spells/Traps: BFG-9001, Toon World


"Heh.... Sorry, can't say I do." Seiko was fully excited by now. And the best part was... she was definitely going to fight till the end. Put prolonging things would be better.


"Draw!" Seiko, hoping the card she drew would be useful, hoped the duel wouldn't end. Taking a small peek at it, she chuckled.


"Huh... seems like I don't have the best of luck... But I'll have to make due! I play one more card face-down and that's it for now Hime-chan!"


Seiko: 1900 LP

Hand: 0

Monsters: Deathbound Wyvern Mech (2200 DEF)

Spells/Traps: 1 FD

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"My turn! I draw!"

"I use BFG-9001 again to change the position of Orihime!"

The cannon fired again to allow Orihime to use her horn to destroy the face-down.

"And the usual happens."

Yuna fired again, lowering Seiko's Life Points, while Rikku stole another card, and Paine gained 300 more ATK. (3000 ATK)

"Now, Paine, attack her Mech!"

Paine sliced open the wyvern, destroying it.

"Yuna, finish her off!"

Yuna briefly saluted as the cannon charged up.

"Clown Conversion Cannon!"

The purple beam fired at Seiko. For a second, while she was in the beam, Seiko appeared to look like she had been turned into a Clown Warrior, but the effect faded once she was out.

Hime walked over to her foe, and helped her up.

"Good game! You really had me on my toes for a while!"

She then shook her hand, but then leaned in close.

"Could you meet me in the woods tonight?" Hime whispered. "Alone? There's something private I want to ask you."

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Dominique actually cheered once Hime won, and so did several other students. The rest jst stood there, astounded at the amazing duel they had just witnessed.

Wow! I wanna be like that when I become a pro! Well, maybe not have impossible proportions or Clown cards, but I still wanna kick butt!"

Whoa! She realized. I haven't been this excited and happy since I got here!

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Human APP

Name: Donovan Fate


Age: 13

School Year(First, Second, Third, Final): Second

Dorm:Ra Yellow

Appearence: Blonde hair to his shoulders, blue eyes, Cross Necklace

Bio: Donovan has been using his Crystal Beast deck for a long time, and so they have chosen to be his guardian. All of them will do whatever it takes to protect him. He saved them once in a fight with another duel spirit, so they made him a special Ra Yellow uniform that he tells his friends his best friend back at home gave him. It has no collar, black lightning-looking marks on it, and has a picture of Ruby Carbuncle on the back. He looks good to the ladies, so they are all over him. But he has a Girlfriend, and she may be arriving at the academy soon.

Deck: Crystal Beasts

Best Card(also duel spirit): All crystal beast monsters (Excluding Rainbow Dragon)

Personality: Very gentle, caring, loving, and fun(ny)

Sorry if I interrupted anything. I must say first that I had no plans of starting out immideatly. I will find a good time for me to enter the story.

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"Good game! You really had me on my toes for a while!"

She then shook her hand' date=' but then leaned in close.

"Could you meet me in the woods tonight?" Hime whispered. "Alone? There's something private I want to ask you."



Seiko accepted the loss gracefully. She saw that there was a crowd of students around them and then realized.


"AHHHH! I was so caught up in the duel I didn't notice the bell ringing!" She then remembered that there was no afternoon classes scheduled today, which made her give a sigh of relief. She then responded to Hime,


"Private...? If it's important, then sure! We're friends afterall!" She nodded and made her way into the school, having left her bag in the classroom.

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Hime walked away, smirking at her possible acquisition.

I know Daddy told me not to do this, but I'm sure she'll love it! And I only did it to that maid because she was being such a b***h! She deserved to become a Clown Warrior for a few weeks! At least she now has a sense of humor!

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Dominique headed back to her dorm room and did her homework. She then hit the library for some surf time and logged into her online RP, "Duel Monsters Academy Online!", where you could play as a Duel Academy student from the Jaden Yuki era.

How ironic that I'm playing a game based off of a school that I'm at, which is based off of a children's card game!

Dominique played as "The Grimm One", a powerful Fabled user who was currently one of the higher-ranking students in the game.

I can't believe I'm actually playing as a version of myself who is the opposite gender! I bet no one can really tell who's gender is what online!


((If you can tell me what's ironic here, I'll give you a rep.))

((Hint: It has to do with a roleplayer on this thread.))

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"What?" the priest cried as everything went dark.


"It's hiding from us," the priestess told Harrison, "this could be difficult."


"I see," Harrison replied, pulling out his deck and selecting a card. He held it aloft, and the priestess aimed her staff at it.


"For the sealed powers," she chanted, "I call dimensions together. Release the power, cross the void. I call upon, The Staff of the Powerkeepers!"


A large staff emerged from the card and shot at the priestess, who caught it and in one move passed it over to the priest. He caught it and held it up. The light returned, but this time it was interspersed with the darkness, forming a striped pattern, and honing in on the source of the darkness.

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joey watched as the fight between light and darkness contuined. he turned to jaxis who was grinning evily.

"what the hell are you doing jaxis!' joey yelled but before he had time to get a response his plant warrios knocked jaxis away from him and cyrcled around him.

"guys why did you do that i thought he was on our side!" joey asked. the plant warriors shook their heads and genisis dragon looked at jaxis angerly. suddly the darkness grew and only the light from the Genisis tree was visible.

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Darkness?, why Joey, young and naive, this is merely an cloaking spell, we of the golden descent will die exposed to this much light, the darkness is an way to cloak my escape before Valarie arrives with the rest of the shadowsworn. "Extends hand" will you come joey? will you help me? quickly, soon the shadowsworn will be here.

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"get away from me now!" joey yelled. the genisis tree in response to joey distress lit up with a blinding glow. his plant warriors knocked jaxis away from joey agian."jaxis i will not be used for your own personaly gain. now begone from me or suffer the rath of the genisis warriors!" joey didnt even understand what he was saying the words just flowed from his mouth.

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Joey sat on the ground as his monsters disipared all except for his genisis dragon."your always here from me buddy arnt you." joey hopped on his dragons back and flew off to his dorm where he hid. he locked the door then pulled out a card from his deck setting it on the floor letting is light cast a protective barrior around him. "this is gonna be one long school year."

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The priest, and the larger staff, disappeared after Jaxis did.


"This makes no sense," Harrison sighed, "so what, Jaxis is from another dimension, and has an evil side?" Having seen Joey defend himself, he had decided to walk back towards the school. Maybe that duel hadn't finished yet.


"I think so," the priestess replied, apparently just as confused.


"What's more, I suspect there's more to Joey than even the people of that dimension know about. What a day! First one of the teaches is a duel spirit, and then another one turns out to be a schizophrenic baron from another dimension. The board really needs to work on it's hiring policy."


The duel between the other teachers had finished. "Shame," he muttered, carrying on to his office. He sat down to his desk, looking at the paperwork still to be done.


"You're not going to get anything done, are you?" she asked.


"No." He leaned into one of the draws and opened it. Inside were several decks of cards, as well as a rack of single cards. He pulled out, apparently at random, one of these cards, and looked at it, seemingly undecided on something. Eventually he stood again, put it into his pocked, and walked out, the priestess drifting after him.

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